Here are the five Tyrian Gods, and here are their stories:

So what can we infer about them from their stories, and the dates which are noted on them? Furthermore it seems that there are matching gods for most classes but where are the gods for the Elementalists, Assassins and Ritualists? Most importantly the Elementalists, seeing as to how these gods are Tyrian gods not Canthan. (Perhaps Melandru is the Elementalist god? - Though it seems much more like the Ranger god - or perhaps it is some unknown god entirely?)
So, discuss the nature of these gods, why are some missing or "unseen" (perhaps look into that a little bit even?), share any knowledge you have on them, anything about their stories, what exactly is this "exodus" that is spoken of or any neat lil theories you may have!

P.S. I apologize to all of the 56k people out there, but I didn't really feel like typing all of that when it was all but too easy to screenshot.|||Assassins: Grenth and Lyssa
Earth ele: Melandru
Water ele: Grenth
Fire ele: Balthasar
Air Ele: Dwayna
Energy storage -> Lyssa?
Ritualists: Grenth|||Melandru is the godess of rangers. also, with the new bonuses on the rez shrines, none take +1 to elementalist attributes, like how there is on Melandru +1 to all ranger attributes. they all have +1 to each attribute individually, like +1 to fire magic. this means that there seems to be no patron god of elementalists..
and yeah it does seem weird that in Cantha they don't worship other gods, for instance one for ritualists and one for asassins, and mabey even one for elementalists.|||If you go before the rez shrines and kneel at them while your region has favor, the spirit that comes out we give you powers based on your class and which god that class worships. I can't remember off the top of my head right now which is which though.|||It goes like this:
Dwayna: Healing and Protection Monks, Air Elementalists
Grenth: Necromancers, Assassisns, Ritualists, and Water Elementalists
Balthazar: Warriors, Smiting Monks, Fire Elementalists
Lyssa: Mesmers, and often Assassins as well, I think?
Melandru: Ranger and perhaps Earth Elementalists. In Cantha, Melandru is sort of forgotten.
It's off the top of my head for the moment, but this comes out of the information I remembered from the Manuscrips.|||Ritualists worship Grenth most of the time. They also derive powers from their ancestors, which is an older magic than the magic the Gods gave to humans. Thus, the profession originally didn't worship any particular god, they already had their own Spiritual power.
Now, that power is blended with magic... which is why most Rits worship or at least respect Grenth.
Assassins also worship Grenth and Lyssa (Death and Illusion, after all). In cantha, it seems Grenth is the god they pray to most. However, the Canthans aren't as religious as Tyrians, they're much more spiritual if that makes sense. They're also more imperial.
Kurzicks DO worship the gods, though... they are even more religious than Tyrians.|||If your region has favor, and you find a Ressurection Shrine of a God, you'll find that their blessings are as follows:
Dwayna: +1 to Monk attributes or +1 to Air Magic.
Balthazaar: +1 to Warrior attributes or +1 to Fire Magic.
Grenth: +1 to Necromancer attributes, Ritualist attributes, or +1 to Water magic.
Melandru: +1 to Ranger attributes or +1 to Earth Magic.
Lyssa: +1 to Mesmer attributes, Assassin attributes, or +1 to Energy Storage.
Also they have a host of other blessings, depending on their type. For example, Dwayna gives +10 armor, while Menaldru gives +50 Health. Balthazaar gives 10% armor penetration to all attacks, and Lyssa gives +10 Energy.
Usually they will have 2 'buff-type' blessings, in addition to the attribute ones, and the Favor of the Gods (+2% Morale Bonus).|||I dont know exactly where this comes from...some of the Kurzick NPC's talk about it I think. Merlandru is sort of forgotten because of the whole havest temple incident - her charge, the living world, was warped and changed beyond return, and so the Kurzicks not to pray to her very often thinking she through the wardens are angry with them.
As for her being forgotten, this is true...In all my travels of Cantha (okay, I'm only at 63%) I've only seen 3 statues to her - one in Merlandru's Hope, On deep within the city and the one in Zin Ku Corridor (wrong name?)
Mularc|||Actually, the Kurzicks believe Melandru has abandoned them due to the petrification of the forest. She isn't forgotten, just "lost" in a sense due to the Echovald Forest being turned to stone. They feel Melandru was chased away by the Jade Wind and left the Kurzicks to fend for themselves. It may be true if you consider the nature of the Old Gods.|||The Luxons share a bit of a similar viewpoint, although I think I heard some NPC say that she's not gone, merely dormant, sleeping underneath the jade.