This is the first chapter concentrating on invertebrates. To the layman that is bugs and other squishy things. Note that this only references non-tameable, non-pet animals. There are many pet threads elsewhere. Please do not discuss pets here.
Please let the Tyrian Zoological Survey (just me for the moment...but hey it sounds so lovely and pompous) know if they have missed anything. I'd like to keep this updated and correct. Just contact me on one of my ign's below. I tend to be on late PST.
Tarnished Coast Coral. Coral is found throughout Tyria and is most easily seen at Lion�s Arch Harbor. Coral used to live in the Jade Sea of Cantha, but today its brittle remains form a painful barrier to travel. Such shallow water coral is an indication that the waters around Lion�s Arch are probably quite warm.
Tarnished Coast Coral
Unidentified. This strange creature is found in Lion�s Arch Harbor. It is still debatable as to if this is an animal or a plant.
Giant Ascalon Land Snail. Believed extinct in the Searing, this huge mollusk is known to have produced large and precious pearls.
Giant Ascalon Land Snail
Sea Stars Found in Lion�s Arch harbor, these creatures are often seen in groups.
sea stars
Shing Jea Giant Star. Found on the north shore of Shing Jea Island, the petrified remains of these sea stars are also found in the Jade Sea.
Giant Sea Star
Sea Star in Jade Sea
Krytan Spider Crab. A staple of the Krytan diet, these crabs are seen at the market in Lion�s Arch and in the pot at Bergen Hot Springs. Also, I believe I have observed this crab in one of the guildhalls.
Krytan Spider Crabs
Shing Jea Tiger Claw Crab. A beach combing crab found only on Shing Jea island
Shing Jea Crab
Black Curtain Orb Weaver. An impressive spider of face-sized proportions, this spider is found in Kryta around poison water swamps.
Ascalon Mottled Yellow. A yellow butterfly that was once very common in Ascalon. There have been sightings post-searing near Old Ascalon.
Ascalon Mottled Yellow
Ascalon Clouded White. Believed extinct after the Searing. Any sightings should be reported.
Ascalon Clouded White
Ascalon Giant Moth. Believed extinct after the Searing. Any sightings should be reported. This moth was encounted near Wizard's Folly. Subject hovers approximately 10ft from ground, so a clear picture is difficult.
Ascalon Giant Moth
Tyrian Morpho Blue. Extinct in Ascalon, but still thriving in Kryta and Maguuma. Can most easily be viewed in Sanctum Cay.
Tyrian Morpho Blue
Dragonfly. Unsure of status in Ascalon as this image was captured shortly before searing. Field operative is currently scouring wetlands in Tyria and Elona for signs of this elusive and beautiful insect, nearly 8 inches long.
Honey Bees. Unsure of status in Ascalon, an informant told me there are what appear to be bee hives in Kryta. Will investigate.
Honey Bees
Blood Flies. Found in dark miasmal areas of Kryta and Maguuma, especially around undead activity. These were encountered in the canyon leading to Majesty�s Rest.
Blood Flies|||Quite the zoologist... Nice collection! How late did you stay up photo-shopping these? Or did you do that this morning? Did you see the crab cooking in North Kryta Province (mission town)?|||I can't remember my second grade or high school freshman science lessons... Are fish invertebrae?
Also, my friend who works at SeaWorld (San Diego) refuses to say "starfish" and instead refers to them as "seastar"... because "they are not fish!" Comments on this? :D
(borrows Kalidri's thought bubble)
.oO0 (I guess it's kinda like panda... in Mandarin, panda is "mao-xiong [cat bear]" or "xiong-mao [bear cat]"... and people always ask "is it a cat or a bear??")
There are crabs cooking in the Gates of Kryta mission town... ><"
<-- Don't like seafood.|||Fish are vertebrates. Fish will be the next section because there are so many fish in GW...started to do it this morning and decided to just do bugs n stuff! Yes I did miss out on the North Kryta crabs...also my sister told me there are giant hermit crabs in luxon territory that I should document. Also planning a section on Jade Sea Paleontology (that is all the stuff fossilized in Jade).
I agree on the starfish thing actually. They really are nowhere like fish....they are anatomically very peculiar (speaking from experience, having cut up alot of invertebrates for my degrees). Eyes on the end of the legs, mouth in the center, movement by hydrolics, and suction cup feet...very weird.|||Such a shame that we never do get to see the Giant Ascalonian Land Snail.
Snails are FTW.

Good Bestiary.|||Weird, never have even noticed those spiders. Not only that, but I didn't know that starfish weren't fish..
Anywho..Good bestiary, must have taken awhile to find all of those.|||Blood flies! Grrr. Those buggers mucked up a lot of my screens I'd taken the first time I wandered through that area.
On another note: like others have said, quite the collection you've amassed. Hadn't ever seen (or noticed) the Black Orb Curtain Weaver before (or if I had I was a little too preoccupied to give it more than a passing glance). I like the list, thanks for sharing.

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