-The Charr used the magic for the searing that uses the crystals
-The magic was given to them by the Titans
-The Titans were following the orders of Abbadon
-The Titans are similar in nature to the destroyers
-Are the titans the first failed creation of Primordus?
- If Abbadon created the Titans, why are they so similar to the destroyers?
-Is this why the destroyers are similar in creation but lacking free will?
-Why did Abbadon turn on the other gods?
-Was it due to the fact that he sided with the dragons?
-Did he find a way to siphon or duplicate their power? If he did siphon dragon power, was he also corrupted?
-Did Abbadon align with Primordus?
-Did he possibly betray Primordus and the Titans sided with Abaddon for freedom?
-Did Abbadon use dragon power to create the Titans?
-Svanir became corrupted and turned evil. His bear form now possessed a blue/white colour and was covered in crystals much like Glint. The curse is presumably from the frozen dragon in the lake.
-Why does Svanirs corrupted bear form have such a similarity in looks and color to Glint?
-Is this proof of the searing magic given to the Charr by the Titans actually dragon magic that was possibly stolen or duplicated by Abaddon?
If the ancient dragons are generally presumed evil, then why are Glint and Kunvaang generally good?
Delete this if it serves no purpose.|||so the dragons were the scource of all evil in GW?|||yes he says that|||Quote:

I wasn't sure whether or not to add it to another lore thread
-The Charr used the magic for the searing that uses the crystals-Correct
-The magic was given to them by the Titans-Correct
-The Titans were following the orders of Abbadon-Correct
-The Titans are similar in nature to the destroyers-Correct
-Are the titans the first failed creation of Primordus?-Perhaps
- If Abbadon created the Titans, why are they so similar to the destroyers?-He observed the Destroyers and tried to replicate them?
-Is this why the destroyers are similar in creation but lacking free will?-Perhaps
-Why did Abbadon turn on the other gods?-They disagreed with him on giving magic to the creatures of Tyria. Sort of like Prometheus and giving fire to humans
-Was it due to the fact that he sided with the dragons?-See above.
-Did he find a way to siphon or duplicate their power? If he did siphon dragon power, was he also corrupted?-Possible, I suppose.
-Did Abbadon align with Primordus?-I doubt it.
-Did he possibly betray Primordus and the Titans sided with Abaddon for freedom?-I doubt it..
-Did Abbadon use dragon power to create the Titans?-No, Titans are the tortured souls of people.
-Svanir became corrupted and turned evil. His bear form now possessed a blue/white colour and was covered in crystals much like Glint. The curse is presumably from the frozen dragon in the lake.
-Why does Svanirs corrupted bear form have such a similarity in looks and color to Glint?-No clue, but the above is a good observation about the spikes..
-Is this proof of the searing magic given to the Charr by the Titans actually dragon magic that was possibly stolen or duplicated by Abaddon?-I don't know about proof, but I suppose it's possible.
If the ancient dragons are generally presumed evil, then why are Glint and Kunvaang generally good?-Ancient Dragons=Not Gods' creations. Glint and Kuunavang=Gods' creations.
Delete this if it serves no purpose.
I'll respond to the rest later.
Edit: My responses are in bold.|||Gmr Loen thanks for the brief answers you put with my questions. It's appreciated. I'm not a fan of having to read through tons of stuff to find what I'm looking for. As for my thought's on the duplicating dragon magic, to me it's seems to be further prove by the fact the Gods created dragons of their own albeit far less powerful.|||Quote:
The Titans are similar in nature to the destroyers
i dont really see any similarities
destroyers are like borg, ruled by a singular mind,
fiery like there 'queen'
titans are spirits that manifest as the dominent form as there surounding. they dont seems to have a single hivemind.|||ok mainly the people misled by abaddon tend to turn evil-wise but how come we don't see demonised charr since abaddon made them do the searing like the Lich nuked orr?|||We don't see "demonized Charr" because the Searing and the Cataclysm had different affects and the Charr were not corrupted, Shiro and Khilbron were. The Charr were led by the Titans to attack the humans, none were actually corrupted.
The difference between the Cataclysm and the Searing is that the Searing burned things to the ground while the Cataclysm destroyed things. The Cataclysm turned things into undead, which is why Khilbron became a Lich, the Searing just simply burned things and created Crystals, nothing to change the looks of the Charr.
I have a feeling both the Searing and the Cataclysm will be made to being powers of the Ancient Dragons, because 1. The Undead Dragon is under Orr and 2. the Cauldron of Cataclysm (the thing used to create the Searing) is "said to be older and more powerful then the Titans."
But do keep in mind that there are Charr in the Realm of Torment, so they were "touched by Abaddon" none-the-less. So in that aspect, we do see "demonized" charr, they just are not physically demonized, only spiritually (and being sent to the Realm of Torment caused them to turn against their Titan "gods").|||Is the Cauldron of catacmysm which the charr used to start the Searing created by the ancient dragons? Well I found this in GW2 wki, ecology of the charr:
"When the Charr next struck against Ascalon, it was with all the fury of destiny denied. With a magic item known as the Cauldron of Cataclysm, the Shamans called forth the magic of the Titans and performed the Ritual of the Searing. It is said the Cauldron’s magic was older than the Charr, older even than recorded history, and forged by ancient entities fallen into sleep and quiescence. "
sleep and quiescence. quiescence means "at rest" (aka hibernating dragons)
Is this true? sorry if it has been mentioned or noted already. it just surprised me.|||Quote:

Is the Cauldron of catacmysm which the charr used to start the Searing created by the searing?
Er..I don't exactly see how that would work..Typo?
"When the Charr next struck against Ascalon, it was with all the fury of destiny denied. With a magic item known as the Cauldron of Cataclysm, the Shamans called forth the magic of the Titans and performed the Ritual of the Searing. It is said the Cauldron’s magic was older than the Charr, older even than recorded history, and forged by ancient entities fallen into sleep and quiescence. "
sleep and quiescence. quiescence means "at rest" (aka hibernating dragons)
Is this true? sorry if it has been mentioned or noted already. it just surprised me.
It doesn't mean that it was created by the Ancient Dragons, merely that it is hinted at.
Edit: Hope you don't mind, I realized there were several threads covering this topic, so I decided to merge them all.
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