I'm not sure how to organize this, so let's just go with it.

Probably nothing significant here, but it looks like one can see bits of Arah in the background. With the taller piece probably being a tower peaking above the waves.

Apparently a carved symbol of some kind. Religious symbol, perhaps? Whatever the case, it doesn't appear to be atop a boat, as far as I can tell.

Interestingly, it would appear the Charr have decided to leave the old Ascalonian architecture alone, at least, in the outskirts.

It is unclear where precisely this dam is supposed to be, but it seems easy to suspect it being in Elona, or perhaps even the southern reaches of the Crystal Desert, assuming Palawa Joko has built a system of dams to there.

It is also unclear where this takes place, but, to dispel the idea that someone held elsewhere, it is not a Dwarf seen here, but what would appear to be a Norn and a Human. Perhaps in a dungeon or ruins.

Likewise, it is unclear where this is supposed to be. It would appear that it's an island, and the ships seem reminiscent of the Istani, Elonian, or Corsair style, based on the coloration.

The areas I've highlighted in a way, appear interesting. The Asuran gates, for instance, no longer have the rotating parts that we see in present designs, and the highlighted structure next to it, I suspect to be a new, more refined, geomystic generator, which I'll provide more support for shortly.

This is a very impressive advancement for the Asura, in my opinion. While we can't be certain, it appears to be architecture constructed out of pure magical energy. Note not just the roof, but the bridge beneath it. Absolutely stunning.


I'm not precisely sure on what these are supposed to be. At first, I jokingly thought to myself they were Asuran portals to jump through, but it seems more likely they're energy relays. Transmitting the energy from one, to the next below it, to the next, until it reaches where it's being directed to.

This seems to be similar to the first piece of architecture I noted at first, perhaps being a more refined geomystic generator. Although it's difficult to tell due to the darkness, but the little "electrical" fences that seem to be either headed to it or going away from it may support this speculation.


Golemancers finally taking on a more hands-on approach, controlling and fighting with their golems, instead of just creating them? Interesting thought.

And yet again we see this little piece of architecture, which, considering what's surrounding it, and the purple blocks beneath it, it seems possible it's what I've been repeating, a geomystic generator. If it's unclear, I'm talking about the building to the far right of the screenshot.

Now departing from the Asuran lands..We have the Northern Shiverpeaks! Note, the easily, very easily, unnoticeable feature of Dwarven architecture in the distance. I can't say with certainty where this city is supposed to be, but it can definitely be said in its Dwarven territory. As to the functioning of the sails, I'm uncertain, but it struck me as being possible the city is on a glacier, and, since it's a Norn settlement, it would make sense for the city to be nomadic, as they are, so the sails may be to hasten the movement of the glacier. Not to mention, it does appear to be in melted water.
Really though, I can't be certain what the sails are used for, they may just be to help power flames for a furnace, or something more mundane.

And now arriving at the Maguuma Jungle, we can see a multitude of interesting, easily unnoticed features. First off, at the top, upon one of the traversivines, we see strange looking creatures, what are they? It's hard to say, but their posture seems reminiscent of the Charr, however, we cannot be certain.
Next to them, we see an interesting new structure, probably Sylvari-made, that shares appearances with those of the assumed-to-be-Druid structures in the Maguuma, meaning it could merely be an unseen piece of Druidic architecture.
And across from that, we have what appears to be a mushroom of sorts, possibly a fountain, but the general appearance seems to suggest a mushroom.
Below that, and the traversivine, we have the silhouette of a figure walking towards the larger plant structure, ignoring the other two figures that run past. It's difficult to say what gender the figure is, but it seems to me male, but that's just going off of its gait.
Beyond that figure, we have the silhouette of two figures within the larger plant structure the figure is approaching. One of the figures appears greener, obviously taller, perhaps female, and beside that figure is a shorter, grayer figure, that might be an Asura. It may be an "elder" Sylvari speaking with an Asura, perhaps the Sylvari being a leader of some sort, or merely a friend. Very unclear on that.

Now, suddenly, entering the technological madhouse of the Charr, we have what is most likely the Iron Citadel. As highlighted in the upper right corner, one can see what appears to be the remnants of ruins, most likely of Rin, if this is the Iron Citadel. The other highlighted piece is just an interesting new adornment, depicting, one can assume, a Charr face.

And we have more Charr, apparently in some unknown burnt land that we may have yet to encounter. Oddly, there is a hand grasping a torch dominating the scene, but whether the Charr carved it, or some other beings carved it, is completely unknown and unclear.

After that, we have the sudden introduction of a dragon, that is almost certainly dead. It doesn't shown any sign of life, if it were alive, one would think its breath would blow the banners in front of it, or blow down the tents that appear to be in front of it that I have enlarged. Interestingly, this dragon has a nose-ring, suggesting either it was placed there while it was alive, or after its death, with the former seeming to imply it was controlled, or attempted to be controlled, by some other entity. Whatever the case, it is almost certainly dead now, and is most likely not Zhaitan, as Zhaitan has yet to die, and it appears to be in a barren wasteland, which Arah is most definitely not, from all descriptions provided of it in in the Manuscripts and in the Movement of the World.


And..Surprise! It would appear Naga have somehow found their way into Ascalon. It is unclear as to how this happened, but the why is easily explained by Emperor Usoku of Cantha's ejection of all other races, with those that would not being killed. As to the how of how they got there, it's possible that there are in fact underground water channels the Naga knew of that led to Ascalon; although this is based only on the evidence of the water channels in Shing Jea Island, that supplied water to mainland Cantha.

Unknown figures in the background, attired in red..Order of Whispers, perhaps? Interesting detail that some may have overlooked in the watching of the trailer.
And..Alright, that's it for all the in-game stuff I found interesting. Use Rob's thread for discussion of the concept art shown in the trailer please, except of course for the pieces I have used in this thread. Hope you've enjoyed my analysis.|||From GW2Guru:

Likewise, it is unclear where this is supposed to be. It would appear that it's an island, and the ships seem reminiscent of the Istani, Elonian, or Corsair style, based on the coloration.
Based on the plants, I think that is in Kryta. Which is why I believe that it is Lion's Arch. In many fantasy stories dealing with pirates, a "pirate haven" is usually either a giant boat, system of boats, or a dark island.

This is my glovehand.
Golemancers finally taking on a more hands-on approach, controlling and fighting with their golems, instead of just creating them? Interesting thought.
It also seems at least the concept art of the Chronomancer is going into the Asura.

I don't think there were enough subtle features, do you?
And now arriving at the Maguuma Jungle, we can see a multitude of interesting, easily unnoticed features. First off, at the top, upon one of the traversivines, we see strange looking creatures, what are they? It's hard to say, but their posture seems reminiscent of the Charr, however, we cannot be certain.
Next to them, we see an interesting new structure, probably Sylvari-made, that shares appearances with those of the assumed-to-be-Druid structures in the Maguuma, meaning it could merely be an unseen piece of Druidic architecture.
The being on top could also be a Troll (they do have a tall hunched over posture) as well. As for the structure, it could be a hint that those older structures are not Druidic, but instead could be created from the nightmare's origin in the Dream of Dream (i.e., I'm bringing up the possibility that the Sylvari as a full race may not be as young as we are told).

Who's a good dragon? A dragon that dies to become a home for some wanderer, that's who!
...Whatever the case, it is almost certainly dead now, and is most likely not Zhaitan, as Zhaitan has yet to die, and it appears to be in a barren wasteland, which Arah is most definitely not, from all descriptions provided of it in in the Manuscripts and in the Movement of the World.
But one cannot deny the similarities. Meaning that the dragons are not one-of-a-kind in looks. Suggesting even more, possibly extinct, dragons.

Ever get the feeling you're being watched?
Unknown figures in the background, attired in red..Order of Whispers, perhaps? Interesting detail that some may have overlooked in the watching of the trailer.
If those are the Order of Whispers, looks like they gave up the 100% no identity shown idea.|||And my response from there:
The being on top could also be a Troll (they do have a tall hunched over posture) as well. As for the structure, it could be a hint that those older structures are not Druidic, but instead could be created from the nightmare's origin in the Dream of Dream (i.e., I'm bringing up the possibility that the Sylvari as a full race may not be as young as we are told).
I thought the same thing about the Sylvari possibly being older, but with no solid support, I kept it to myself. As to those creatures being trolls, if you look at the one farther to the right, it appears as though it has a shield on its back, so it seems to support the Charr possibility a bit more.
If those are the Order of Whispers, looks like they gave up the 100% no identity shown idea.
That, or they're just archivists/maintainers of Durmand Priory, meaning not actual operatives.|||Spoiler

In my book that is a "Sailing Iceberg-Catamaran-Fortress" . In my picture you can see the two hulls and the main mast in the middle. A little bit later we see it is populated by what does not look like player characters or friendly spawn. Considering the event-based gameplay, a bunch of nasty Polarbears might be riding in on this thing from time to time to harass the players. The idea of a sailing fortress really bleeds win and is one fantastic piece of over the top fantasy.
As far as the Asura go, I guess they are retooling the moon into the Deathstar as we speak.|||I'm pretty sure the Sailing Iceberg-Catamaran-Fortress is a Norn stronghold, possibly part of Hoelbrek. And I'm pretty sure those Polarbear mobs are Nornbears.|||Those polarbears are indeed Norns in Bear Form. Concept art proves this much.|||I Thought that that Dam was the great northern wall, but why would the charr rebuild it...
So nevermind.|||Quote:

I Thought that that Dam was the great northern wall, but why would the charr rebuild it...
So nevermind.
that dam looks more like a 20th century hydro-electric contraption. The great wall has distinct Roman features and is build from many individual stones (although they are larger than your average Roman wall). The dam appears to be one piece of concrete.
And before people say that this was too modern, early examples of concrete can be found as early 1600 b.c. in the minion cities. (Not the concrete Evans used to ruin Knossos, more the one the ancient architects used for the streets of Malia.
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