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Edit by Gmr Leon, adding in some missed pieces, if there are duplicates, it's due to the pics being higher quality, hope you don't mind Rob! (of course not, by all means)



























That Dam shown around 2:26 and the area the final heroes are standing around 4:09 seems Elonian to me. We know Palawa dammed the Elon, and there's no large river like that in Tyria. The area seems rather arid as well.|||GW2 art pic 1 - That looks like the Ring of Fire area to me, though someone from GW2Guru says it looks like where Primordus was before awakening.
GW2 art pic 2 - Is it just me, or is there a dragon in the fog?
GW2 art pic 3 - Hmmm, "Grothmar's" nature twistings?
GW2 art pic 4 - No clue...
GW2 art pic 5 - Crystal Desert with geysers?
GW2 art pic 6 - Northern Shiverpeaks, with the Modniir Centaurs.
GW2 art pic 7 - Norn Bearform, go go polar bear.
GW2 art pic 8 - Flooding forest it looks like - probably depicting the Tarnished Coast during Orr's rising. Or just a high wave spot around the Bay of Sirens.
GW2 art pic 9 - Golem prototype?
GW2 art pic 10 - Human Gunner - concept name is "Gunner" - forgot where it can be found at. But it's guns don't look much like guns (possibly "Asuran guns"...)
GW2 art pic 11 - My guess? "Grothmar" in the northern desert. Possibly at the base of the Blazeridge.
GW2 art pic 12 - Looks like Drakkar corrupted Centaurs (that blue doesn't look like tattoos on the arms).
GW2 art pic 13 - Some form of giant. Hope it's not Jottun, they are a pain without armor...
GW2 art pic 14 - I swear that looks like a second Searing...
GW2 art pic 15 - Ascalonian Spectres from Ascalon City and the Eastern Frontier.
@ about 4:01 you can see Naga-like creatures in the Ascalonian Lakes.
And the boat-structures, I think is Lion's Arch. Would make sense to me as a "Corsair haven." Most pirate safehouses focus around boat structures.|||You're missing the Charr wielding a flamethrower.|||There is no Charr wielding a flamethrower. There is a Charr wielding a flaming sword much like the FDS, and there is a Charr with a nice long gun. But nothing says the gun is a flamethrower. Especially since the Charr has bullets.|||I've seen the gun and the flaming sword. I'm not talking about those.
There's one at 4:28 or 4:29 who has a long gun attached to a tube attached to a flaming backpack.
Look as I might, I don't see it as anything else than a flamethrower.|||Quote:

There is no Charr wielding a flamethrower. There is a Charr wielding a flaming sword much like the FDS, and there is a Charr with a nice long gun. But nothing says the gun is a flamethrower. Especially since the Charr has bullets.
This looks suspiciously much like a Charr with a flamethrower...|||Thanks Sir Jack, I was looking for it to post here.|||So far I can see numerous instances of dual wielding, and there is a double sword. Melike :)
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