Saturday, April 21, 2012

Map Travel: It's not just for game mechanics any more.

Okay, so I'm sure some people noticed the quest given by the little boy outside the Sunspear Hall in the Nightfall preview, where he talks about map travel. By chance does anyone have the text of his dialogue? I didn't think to record it at the time.

What I find interesting is that this quest has now moved map teleportation from the realm of fourth-wall-transcending game mechanics and made it solidly part of the "real world" lore. As such, we must be able to deduce some sort of explanation as to how it works, and why it works the way it does, i.e, not being able to access cities until they are first entered by physical travel, etc.

When I got that quest, it seemed obvious to me that map travel is linked to the portals at the gates of cities (which are now much more visibly obvious in Nightfall as large disks of energy that distort the views behind them like glass, rather than as nacreous swirling blurs).

When I have time to sit and think through the logical ways this would all work and the ramifications of it, I'll post more, but I figured it would be an interesting topic to bring up for discussion.|||The most easy or quick explanation would be that a basic spell of 'recall' is taught to all childs. Everyone knows that spell.... And people doesn't need a skill slot for it because it's like an 'inherent ability' for them.|||lots of tutorial quests break the fourth wall, this one just happens to be a little further along.|||The concept of map travelling is discussed in the Teleportation Dial thread in the Tyrian Lore Forum.|||Great. That's totally unhelpful however unless a link is included. I see no threads on teleportation dials.|||Watch your attitude, I don't appreciate it.

I did a simple forum search for the phrase "Teleporation Dial" and I found the thread in question:|||What attitude? It was a simple observation.

Thanks for the link. My searches didn't find that somehow. It seems, though, that the linked thread is more of a discussion on where these dials came from, who Lord Orran was, and how or why he did what he did, rather than the actual mechanics of how map travel works.|||If I remember correctly the child says you mark towns you know of on your map and then when you wish to go there you focus on it and then you teleport to the place you were focusing on.|||Well it's not that bad really

I mean considering that the NPCs in the first Factions mission tells you how to use your keyboard to target enemies and how to use your mouse to draw on the mini-map, that kinda ruins the fantasy feeling.|||Unfortunantely, it's necessary to break the fourth wall from time to time simply because it is a game.

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