Saturday, April 21, 2012

Guild Wars Timeline

Status: Draft #1

Description: This is the first draft "site" of GW Timeline I am compiling and creating. This draft does not cover the time period of the "game" itself (ie from the time your character breath to the last mission you finished).

Draft #1 covers mostly what is written in the GWP and GWF manuscripts. Also, explanations are not yet posted, one reason is that, some interpretation and data should be discussed first (posted one of the topic here in the Lore section already; will post the others later as I gather some more data and questions).

Suggestions, violent reactions, or maybe you already want to discuss stuff, then fire it on!!

Here's the link:

Again, it is not final. (I want to play first in the Elite Mission Event.)|||Guild wiki already has one - Type History of Tyria in the search and you're golden. - its just missing the Elonian sections (which are empty anyways)|||The purpose of what Laibeus is doing is to compile an independant timeline based on what happens in-game. Thus, other timelines already complied would only serve as a means of comparison.

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