Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Future of TAOS: Input and Interest

Hello everyone,

It is my belief that Eratimus will not be returning in the near future to assume command of TAOS. This puts us at a great disadvantage, as he held the administrative privileges to our forums and was in charage of inducting new members.

Recently there has been a renewed interest in joining TAOS, which I fully support, but can do nothing to advance.

Yet even without Eratimus, TAOS remains the authority on Guild Wars lore, and is still very active sponsoring expeditions and research.

Because of this, I have decided to "relaunch" TAOS, completely starting from scrap.

Before I do this, I would like to see if there is a continued interest in people who wish to help rebuild TAOS and join it.

Everyone who was previously in TAOS shall remain in TAOS, but will be positionless unless showing an active interest in continuing their current TAOS role. By this same right, anyone who wishes to change departments or positions may do so.

So, what TAOS will need is new forums, and maybe even a site. I will need to see interest, and need help in launching these.

Before I dive into thise, however, I would like to gauge interest, and see who is on board for this new expedition.

If you had any interest in joining TAOS but never recieved word from Eratimus, joined the TAOS forums but were never confirmed, or simply want to join now, this new venture is exactly for you.

Help me in ushering in the second era of TAOS, for the betterment of the lore community. Thoughts and input are very much appreciated.|||Well, I for one think this is a good idea, and would like to be involved with such an endeavor. I hope others feel the same way.|||Ok, I'm sorry... but could someone tell me what TAOS means?|||TAOS would continue to function in a manner very similar to how it used to, only instead of Eratimus as the head of the organization, I would be.

I would also open up more specific fields than the old incarnation of TAOS. Right now I am still deciding what those might be. I would appreciate suggestions. If you are unfamiliar with the current fields, check out the old TAOS recruitment thread.

EDIT: TAOS = Tyrian Academy of Sciences, which is the organization that has been most active in the Lore Forum (we founded it) and which I am currently vicechairman of, but acting chair since Eratimus disappeared.

Here is the prior thread.|||I think there should be some field for the study of monsters/non-human races (Naga, Forgotten, Tengu, etc.). I don't know what you'd call it, monsterology or something?|||Cryptozoology. While it refers to the study of speculated creatures in real life (monsters) it can be extended to what you are saying.

However, the study of the cultures of these races would still fall under anthropology and paleoanthropolgy.|||Well, we in real life call in game creatures "monsters", but in the eyes of a game character, IMO they're just "animals" or "creatures", as real as.. say.. sidewinders in real life.

On the other hand, "monster" is also too broad a classification. There are different creatures in the world: insects, plants, amphibians, mammals, etc.

I think it'd be cool if GWO starts to have a lore branch though.|||Quote:

I think it'd be cool if GWO starts to have a lore branch though.

We don't already have the largest lore forum of any GW site? |||not forum, like a lore branch in GWO, it doesn't really need to be a seperate branch, something like intergrating lore papers and research articles into GWO wiki, for easier, better compiled lore related information instead of pages after pages of forum discussions (sometimes too long and repetitive).|||Oh alright, I see what you mean.

Well, let's get this off the ground first, then I'll see what I can do.

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