Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Ascalon royals and their fate

[:1]The Ascalon royals and their fate ...

I dug out the manuscript and a single word caught my eye while reading the pages on Adelbern and Rurik and what we now know what has befallen and will happen to those two, the book refers to the prince as the kings "eldest" son. This has got me to wonder about Rurik and his sibling/s Who he or is there more?. I could go in to a big study and present a theory but its more fun to see what you all have to say about this. Could we see a descendant of the royal ascalon line in GW2?

Have fun with this one

-Indy|||First, that's a nice catch, but afaik there is no mention of a sibling in-game.

Second, Adelbern is the last king of Ascalon, as described in the Ecology of the Charr.


Adding to their troubles, human resistance continued, as powerful heroes among the Ascalonians fought back against the Charr occupation of Ascalon. Battling their own deterioration as well as the human army, the Charr constricted their control until the humans had but one single stronghold–Ascalon City.

For more than thirty years, the Charr and the Ascalonians fought, back and forth, on the grounds surrounding the city. Led by their aging king, Adelbern, the humans fought valiantly, but at last the walls of Ascalon City fell and the Charr invaded the city proper. Yet, even in their moment of ultimate victory, the Charr were thwarted by human magic.

Although the Charr are still uncertain what magic Adelbern called upon in his moment of defeat, those within the city recall seeing a gout of sword-shaped flame descend from the highest tower as a white, burning head swept the city streets. It devastated the invaders. Once this heat wave was gone, the spirits of the defeated Ascalonian soldiers rose, their spectral forms bearing ghostly weapons–and the Charr were forced to abandon the city.

Ascalon City has never been retaken, and the ghosts of Adelbern’s forces roam the land still, fighting their ancient enemy at every turn. The king sits upon his throne within the shattered city, his ghostly form issuing orders and commands to an army of spectral dead. The Charr solidified their control over Ascalon, from their original lands in the north all the way back to the merging of the two mountain ranges at the edge of the Crystal Desert in the south, but Ascalon City forever eluded their grasp.

Adelbern is the last king of Ascalon, and we will be *hopefully* able to see his ghost in GW2.

Interesting thought: What if Rurik did have a brother/sister, and that sibling, after Prophecies but before Adelbern's magic, moved over to Kryta, and eventually intermarried with the Krytan Royalty? *Would prove to be a good political move, both have royal blood and if Ascalon succeeded in the war against the Charr, the Krytan Royalty would have a say to Ascalon's throne*.|||Well you can say that there is ascalonian influances in the democracy in future Kryta, refugee's from all around the globe are there and they have people who represent them, so it could be that a decendent of one of Ruriks brothers or sisters are at that democracy,or just a dude from the settlements, or a decendent of captain Greywind.|||Quote:

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Adelbern is the last king of Ascalon, and we will be *hopefully* able to see his ghost in GW2.

That doesn't mean he is the last of his line does it?|||yes it actualy does, His eldest Son died and the others we dont know what happened, so if he is the only one left and kills himself then he is the last known king of ascalon.|||Quote:

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That doesn't mean he is the last of his line does it?


yes it actualy does, His eldest Son died and the others we dont know what happened, so if he is the only one left and kills himself then he is the last known king of ascalon.

Last of the line, no.

Last King of Ascalon, yes.

His "line" will continue, depending on what happens to rurik's siblings, but there will be no more Kings of Ascalon.|||um since when did rurik have a brother/sister?|||Quote:

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um since when did rurik have a brother/sister?

Same can be said about Adelbern's wife.

It's just that the manuscripts say he was the Eldest son, suggesting that he has younger siblings, even though we never see them.|||Quote:

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um since when did rurik have a brother/sister?

Yesh, Karn, you should pay a bit more attention to the OP. He said where he got his info. And as Karuro said, it never mentions Adelbern's wife. Not much is said in-game about the current Ascalon Royals in terms of family members, just the two and how Adelbern became king.|||According to in-game lore, Adelbern was not of the royal blood. Duke Barradin was. Apparently he was favored over the Duke over the perceived corruption of the royal family in Ascalon.

According to the Prophecies game manual, Adelbern was descended from King Doric but in-game he is not of the nobility. Someone took time to make a thread explaining it's possible that a large percentage of current Tyrian populace is descended from Doric anyway.

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