Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Central Archives.

[:1]Seeing as I finally finished up the Threads of On-Going Research in each of the region forums, I will post a link to each of those here, and make a list of Threads of On-Going research within this too.

Tyrian Archives.

Canthan Archives.

Elonian Archives.

Northern Tyrian Archives.

The Lore Forum Archives:


On-Going Research.
  • Fahranur, the Rift, and Humanity's First "Appearances."

  • GW2 Ascalon (250 years in the future, Ascalon will look like..?)

  • Memoirs of a Heretic

  • Why were the dragons hibernating/asleep/slumbering in the first place?

  • The Dragons of Guild Wars and perhaps their relation to Guild Wars 2.

  • Titans, Destroyers, and Dragon's Gullet (In other words, how do they relate to each other?)

  • The Sylvari Nightmares

  • Was the Great Northern Wall a huge mistake in planning?

  • Female Races.

  • Those with or without the Bonus Mission Pack, discuss the new lore here.

  • Undead Factions.

  • The Fate of the Stone Summit and the Dredge

  • *SPOILERS* PCG Article on the wiki.

  • [PCG] GW2's State. (Discussion of PCG info.)

  • Four Horsemen Theory relating to GW.

  • Withdrawal of the Gods (Basically this discusses why they did so.)

  • Where do spirits go when destroyed?

  • Fahranur, Orr, and Bahltek.

  • Hall of Heroes.

  • The Age of Man

  • Abaddon in the Ring of Fire: More than just Abaddon's Mouth

  • Kurzicks, Ascalonians, and Altrumm Ruins

  • "Mursaat architecture" and the Eye of Janthir.

  • Dhuum depiction?

  • Who is Menzies?

  • The Old Gods and the Older Gods *spoilers*

  • Name of the Charr's Kingdom/City?

  • Lyssa/Lyss: A Discussion on the Nature of the Goddess

  • Thoughts on Grenth

  • A Treatise: The Crimes of Abaddon, Margonites, Menzies, the Mursaat and Dhuum

  • Can we deduct the date of Dhuum's fall?

  • The Dredge

  • The Great Dwarf's Name Found?

  • Hypothesis on the Rift

  • The Centaurs

  • Nature of the Mists, Gods, Bloodstones, and the Essence of Magic.

  • Odran and Abaddon

  • Fahranur, the Rift, and Humanity's First "Appearances"

  • Titans and Torment Rifts.

  • Biogeological Survey of the Titan Continents.

  • A Theory on Water's Magical Conductivity and the Floating Structures.

  • The Orbit of the Moon

  • The Tengu

  • The Mysterious Stranger.

For Reading Pleasure. (In other words, the miscellaneous section.)

Hypothesis on Gods & Dragons.


The Lore Forum gets a bit of credit.

An interesting viewpoint on the continents.

Call for Mursaat Rally information!

Menzies Discovered?

Abaddon and the Great Destroyer

Timeline confusion for me.

GW:EotN - Lore connection speculation

Asura: Evil in Hinduism

Tyria-Elona Triangulation Error

Who are the parents of Balthazar?

How to become a God

Why is the Desolation full of sulfur but Crystal Desert not?

Striking at the Core: The Outcast God's Plan Against the Pantheon

A new God is born! (About the Mad Spirits comments related to it.)

Of Things Religious.

The Scroll of Dhuum: Connections between the Lich, Shiro, and the Chaos Army

Now the really, really, old threads. As in pages 10-12 of the Lore Forum.

White Mantle in the Fissure of Woe?

"Tyria" solely refers to the continent itself?

Gods of Tyria

Underworld Lore by Garumn Darkslayer

Boats in the Fissure of Woe, and other Fissure related questions.

A Lunar Revelation.

Factions-Prophecies Connections.

Alright. Whew, trawling through 12 pages of lore discussion and then organizing feels like an accomplishment to me. However, if you feel I have overlooked something or that this needs to be further organized, please post your thoughts on how I should go about doing so.

Add-in The Druid's Overlook Archives:


Theory Threads:


The Krait. Savage by Nature or Savage by Reason?

The Riders. Abominations or, perhaps, something more.

"Arachnia" and the Domain of Secrets (Revision)

Extensive Look at the Depths of Tyria Structures

The Searing and the Cauldron of Cataclysm

Norn - Origin and Religion

A Third Glance at Spirits: Including Undead and Constructs

Mursaat Tokens: A Word from Nicholas


Fahranur and Orr Connection

On Water's Magical Conductivity and the Floating Structures.

The Five Gods, Abaddon's taste for eyes, and the Temples of Grenth and Balthazar.

Nature of the Mists, Gods, Bloodstones, and the Essence of Magic.

The Tengu

The Centaur

The Dredge

The Forgotten

Spirits and Undead (Been updated)

On Ascension, Margonites, and the Forgotten

The Origin of the Mursaat

The Mists

GWII: Tyria, Cantha, Elona, and the Rift

Spirits (been revised)

Origin of Wardens

Undead (been revised)

Ancient Weapons


Bloodstone/Profession Relation

The Scarab Plague



Observations from the Tarnished Coast


Dragons Throughout Guild Wars (Old version, new version here)

Mad King Thorn


Ascalonian Architecture (in relation to EN Dungeons)



The Future: Imagined Vistas of a Future Tyria The “Good” Leaders of Guild Wars The Empire of Orr



Magic: Limited to the Laws of Physics or not?

The Mists and Planetary Formation


Odran and Abaddon

Idea of Menzies’s Identity

The Great Dwarf’s Name Found?

On the Rift

"Arachnia" (Been revised)


Menzies Discovered?



Shiro Tagachi - Why evil?

Discussion on the Charr Structures

Combining the Four Schools of Magic

GW2 Starting Locations / Places of Interest

The Old Gods: Who Are They?

A study on the Oni

Discussion on the Stormlord concept art and Charr Structures

The Door of Komalie and the Soul Batteries

Halloween 2009 Quests and Dhuum

Discussion on the Grawl


Our Role in Lore.

The Alchemy Circle

Who Built the Eye (of the North [Building])?

Who Built the Depths of Tyria?

Image of Dhuum

[url="" target="_blank">The Charr Invasion of Orr

Origin of Grenth?

The Size of Tyria(world)


The Envoys (Why they didn’t fight Shiro directly)

(Fan-Based) Ecology of the Charr

Confessor Dorian

The Republic of Kryta: GW2

Who and What are the Djinn


Abaddon and Mursaat (Additional Read)

Lore for level 20 cap

Charr and the Searing

Mursaat Were Good?


Charr Lore

For Reading Pleasure.



Elonian Alphabet (Stated by Matthew Medina to be non-translatable)

Norn and Sylvari?


Shiro Tagachi – His Story (Pre-Nightfall thread)

Charr, Titan, Mursaat, Khilbron Connection.

Chaos in the World

What’s next, after defeating Abaddon?

“Story Behind the…” Threads:

The Tengu

The Naga

The Oni

Rurik, Ascalon, and more


Symeon’s Past Lore Projects:

First Lore Project: Factions Preview Event!

Second Lore Project: Clearing out the mist in the storyline

Third Lore Project - A final study of Tyria

Fourth Lore Project – Elona

Add-in The Durmand Priory Archives:


Confirmed Theories, Observations, and Hypotheses:

Sylvari and the Sidhe



The Gold/Flame Legion: Corruption? (semi-confirmed)

Nature of the Mists




Analysis of GW2's Premiere Trailer

Natural Selection in the World of Tyria

The Powerful Dragons of Tyria




Crystal Desert Flooding Speculation

The Mists and Planetary Formation

The World's Cycle and Roles of the Gods, Glint, Forgotten, and the Ancient Dragons

Nature of the Mists.




Discussion on the world of Tyria

Discussion on "Jormag"

Flesh and Bone: The Rules of Resurrection

GW2 Starting Locations and Landmarks

The Dwarves: More in the storyline than we thought?

The Gunpowder Age: Classes and Military Evolution

The Origin of Magic: A Thought|||Thanks a lot for compiling all this Gmr; it's truly helpful.|||Always glad to be of assistance. |||Well, this should be fun, please do not bother with utilizing any of the archives. With the revamp all of the links are broken.

Edit: Ah, lovely, this should only take me a few moments. All that is necessary is the removal of forums/ from the links.

Complete.|||I would like to announce that with the efforts of Konig Des Todes on the Druid's Overlook and Durmand Priory forums, he has established archives on each of these, inspired by my own efforts here. We are both currently managing Durmand Priory, GW2Guru's lore forum, and are consistently updating the Durmand Priory Archives as we see discussions of substantial interest blossom forth with the introduction of new information on GW2. However, in an effort to unify the Lore Community further, I have taken the step to establish these Archives as the Lore Community's central archives.

The spoiler tags around the Guru forum's lore archives are not a display of shame, mind you, but to reduce the intimidation of this thread when it is opened, as without spoilers, it's remarkably long.

I would like to thank Konig in his cooperation with myself in attempting to unify the otherwise divided Lore Community, and would like to note that my hesitation in doing this was not due to the current inactivity here, but due to the rate of activity found in the community at large. Had I done this when requested by Konig, I would have been adding in threads every few days or weeks even, as I monitored both forums. (This was prior to the GW2Guru forums.)

Nevertheless, I would like to thank the Lore Community at large for their remarkable if not at times incredible activity, and hope that this will help broaden the awareness of what has been discussed, and encourage further discussion not only in our forums, but in the forums abroad. So, at this, I will rename these to the Central Archives.

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