Thursday, April 12, 2012

Estimated date of deaths (based on natural causes) of our GW 1 characters

[:1]WARNING: Incredibly long post ahead!

Well, I was poking around my copy of Ghosts of Ascalon when I took a hard look at the time line. Since GW2 will be 250 years into the future, obviously our GW1 characters will be long dead. The question that occured in my mind was: when? In this post, I will use the term "adults" which will be defined as any person over the age of 18 (human) years.

If we look at the timeline, the Searing took place on 1070. We should also assume that Shiro's return would begin around that year since in the game, the Vision of Glint mentions to the Factions player (if s/he has yet to complete Factions) that Shiro needs to be stopped. By that time, our GW1 characters should technically be "adults" (at least, that's how I see it). In other words, their ages should be 20.

Now, based on the timeline and my assumptions, that would place most of our characters somewhere in their early to mid 20s. The Elonan characters didn't start out till 1075, which means they are probably 5 years younger than our Tyrian/Canthan characters (assuming that 18 is the minimum age to become a Sunspear).

Now, assuming all of our characters lived to see Kormir ascend to godhood in 1075 and assuming all of our characters lived to defeat/aid in the defeat of the Great Destroyer in 1078, that would put our Tyrian/Canthan characters in their late 20s/ early 30s and Elonan characters in their early 20s. This puts us into the present time, where the War in Kryta events have just ended and the search for Thackeray events have begun.

At this time, the GW timeline states that in 1080, King Addlebrain--err, Adelbern, will recall the Ebon Vanguard and establish Ebonhawke. By this time, our Tyrian/Canthan characters should at least be in their early 30s while our Elonan Characters should be in their mid 20s.

Jumping ahead to the time of the Foefire in 1090, that would mean most of our characters should be in or approaching the middle age stage of their lives (around ages 40-50) since it has been 20 years since the Searing (and hopefully, our GW1 characters will have had children, but that's just how the personal lore for my GW1 characters go).

Now assuming they weren't killed somewhere before the establishing of the Durmand Priory in 1105, that means our Tyrian/Canthan characters would at least be 53 or older (since our characters are "adults" by the time of the Searing, see my definition at the top). Elonan characters should be about 48 years old by now.

After all that, here comes the big and murky part that will make me look like a constant downer. We all know that human life spans can vary widely based on many variables IE: diet, physical and mental health, etc.

Assuming that all of our characters had the standard healthy "hero's/traveler's/adventurer's" diet*, coupled with the constant physical excercise of killing things and lots of running around (and not getting sick too much) we should assume that our characters will live way past the age of 60, and into the 80s-90s (or hell, even higher and into the 100s).

That means our characters should have at least lived past the construction of the Black Citadel in 1112, the rebellions against the Flame Legion in 1116, and of course, the true awakening of Primordus in 1120. That means, assuming our characters live past their 80s and 90s, that their eventual date of death will be somewhere between 1120 and 1180 (Ventari dies in 1180).

By now, some of you may say, "But Guildoholic, there are some people in the world (our real world) that live past 110. Since Tyria has healing/magic, shouldn't they live longer?" The answer to that, is, potentially and probably, but I have not found enough data from the lore to determine whether or not humans can live extended life spans via magic. Besides, healing/supportive magic is in some ways similar to the field of medicine in our world. Magic just so happens to be a bit faster, require less physical resources (other than mana/energy) and is a little more... Efficient.

One thing is for sure though (based on my previous statements), by the time Zhaitan awakens in 1219**, floods Lion's Arch, and raises Orr, our GW1 characters will most certainly be dead. My character, Santros Zero, much to my regret, will be most especially dead .

* The so called standard diet reflects on the fact that they must have had balanced diets. I would even go as far as to say that anyone who has maxed out the sugar and booze titles would be elegible to fit under this catagory since magic could possibly lend a helping hand.

** I'm assuming all of my Tyrian/Canthan characters are the same age (just a few weeks/months apart). Meaning my oldest character will be way past 100 before he takes the big dirt nap .

Edit notes:

- Forgot to account for the age difference between Elonans and Canthans/Tyrians .

Special thanks:

- Gmr Leon: For accounting the age difference between Elonans and Tyrians/Canthans.|||To clarify, you're running off the assumption that our characters start at age 18 in Pre-Searing, correct? So Prophecies and Canthan characters (since I think Canthans start out in 1072) would be age 20? Whereas Nightfall characters might be starting out at 18 (it's hard to determine here...I'm guessing this is where you speculate at "38 for some"? Otherwise I'm unsure of where you get that, and starting NF characters at 18 gets 33 by 1090, 20 would just get them at 35, so...).|||Quote:

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To clarify, you're running off the assumption that our characters start at age 18 in Pre-Searing, correct? So Prophecies and Canthan characters (since I think Canthans start out in 1072) would be age 20? Whereas Nightfall characters might be starting out at 18 (it's hard to determine here...I'm guessing this is where you speculate at "38 for some"? Otherwise I'm unsure of where you get that, and starting NF characters at 18 gets 33 by 1090, 20 would just get them at 35, so...).

1. Yes, that would mean, based on my assumptions, that the Tyrian characters would be 20. That would also mean Canthan Characters would also be 20 plus or minus 2 years.

2. The starting point for Elona is about 3 years after the Lich lord and Shiro. This means there is an age range since our Canthan and Tyrian characters have become older (around and now we must also incorporate the Elonan characters into the equation (so to speak). Technically, I forgot to account for Elona. Now I have to change some things.|||Ree told us in an interview a while back - one with this website in fact - that the asura live 5-10% longer than humans and that a well aged asura is around 120 - meaning that a well aged human would be about 105~


Asura live for slightly longer than a human – perhaps 5-10% longer (an exceptional lifespan for an asura might be 120 years).

If we assume that during the main story of Prophecies and Factions - and to note all campaigns appear to take the place of months, especially so for Prophecies where the Krytan missions is noted to be the Summer Soltice while HP is noted to be late into Autumn (Season of the Scion) - that the characters are roughly 20 (a fair guess, though the actual age depends on who made it, as the "hero" is stated to merely be unnamed) that would mean that, if they die at an old age, they could be dying around 80-100 which would thus mean they die around 1130 AE to 1160 AE. So more or less between Primordus' and Jormag's awakening. Some could easily see the reign of Joko and Usoku unfold, the Foefire, the forming of the Durmand Priory, and the fall of the Flame Legion, in fact.

However, I doubt that heroes would die of old age.|||Quote:

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However, I doubt that heroes would die of old age.

Well, this topic does include speculation...|||I think you're drastically overestimating the lifespan of people from a culture like GW. It's hard to tell what magical healing can replace, but they don't have things like antiseptics or penicillin assuming it mirrors the Earth time periods Tyria is based on. The life expectancy in Earth's middle ages through the beginning of the industrial age* was ~60, and at the time of the plague it was ~45.

Also I agree that -- considering the shenanigans the heroes take part in -- they have very little chance of dying of old age. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

*Of someone who had already made it to adulthood to keep infant mortality from messing up the number.|||Quote:

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I think you're drastically overestimating the lifespan of people from a culture like GW. It's hard to tell what magical healing can replace, but they don't have things like antiseptics or penicillin assuming it mirrors the Earth time periods Tyria is based on. The life expectancy in Earth's middle ages through the beginning of the industrial age* was ~60, and at the time of the plague it was ~45.

Also I agree that -- considering the shenanigans the heroes take part in -- they have very little chance of dying of old age. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

*Of someone who had already made it to adulthood to keep infant mortality from messing up the number.

While I do agree with some statements, I find it hard to believe that all heroes wouldn't get tired and decide to keep adventuring even in to old age. Also, if we're comparing our life span based on an equivalent time period on Earth with Tyria, wouldn't that mean our heroes would have reproduced already? I mean, if their life span was about 60 years, and they started out as adults at 18, then 1/3 of their life would have passed by.|||Quote:

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I think you're drastically overestimating the lifespan of people from a culture like GW. It's hard to tell what magical healing can replace, but they don't have things like antiseptics or penicillin assuming it mirrors the Earth time periods Tyria is based on. The life expectancy in Earth's middle ages through the beginning of the industrial age* was ~60, and at the time of the plague it was ~45.

You should read my post where I quoted Ree, a game designer of ArenaNet, on the comparison of asura and human lifespans.

A long lived human would end up being about 100-110, so the average human lifespan would probably be 80-90ish.|||Can I get a link to that source, Konig?|||I put it in the first post of mine.


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Ree told us in an interview a while back - one with this website in fact - that the asura live 5-10% longer than humans and that a well aged asura is around 120 - meaning that a well aged human would be about 105~


Asura live for slightly longer than a human � perhaps 5-10% longer (an exceptional lifespan for an asura might be 120 years).

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