Thursday, April 12, 2012

Norn and Charr must have fought, and Norn lost..

[:1]Charr fought against Orr and Kryta. However that is not possible without going though Norn territory first. And the Charr must have won because they reached Kryta and Orr with a sizable force. Look at the map.

So how come this battle was not mentioned by both side anywhere? And the Norms appeared to have everything in tact (e.g. they don't look like a defeated nation at all).

Another alternative is to have Charrs attacked further south into Stone Summit territory instead. However it is unlikely that the Stone Summit will let the Charr though without fighting till the last man. So if this happened then Stone Summit won't exist anymore.|||Actually, Norn and Charr are best buds.


In fact, during the Searing, the Norn allowed the Charr armies passage through the northern pass from Ascalon into Kryta, setting the stage for the Charr invasion of the central human lands. Although this was not a sign of any alliance, it set the stage for the two races to live within a watchful peace.|||Pretty much what Alaris said. There is no speculation to be had here. Albeit the norn and charr aren't exactly "best buds" they are on better terms than norn and humans, at least in GW2.

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