Thursday, April 12, 2012

female races

[:1]Maybe this has been answered...but I couldnt find it.

Where are the female charr? surely the areas we visit are NOT the entire charr homelands.

also where are the female dwarves? did they get turned to stone too? or do they grow from the same cocoons the sylvai do? or perhaps like orcs they grow under mushrooms....thats why there are SO many mushrooms in the caverns.

Any one have any information on this?|||Dredge Slaves in Sorrow's Furnace:

"What do female Dwarves look like? Do they have beards, too?"|||Soar Honorclaw is a female Tengu. Compare her appearance to Talon Silverwing, a male Tengu.

I personally can't see a difference. I suspect that other races may be similar.|||As Ogden Stonehealer once said:

"How do you know you haven't already met a female dwarf? Eh? Eh?"|||The PCGamer article explaining the history of the Charr states that female Charr are not allowed to come out into public, and have to stay home doing "female" work.|||Quote:

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The PCGamer article explaining the history of the Charr states that female Charr are not allowed to come out into public, and have to stay home doing "female" work.

And that means no Female Charrs in Guild Wars 2?

Well... Two hundred year while living allied with the Norn should be enough to fix that. Norn are fierce no matter what gender they are.|||Actually about 100 years from now, the Charr females lead a revolt, and become a strong force in the Charr army, helping to permantely overthrow the Shaman for good. So female Charr will be in GW2.|||Hooray for the history of the future!

I've seen some in-game quotes referring to bearded female dwarves (don't have them onhand, however), so there's an extremely good chance we've already seen them and not noticed.

I can't tell the difference between male and female asura, aside from their voices. I haven't spent a lot of time studying them, however.

For heket and the various frogmen of the Tarnished Coast, I have a feeling that the short stocky ones and tall slender ones are different genders. I have nothing to back that up, except for the fact that there are two different appearances for the same species. If had to guess which body type belonged to which gender, I'd say the short ones are the males, mostly based on the fact they tend to be combat oriented while the more delicate-looking ones tend to be casters.|||If I remember the article right, it was Pyre Fierceshot's grandcub (female type) that leads the revolt? I think that female Charr will definitely play a solid role in GW2.|||Quote:

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If I remember the article right, it was Pyre Fierceshot's grandcub (female type) that leads the revolt? I think that female Charr will definitely play a solid role in GW2.

Correct. Her name is Kalla Scorchrazor, and about 40 years after GW:EN she leads a rebellion against the Shamans which succeeds when female Charr who'd been training in secret effectively double Kalla's force.

Interestingly enough, there is reason to suggest Pyre is the son of Vatlaaw Doomtooth, one of the Charr instrumental in the pulling off of the Searing. Seems like his bloodline is meant for great things.

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