Thursday, April 12, 2012

The sinking of Orr... [Spoilers]

[:1]I was reading through some of the older threads, someone (I believe QA) mentioned that Orr may have been a moving island, that got "caught" on Tryia, because when Orr sunk, it had to go somewhere. I thought, that maybe the size of the catacombs (under the city) were far bigger than we could imagine, and maybe there were underground caverns and such. So when the Lich read the scroll, the explosion collapsed Orr into the catacombs and caverns. With the land suddenly imploding on itself, the sea would quickly bury the city.|||Like shards of orr?|||Quote:

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Like shards of orr?

Hmm, I've never done that dugeon, but if it's what it sounds like (from what people have said), than yes.|||I always assumed, before the Movement that is, that Orr was basically "toss around" - since the explosion came from underneath, it would tear and push the land above it apart and send chunks of land all over the place. When the Movement came out, I thought that the explosion unstabalized the edges of Orr, which were probably cliff-like (instead of beach like), and Orr fell to the sides. Though, if the explosion was weaker than I once thought, and the catacombs were bigger, it makes perfect sense.

So you may very well be right. There are many ways for the explosion to have affected Orr, and I think that is the most logical with the given knowledge, that it just caved in on itself and made a giant pot hole basically which filled with water.


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Like shards of orr?

If you mean the catacombs were as big as the Shards of Orr, then yes, that would be what he meant (though probably bigger). Though your statement is too short for me to fully grasp what you mean.|||So what you're saying is that because Orr possibly had such a massive "catacombs"-like structure under the entire nation, there were no immediate negative effects on the world because those catacombs "ate up" the city?

Just want to make sure I understand the idea correctly.|||Quote:

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If you mean the catacombs were as big as the Shards of Orr, then yes, that would be what he meant (though probably bigger). Though your statement is too short for me to fully grasp what you mean.

Yes like the size of Shards of orr, but then stretches further like miles of decending hallways.

When One collaps the rest will eventually collaps onder the shockwave, but it must be a very deep Catacombs to sink the entire nation of Orr. (A bit like how the Twin towers collapsed)

It could be that the explosion left a huge hole under Orr which then collapsed inward inside the hole.

But seen in recent art the structures in Orr are rather intact and not totally ruins.|||With the epicentre being deep in the catacombs the pressure would probably tear the landmass to pieces so I wouldn't be surprised if the land collapsed kinda like a volcanic eruption but faster?

Yeah that makes sense to me.|||Quote:

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But seen in recent art the structures in Orr are rather intact and not totally ruins.

It looked pretty ruined to me in the trailer thing. At first I thought that it was random spikes of earth, rising from the sea, until I looked really close, and noticed windows, and tiny other details. Look here: The first of the pictures in it, is under water, and badly damaged, however, not entirely ruined. The second picture however, is completely ruined, and doesn't even look like buildings, except for minor details. however, they are buildings. Here's a picture where I've circled windows, on what looks like a giant spike, but is a completely ruined building.


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When One collaps the rest will eventually collaps onder the shockwave, but it must be a very deep Catacombs to sink the entire nation of Orr. (A bit like how the Twin towers collapsed)

911 is a good example, the dust from the collapse was unbelievable, and that was two buildings. Now imagine if Manhattan had collapsed in the same way, the dust would block out the sun, possible for days, like with Orr.|||Quote:

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I was reading through some of the older threads, someone (I believe QA) mentioned that Orr may have been a moving island, that got "caught" on Tryia, because when Orr sunk, it had to go somewhere.

Er..Aside from this part, the idea's fine. I don't recall it ever being said Orr was a moving island...There is a mention of a moving island in the lore, that's true, but nothing connects it to Orr.

As a matter of fact, though, I think your idea has been proposed before, either by myself or someone else, albeit perhaps not in a thread, I think.|||Mildly off topic, but this reminds me of the ancient Thera eruption and destruction of the Minoan Civilization:

The eruption did cause major tsunami and a few years of climate change.

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