Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lore from Edge of Destiny (MAJOR SPOILERS)

[:1]Well, there is a thread for Ghosts of Ascalon (but none for EoD), so, I'm starting one !

Ok, so here are some tidbits, bobs, scraps, and other stuff. Please do feel free to add more to the thread:


- Rytlock Brimstone possess Sohothin, Rurik's Feiry Dragon Sword. How he came to acquire the sword is unknown.

- Rytlock acquired his rank via killing someone higher up than him whenever they made a mention that he worked with a human (AKA: Logan).

- Mesmers are pretty much confirmed (or very well teased) thanks to the mention that Queen Jennah is a Mesmer.

- Glint was a champion for one of the elder dragons!

- Glint dies several years before the start of GW2's player storyline.

- Glint had in her possession, a spear made from the spine of her dragon master. This spear can be used to kill Kralkatorrik.

- Logan Thackeray has an older brother named Dylan. He dies during the elder dragon's assault on Ebonhawke. Dylan Thackeray holds the position as captain of the Seraph and this causes tention between the two brothers.

- In the GW2 character preview trailers, Logan's VA mentions there is a dark secret to him that makes him view himself as not very hero like (or something along those lines). My guess is that it has to be how he abandoned Destiny's Edge during their planned assault on Kralkatorrik to save Queen Jennah.

- The planned assault on the elder dragon fails as Snaff, Zojja's master, is killed by dragonspawn (aka: Elder dragon minions). He held an important part in keeping the dragon down to the ground so that Rytlock could use the previously said spear to the elder dragon

- Jora and Svanir are mentioned, but not much else.

- Girl plant on girl plant tension/action! (I will not go into greater detail .)

- What made Destiny's Edge famous was the killing of not one, not two, but THREE elder dragon champions.

- Destiny's Edge split up just as they failed to kill Kralkatorrik. Rytlock was the second to leave (as Logan was technically the first). All members drifted off on their own afterwards.

On an off topic note, I support a Caithe x Faiolin (spelling?) fanclub.|||Even thought it's a spoiler thread, you should put some spoiler tags... especially on parts that happen at the end of the book and/or are big events. e.g.


Glint dies|||Not much of a spoiler imo, but about Queen Jennah and her profession:


mesmers have been confirmed since GoA. Nothing, not even this book, confirms them as playable, mind you.|||I am not using spoilers, because anybody viewing this thread should be aware of the spoilers anyway:

* Zojja is an Elementalist and attunes to different elements throughout the novel

* Snaff shows no hint as whether he belongs to a "profession" or not

* Logan uses his "blue" protective auras & "weapon spells" a lot in the novel (one time called "guardian aura"), which hints to the BML-class

* Eir shows abilities of a Ranger

* Rytlock uses a lot of power moves, which indicates Warrior

* Caithe seems to use critical strikes, dodges and movement abilities close to "shadowsteps"

* There are 144 Seraph guarding the queen of Kryta. Almost all got killed at the attack of the dragonspawn on Ebonhawke

* The Asura gate at Ebonhawke was repaired by the Asura after Destiny's Edge defeated a general of Primodorus south of Rata Sum, but seems to be badly damaged again after the dragonspawn attack

* There seem to be a lot of Asura gates around Tyria, but no location described in DE makes it possible to locate the gates (except the few we already know, like LA)

* Both Norn & Asura seem to develop into seafaring nations as well as humans (ships tailored to their size are described). No specific Charr or Sylvari vessel is metioned

* a lot of knowledge of power stones is lost with the death of Snaff (e.g. the protection against the "mesmerizing" power of the Elder Dragons that turns living things into dragon spawn)

* our DE heroes are still protected by their tattoos with the particles of the gray power stone invented by Snaff

* crafting in GW2 might have a magical/mystical component, because Eir has the ability to craft stone & wood with amazing speed

I wouldn't interpret too much naughtiness into the "she loves/belongs to me" relationship between Caithe & Faolain. Since all Sylvari are "born" by the Pale Tree, there is really no reason to fix them on a biological gender of male/female like we do with other GW races. It is just their phenotype, when they appear as male or female to others. Since it would be kind of lame to have an asexual race, I assume the sylvari are pan-/omisexual, so they could fall in love with any sentient being that seems to be worthy of their affection.|||Quote:

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crafting in GW2 might have a magical/mystical component, because Eir has the ability to craft stone & wood with amazing speed

I doubt that Eir casting spells on herself (or evoking the power of the spirits as I believe the book phrases it in chapter 1) would be reason to define a mechanic in gw2, unless I'm misunderstanding the "crafting in gw2" bit. >.>|||Devours apparently have spines (logan broke the spine of one in the fight with the ogres). Which is really weird.

And the Asura gate in Ebonhawke was broken for a while, so that caravans from DR had to go to Ebonhawke to supply the fort.|||Quote:

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Oh sure, ruin a guy's dream why don't you .

Back on topic, it seems the Shining Blade still exist but are now part of an "elite" or personal guard for the queen.|||We've known that bit on the Shining Blade for a while. They're the right-hand of the queen, while the Seraph are the protectors of Kryta (taking the role of the Lionguard).

And yes, it is weird that Devourers have spines... Unless the book meant the spines on the shell? Doubt it, would have to read that fight again.|||This is more of a question, I guess, but Glint mentioned something about how she helped the humans just to have them attack her later on and she had to defeat them in defense of her master. Did she mean us? Or is this something that happened between the end of GW1 and the first book? Maybe it's not even important, but it stood out to me.|||Quote:

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This is more of a question, I guess, but Glint mentioned something about how she helped the humans just to have them attack her later on and she had to defeat them in defense of her master. Did she mean us? Or is this something that happened between the end of GW1 and the first book?

No, those are two different things. First she mentions how the humans she helped attacked her (I guess too many people went for that mission's bonus...), and then how, when she was still serving her master, she used to kill humans.


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