Saturday, April 14, 2012

Physics and Guild Wars

[:1]The nerd in me wanted to test some things in Guild Wars to see if they were physically possible. After some testing and some math, I've come to some pretty defining conclusions. Enjoy.

To begin, these experiments hinged on one skill: Scorpion Wire. This is the only real-world measurement that was introduced in GW, and I used it to help determine real-world distance inside GW. According to the wiki article for Scorpion Wire, the 100' range is about 1/3 of the compass. Therefore, the radius of the compass is 300'. From there, I was able to start my testing.

Running Speed

Many skills in the game affect running speed. It's a very important aspect, but is it physically possible to run the speeds the GW humans run? I hypothesized that probably not, since there could be unknown differences between the humans of Tyria and real-world humans and that magic is often used to increase movement speed which could possibly cause humans to exceed their natural capacity.

For this test, I chose Budek Byway (right outside of Kaineng City) as the testing ground since the roads there are relatively flat. For the skills, I chose three for different increases in speed: Dash (50%), Charging Strike (33%), and Sprint (25%). I specced so that Dash lasted 3 seconds (like always), Charging Strike 4 seconds (@5 Strength) and Sprint at 8 seconds (@5 Strength).


I first put a party flag directly on myself at my starting position (I brought a hero and flagged him directly away, so he wasn't in my way). I turned to a direction with room where I would encounter no obstacles or hills, and I pressed the autorun key and the skill key at the same time to start running and then pressed Esc when the stance ended, stopping me exactly where it ended. I did this with each skill and took a screen each time. I then cut the compass out of each pic and measured the pixel length from the flag to my final position and from myself to the compass to find the proportion of the compass distance I covered. The line tool in my image editor (Paint.NET) shows the exact pixel amount from the endpoints, so the results should be pretty accurate. My results are below:


Charging Strike



Speed = Distance/Time, so the Distance is (pixels traveled/compass pixels) * 300 feet, and the Time is the duration of the stance.

Dash Calculations

(41px/128px) * 300 feet / 3 sec = 32.03 ft/s = 21.84 mph

Charging Strike Calculations

(46px/126px) * 300 feet / 4 sec = 27.38 ft/s = 18.67 mph

Sprint Calculations

(86px/127px) * 300 feet / 8 sec = 25.39 ft/s = 17.30 mph


According to the Wikipedia article on footspeed, the maximum recorded sprint speed was 29.8 mph (with an average speed of 22.95 mph). Therefore, the land speed of humans in GW is physically possible, even when assisted by speed boosts. Since Dash only lasts 3 seconds normally, it makes sense that GW humans can't normally run at that speed for long periods of time. Of course, real-world humans probably couldn't do those speeds wielding weapons/shields and wearing armor, but that isn't testable in Guild Wars. So Guild Wars's IMS Skills are physically possible in the real world, and my hypothesis was wrong.

To come, I will also do:

Tyria's (the planet) Size compared to Earth's

My next analysis will be the size of the continents of Tyria and seeing how much space on a planet they would take up if Tyria had a similar composition and gravity of Earth. But this sorta depends on...


What's the acceleration due to gravity in Tyria? Is it the same as Earth's? I have a way of testing this but it will be harder than the other two and will have substantially more error. More on this later...|||Nice work. Below is a copypasta from another of my posts which links to various threads covering some of the work you are looking at.

There are four seasons and 360 days in the Mouvelian calendar*, Tyria appears to have the same moon as Earth*(albeit an odd orbiting moon*) and whilst the measurable area of Tyria is somewhat questionable* it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that their days are split into 24 hours or 2 sets of 12*.

Like your style and looking forward to reading more.


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Nice work. Below is a copypasta from another of my posts which links to various threads covering some of the work you are looking at.

There are four seasons and 360 days in the Mouvelian calendar*, Tyria appears to have the same moon as Earth*(albeit an odd orbiting moon*) and whilst the measurable area of Tyria is somewhat questionable* it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that their days are split into 24 hours or 2 sets of 12*.

Like your style and looking forward to reading more.


Nice links. The moon orbit and time disk ones are especially interesting. But the measurable area of Tyria is what I'm attempting to uncover with my second experiment (which I'm still working on).|||If you're wanting to go on size of Tyria, I suggest looking at this guru thread as it might help along with one of the links Art posted.

Also know that Tyria is scaled and the size are most likely to be off on a lore perspective.|||Nice job, I enjoyed reading it.

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