Thursday, April 12, 2012

West of the Crystal Desert

[:1]From the new NPC in Embark Beach, Ceira, Sworn to Fire:


"If you're looking for the leader of our group, then you're talking to the right person. When we recieved word of what the Zaishen were doing here, we decided to return from out expedition into the lands far west of the Crystal Desert. I guess you could say that I have traveled enough to have a sense of perspective, and I realize the importance of this venture. There are terrible things in this world, my friend - and I don't mean the kind of wrong that one person may do to another. I mean evil in the truest sense, the kind that threatens us all.

People need to stand together, to aid one another in their battles. I can't help the feeling that there are terrible things to come... we need to foster this sense of unity now, so that we can face the future prepared."

I smell a GW2 expansion...|||Wouldn't the lands "far" west of the Crystal Desert be Orr? I'm pretty sure GW2 already will have us traveling to the newly risen Orr. Don't forget, that's where Zhaitan came from, and I'm pretty sure it was stated that Zhaitan will be the primary antagonist at initial release.

from GW2 Wiki:


In 1219 AE, Zhaitan's awakening caused the entire Orrian peninsula to rise from the ocean, flooding the coastlines of Tyria and drowning thousands. Zhaitan conscripted those killed into an undead army, spanning the Strait of Malchor and blocking access to and from Cantha.

Unless they are talking about lands even further west than the Fire Island Chain, then they should have simply said west of Tyria. But, based upon the fact that they singled out Crystal Desert makes me think they are referring to Orr...or at least, in GW1s case, the areas around where Orr used to be.|||West of the Crystal Desert? Orr.

Terrible things to come? Sounds like Orr.

Doubt we'll get a BMP-styled mission to get a small taste of it in GW1's lifetime.|||Quote:

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Wouldn't the lands "far" west of the Crystal Desert be Orr? I'm pretty sure GW2 already will have us traveling to the newly risen Orr. Don't forget, that's where Zhaitan came from, and I'm pretty sure it was stated that Zhaitan will be the primary antagonist at initial release.

from GW2 Wiki:

Unless they are talking about lands even further west than the Fire Island Chain, then they should have simply said west of Tyria. But, based upon the fact that they singled out Crystal Desert makes me think they are referring to Orr...or at least, in GW1s case, the areas around where Orr used to be.

Orr is sunk beneath the waves, and only Zhaitan makes it rise again. They came from an expedition from lands far west of the CD, so I'd say they're not taking about Orr as it's no longer a land and isn't really to the "far" west of it.|||

I always took everything in the Red to be once part of Orr, just like the "crater" on the map being Ascalon.

Orr's territory reached even the Tarnished Coasts Shards of Orr, so it's possible.|||Quote:

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Orr is sunk beneath the waves, and only Zhaitan makes it rise again. They came from an expedition from lands far west of the CD, so I'd say they're not taking about Orr as it's no longer a land and isn't really to the "far" west of it.

Yes, but like I said, why would they say far west if by that they meant further west than the Prophecies map covers? They would have said far west of Tyria if that were the case. "Far" west of Crystal Desert would be either Orr and the surrounding area, or the Fire Chain Islands, and I highly doubt they were at FCI.

Don't forget, far is relative. On a map, Orr doesn't look far from the Crystal Desert, but in reality, it would be pretty far. And, as Karuro pointed out, I don't think Orr is only what sunk. Sure, maybe the main part of Orr is what sunk, but I would think that any of the immediate surrounding area would be considered Orr.|||I think it might have been a typo and meant far east, because there's only 2 lands west of the Crystal Desert: Orr and the Ring of Fire islands. Further west might as well have been called the last west of the Maguuma Jungle (which we know includes a coast thanks to Fort Koga's description).

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