Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Are there really any "God realms"?

Soz if this was discussed before, didnt see it myself so i thought i would post my theory about whether FoW and UW should be considering god realms. Lots of people on other forums keep complaining about the missing "god realms" but in my opinion there are none in the first place, for example i think that FoW is not balthazar's realm but more in fact a place over run by his half brother Menzies and his shadow army and he wants us to extermenate it. Same with the UW, it is overrun with Dhuum and his servants and Grenth wants us to extinguish it, so it is not in fact their "realms" except maybe the UW for grenth. Thoughts? feedback?|||Are you saying they're just physical locations that the gods use to decieve mortals and that there's really only one plane of existence? That's an interesting idea, but there's nothing really to back it up.|||Considering the servents of the gods in the realms directly call them the realms of the gods, I'd say they are in-fact the god's realm.

The best explanation I've heard to why there aren't other god realms that we can access, is simply because there is nothing going on in them that warrants a mortal interfering.|||Like Quintus says, it's because they've got nothing going on, that the other's aren't open.

I do like the idea, and it has some merit. What's interesting is that they aren't really god realms, just post-death fates the Gods control. The Underworld speaks for itself, and the Forge of War is the dwarven fate (aka Great Forge). Other post-death realms would be the Hall of Heroes, and possibly the up-and-coming Hall of Monuments.

But do the other Gods have post-death realms? Debatably, Melandru's dominating realm would be Tyria itself, controlled by her minions, the Druids. Lyssa doesn't seem to have much in the terms of immortal salvation, nor does Dwayna for that matter.

I don't really think the Gods have realms in terms of This Is My Crib. They move on and create stuff, and their only real home has been Arah, which is lost to the guppy.|||Well we know there is a "heaven". Abaddon and the Margonites assaulted the "Gates of Heaven". The Hall of Heroes seems to be a seperate entity all together from this "heaven", which appears to be the other-world Arah, Orr.

Also, there is no indication that anything other than the realms of the Underworld and the Hall of Heroes there are any other "afterlifes". The Fissure of Woe is not confirmed to be the Great Forge, even though there are some very distinct similarities.

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