Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dwarven story - similarity to Transformers Story (G1, not recent movie)?

[:1]First off: When I say Transformers, I do not mean the recent live-action movies, nor any of the less recent cartoons or anything related.

I'm talking about the old, old G1 (Generation 1) comics from Marvel (UK and US).

Specifically, the relationship between the Transformers race, their god Primus, and the planet-devourer Unicron.

Every time I read about the dwarfs, I have to think about how it reminds me of Transformers.

Judge for yourself:

Summed up into one sentence, the dwarfs were created by the Great Dwarf to battle the great Destroyer, what happens to them afterwards is not important.

I'll go into more detail about Transformers, as I don't know how well you know them:

Their god, Primus, was battling Unicron, a god (of sorts) who wanted to destroy all creation. Primus was losing, so he tricked Unicron into some sort of hibernation.

Primus knew that one day Unicron would be back, still more powerful than him.

He created the Transformers race, to have an army fighting for/with him when that day came.

The Transformers didn't know any of this, they didn't even really know how or why they existed.

When Unicron came back, Primus gathered all Transformers to battle him. Primus himself didn't really fight against Unicron, being too weak.

By using an artefact of Primus (the Matrix) they were able to destroy Unicron. (Mostly.)


Am I trying to see things that aren't there, or is there a distinctive pattern? Interesting to note: both fictions have the race split into two warring factions - Deldrimor/Stone Summit and Autobot/Decepticon. Only that in TF both factions fought against the enemy together.

(A note about TF: what I wrote is a condensed and heavily reduced story of what happened in G1. Due to numerous retcons, the whole story would be a bit different, but I think it contains the essential truth, even if details would vary based on your personal canon.)|||I see the parallels in the stories, but is there some additional element to it I'm not seeing? There are many parallels in the general flow of stories, so it's not entirely surprising that you would see this. Good eye though.|||Quote:

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There are many parallels in the general flow of stories, so it's not entirely surprising that you would see this.

I expected that. I just wasn't sure. I couldn't think of any other instance of this storyline, so I thought I'd bring it up here to get it out of my mind.|||Although I do not follow that specific TF canon I can see the similarities. But then again any story that reflects good, and evil down to the point that it has a definite destroyer and creator will be similar. Look deep enough into most religions, and you can find the exact similarities.

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