Thursday, April 12, 2012

Guild Wars World Map, 4th Ed.

[:1]I've uploaded the new jpgs onto my server with the same filenames you should be able to go back to page 1, and download your

prefered size again to get the latest version (if not, try clearing your cache)

or just use these links:

With Background:




Without Background:




Revision 1:

Added Renk's Laboratory

Added Shrine of the Wolf Spirit

Added Shrine of the Bear Spirit

Added Jora's Homestead

Added Charr Garrison

Added Fronis Irontoe's Lair

Added Secret Lair of the Snowmen

Added Central Transfer Chamber

Added Heart of the Shiverpeaks

Added all 3 Asura Gates

Added Old Monastery

Added Add Graggult's Keep

Added Add Hierophant's stronghold

Added Saidra's Ashes

Added Amnoon Arena

Added Ascalon Arena

Added Churranu Island Arena

Added D'Alessio Arena

Added Fort Koga

Added Petrified Arena

Added Shing Jea Arena

Added Shiverpeak Arena

Added Sunspear Arena

Added Brawler's Pit

Added Deldrimor Arena

Added Seabed Arena

Added The Crag

Added Forbidden Path area name

Added Sunward Marches area name

Added Temple of the Unseen

Added Talmark Pillars

Added Entrance to Vestibule

Added Drakkar

Added Water Dragon

Added The Falls (landmarks)

Changed Ring of Fire Islands to Ring of Fire Island Chain

Changed Ruins of Orr from Region style name, to Subregion style name

Added Dzalana Subregion

Added Sulfurous Wastelands Subregion

Fixed all the Area Names (they were all about half an inch to the right)

Fixed Spelling: the Green Hills to Green Hills County

Fixed Spelling: The Amnoon Oasis

Fixed Spelling: Tahnnakai Temple area name

Gave the Crystal Desert Region an outline

Darkened the Ascalon Region


Also thanks to Gmr Leon for his great visual aids and of course, everyone who suggested something that i'd missed in the first version.

Hopefully there's only a few little things left, which we can discuss here in the thread and i can put into a revision 2 in probably a few weeks from now which should also incorporate any bonus mission pack changes.

Thanks again to everyone for their support, and help! :)

aus|||Wow, that is an AWESOME piece of work. Well done!

Just one thing, though. I think the Crystal Desert and the Desolation should be placed closer together. Remember that you're able to see the Giant Statue in the Arid Sea from Crystal Overlook, which means that the two areas are situated fairly close together.|||Quote:

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Wow, that is an AWESOME piece of work. Well done!

Just one thing, though. I think the Crystal Desert and the Desolation should be placed closer together. Remember that you're able to see the Giant Statue in the Arid Sea from Crystal Overlook, which means that the two areas are situated fairly close together.

He tried that but there were would be problems with the Elonian/Tyrian Coastline.|||Wow, I still can't stop admiring your excellent work, aus|||Briljant work. I saved this straight to my harddisk. I wish I could add anything more, but you seem to have simply everything covered. And it looks pretty too!|||Wow, this puts my map to shame :D|||I've updated the map to the new fourth edition. Once again, great work!|||My only thought is to add the label to the second Giant's Basin as such. I discussed that both bodies of water north of kryta had the same name in this thread|||Wow! That is a really impressive piece of work! You even remembered Maladar's Fort, Shaemoor, and obscure named areas like that!

VERY well done!

One thing: Perhaps the resting place of the Scepter of Orr, in Majesty's Rest, should be marked? Was it not hinted to be the tomb of the Krytan royal family? I could be wrong.

And perhaps Darkhaven should be marked? Although it's technically part of Sorrow's Furnace, it is the name of the area that connects to the Dredge's original home, so it holds extra significance.

Edit: You... you even remembered the Hanging Gardens of Jahin 0-0 it's flawless!|||Quote:

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Wow! That is a really impressive piece of work! You even remembered Maladar's Fort, Shaemoor, and obscure named areas like that!

VERY well done!

One thing: Perhaps the resting place of the Scepter of Orr, in Majesty's Rest, should be marked? Was it not hinted to be the tomb of the Krytan royal family? I could be wrong.

Edit: You... you even remembered the Hanging Gardens of Jahin 0-0 it's flawless!

I'm not sure if it is in Majesty's Rest. I remember seeing the end cinematic for Gates of Kryta, where they recover the Scepter, and I'm fairly certain it isn't Majesty's Rest.

EDIT: Nietzsche: There's also the massive body of water above both of those... we don't know if it closes off to form a large lake or if it continues into a sea.

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