Thursday, April 12, 2012

Requesting a Debriefing

[:1]Hello everyone,

It's been quite awhile since we last spoke. I was lured back when ANet contacted me and told me about this War for Kryta thing. To that end, I'd appreciate a summary of any new research on-going or any confirmed results since, say, last year.

Some updates on my life, for those who care:

I'm working towards a PhD in Religious Studies and/or Theology. Right now I'm attending graduate school on a full scholarship. I like to think I took the demanding standards of my Loremaster days and applied it to real life. Anything else you want to know, just ask I hope you've been well.|||I am unsure of all that you missed, but since the last time I'm sure you were around, the only lore that came about was in Dhuum's appearance (which you may or may not have an interest in - sadly, he is not insectoid), and this War in Kryta thing.

A full yet brief summary of the War in Kryta can be found in the first post in this GW2Guru thread. But a lore recap is, more or less, as follows:

A Shining Blade Camp has appeared in Talmark Wilderness with Livia, Evennia, Bartholos, Salma, and Arad - along with many Prophecies Shining Blade members. There are many new recruits seen there.

The new Confessor's name is Isaiah - presumed to be Justiciar Isaiah - and the White Mantle has hired a bunch of "Peacekeepers" (who are more or less just bandits) and have over the past few weeks have made more and more laws - one can be found here.

Some new lore newspaper-like articles have been released under the name of the War Chronicles.

There have been added various dialogues between Peacekeepers and civilians, including one mentioning a special edict by Saul that protected the Temple of the Ages (there's a dialogue thread in the Tyrian subsection for those).

In a recent dialogue in the Shining Blade camp, Livia is going to recruit help from the asura, and Evennia from the Ebon Vanguard (the former I think will be with Zinn, who was the maker of M.O.X. R.O.X., and the other golems, if you know that, and who's trial was recently added as well - the later I think will be Thackeray, who is believed to be the ancestor of Logan in GW2).

Thus far, that's basically it.

Non-War in Kryta bit, there's additional Gwen and Thackeray dialogue, and the aforementioned Trial of Zinn.

Hope this helps. I'm sure I missed things.|||Hiya QA, it's been a while since we've seen you here.

Besides what Konig just summed up as added lore, there is not much to say. For the latest research on lore-related subjects I think you're just going to have to read the last page of threads of this forum and it's subforums.|||Although Dhuum has a skull for a head, his eyes do look rather insectoid, I must say. Also, he looks awesome.|||I agree completely with that, QA. However, I really wish he was far more insectoid. Aw well, a few theories debunked. No matter.|||Also about a year and a half ago there was an assassination attempt on Princess Salma, Prince Bokka and Emperor Kisu (which is what the recent trial was about.)|||Quote:

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Although Dhuum has a skull for a head, his eyes do look rather insectoid, I must say. Also, he looks awesome.

However, the exposed parts of the body, which is really only the chest, do not seem to suggest an insectoid form beneath the robes. On the other hand, though, going off of the in-game model, it doesn't appear entirely human, while the concept art does suggest it was meant to look like an revealed part of a ribcage. (I'm not familiar with insect anatomy, but the little I do know has never included a skeletal structure in them.)

Would you like a list of links of some of the latest threads, Quintus?|||Nah, it's not necessary. I'm not looking to get involved in any research. I'm just looking for some notable theories, discoveries, or events that have come up over the years.|||There's my theory on water's (or fluid's) magical conductivity. Magic being the manipulation of the Mists through a sort of soul-uplink to the whole through a contained part of the Mists. The essence of the Gods being a more general part of the Mists that they contain within themselves enhancing their ability to manipulate the Mists. This Mist-containment idea has also been applied to the planet of Tyria itself as a potential explanation for the formation of life naturally, rather than through Godly means. I've also posited the idea of the Riders as being sort of magic-sponges or detectors, due to their residing in areas of high concentrations of magical energy, or areas which previously held such concentrations.

The hypothesis that the realms of the Gods are within the Rift and surround the Hall of Heroes by Konig. Abaddon used the portals opened by Odran to send his servants through leading to the events of the Jade Wind and Flameseeker Prophecies, also by Konig. There's also his research on the Undead, which suggests that the Undead are created by forcing a soul back into a corpse, as well as covering the nature of spirits and other forms of the undead (Liches, Necromancer's minions, Afflicted, Shiro'ken).

There has also been the connection on the parts of Whisper and ShadowedSin of the Sylvari to the Irish faerie myths and the Seleighe and Unseleighe courts by the normal Sylvari and the Nightmare Court Sylvari which seek to explore, more or less, all aspects of their being.

There has also been the addition of the Kodan, a race of polar bear humanoids descending from the Far North with the Norn after the rise of Jormag that inhabit iceberg cities. We also know that the Flame Legion still exists and wishes to establish their leader, Gaheron, as the god of the Charr, and it appears as though he may be tapping into Primordus's powers to display himself in such a manner. (Although this remains unconfirmed and is merely speculation.)

Let's see....I think that covers a bulk of the major research. Oh, and Guru and GW2Guru's lore forums can no longer be overlooked as illegitimate areas of discussion and speculation.|||That's good news about Guru. I'm glad they got their act together. No more "Where's Spongebob" threads?

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