Thursday, April 12, 2012

GW Beyond Predictions.

[:1]The thread is for predictions on what will happen in GW: Beyond. Predictions doesn't require solid prove (since it is in the future) so feel free to get creative. That said please try to keep your predictions within the limits of the offcial timelines in GW1 and GW2. And assume that the player was 16 years old in the year 1070AE (pre-searing)

Here are my predictions (all times in AE):

1079-1080: Gwen finds Thackeray. King Adelbern finally accepts the eventual defeat of Ascalon and ordered Ebonhawke be built, well beyond the current battle front. (player 25 years old at start)

1079-1088: Various local warlords, previously known as Peacekeepers, break away from Salma to declare their independent kingdoms. The 8 years of Kryta Civil War has began. Eventually Salma, with the help of SB, LG and Ascalon Settlement was able to reunite Kryta. (player 25 years old at start)

1085-1100: After years of simply raiding travelers, the Wardens attacks the Kurzicks in many areas. The Great Warden War had began. Although the Wardens were eventually driven back, the Kurzicks were greatly weakened after these attacks. (player 31 years old at start)

1085-1090: Charr regained their strength and renewed their attack against Ascalon. The 5 year war for Ascalon begins. The post searing Ascalon has very limited farm-able land and was constantly pushed back by the Charr forces. Ascalon City was finally taken in 1090, followed by Foefire. With this, Ascalon collapses as an empire. (player 31 years old at start)

1087-1135: Palawa Joko attacks all land of Elona. After 48 years of struggle Palawa wins. (player 33 years old at start)

1088: Ascalon Settlement was given limited independence from Kryta for their help during the civil war. A democratic government, the first of its kind, was established. The new name for this is the Ascalon Republic. Throughout its existent, all the way to the time of GW2, the Ascalon Republic was at friendly terms with kryta. (player 34 years old at start)

1088-1090: Ascalon Republic forms rescue parties to help many Ascalonians escape to Kryta. Some made it to Kryta. Many others were attacked by local Tengus and escaped to Southern Silverpeaks instead. This group eventually formed a nation called Western Ascalon Empire. (player 34 years old at start)

1090: The second eldest son of King Adelbern takes the throne after his father's death. He resides in Ebonhawke and renamed his land into Eastern Ascalon Empire. (player 36 years old at start)

1110-1127: Emperor Usoku declare war on both Kurzicks and Luxon. The 17 years long Battle for Cantha had began. Eventually Usoku wins. (player 56 years old at start)|||Erm..What basis do you have for the "Great Warden War"? Also, Adelbern had no remaining heirs with the death of Prince Rurik.


The royal line of Adelbern ended with the death of Prince Rurik.

We also have nothing to suggest the Ascalon Settlement would ever be given independence, nor that it would like to. I'm also not sure why any Ascalonians rescued from Ascalon would flee into the Southern Shiverpeaks after being attacked by Tengu. Most of the Ascalonians who made the trek through the Northern Shiverpeaks after the fall of Rin were quite happy to get out of there. Considering the trek to the Southern Shiverpeaks would be even longer than that, and supplies being sparse in Ascalon as they were and would be even more so after going across the North Shiverpeaks, I'd think that nearly all of any such group would die before they made it. Not to mention the time it would take to set up any comfortable settlement arrangements and learn how to sustain themselves in that environment.|||Quote:

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Erm..What basis do you have for the "Great Warden War"? Also, Adelbern had no remaining heirs with the death of Prince Rurik.

We also have nothing to suggest the Ascalon Settlement would ever be given independence, nor that it would like to. I'm also not sure why any Ascalonians rescued from Ascalon would flee into the Southern Shiverpeaks after being attacked by Tengu. Most of the Ascalonians who made the trek through the Northern Shiverpeaks after the fall of Rin were quite happy to get out of there. Considering the trek to the Southern Shiverpeaks would be even longer than that, and supplies being sparse in Ascalon as they were and would be even more so after going across the North Shiverpeaks, I'd think that nearly all of any such group would die before they made it. Not to mention the time it would take to set up any comfortable settlement arrangements and learn how to sustain themselves in that environment.

Firstborn son doesn't mean only son.


King Adelbern's oldest son is Prince Rurik and he is the heir to the Ascalonian throne. Prince Rurik is also the only prince that the players had seen in the game. However it is not known exactly how many sons and daughters King Adelbern has.


Firstborn son of King Adelbern and heir to the throne of Ascalon, Prince Rurik is a brave, bold man who often takes action on the spur of the moment.|||The royal line of Adelbern ended with the death of Prince Rurik. As the Movement states. It can't get any clearer than that.|||Considering that Ascalon was never an empire to begin with, it seems a little ridiculous for a ragtag bunch of survivors in a single stronghold to suddenly put on imperial airs. An empire is normally composed of several nations or peoples ruled by a single authority (such as the Canthan empire, which rules the Canthans, Kurzicks, and Luxons). Salma has more excuse to proclaim an empire than anyone in Ebonhawke, because there are several distinct peoples in Kryta when you consider refugee populations from Ascalon, Cantha, and Orr.|||However it is possible a relative could be given the throne. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the Dukes was a relative and not in combat at Ascalon but at Ebonhawke.|||I want to add that since this is a prediction thread it is ok to get creative as long as it fits within the limit of the already existing timeline.

And the storyline isn't set in stone until the game hits beta stage anyways. At least not until reading Ghosts of Ascalon.


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Considering that Ascalon was never an empire to begin with, it seems a little ridiculous for a ragtag bunch of survivors in a single stronghold to suddenly put on imperial airs. An empire is normally composed of several nations or peoples ruled by a single authority (such as the Canthan empire, which rules the Canthans, Kurzicks, and Luxons). Salma has more excuse to proclaim an empire than anyone in Ebonhawke, because there are several distinct peoples in Kryta when you consider refugee populations from Ascalon, Cantha, and Orr.


Seeing how big pre-searing Ascalon was, I doubt the people of Ascalon were all just one people back then. In the distinct past tribes probably fought each other over control of the area. By 100BE the area was united under the banner of Ascalon. However Ascalon was much better in assimilating the population into one culture than both Cantha and Elona. All past "minor" culture and languages were forgotten over time.

Nations don't get big without conquering other nations. That is a solid fact in history. Even in North America Canada and US "conquered" the land away from the natives.


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However it is possible a relative could be given the throne. It wouldn't surprise me if one of the Dukes was a relative and not in combat at Ascalon but at Ebonhawke.

There are many possibilities. Can be King Adelbern's direct descendants. Can be a relative. Can be Duke Barradin's descendants. Cynn was of noble blood too so can be her descendants. Even Gwen might have been of noble blood (his father was some great warrior).|||It is indeed implied that Adelbern had a younger son, but we hear nothing of him and he either 1) was disowned too, or 2) died. But an heir isn't that unlikely. Duke Barradin could of survived and be our link to a descendant of Doric in Ascalon's Ebonhawke in GW2. I find him taking the "throne" after Adelbern's death more likely than a no-longer-heir son that was never named.

I think that the unification of Kryta is against the pre-existing warlords mentioned in the EN manual and implied by a SB guard and Lionguard in the keep after the WiK. Though there are probably some WM and Peacekeepers who survived and became warlords themselves, the warlords are not going to be exclusive to the Peacekeepers. And any bounty there were: those guys are dead (see the post-WiK version of the bounties' dialogues).

I too would like to know where this "Great Warden War" came from. I'd be expecting a "Third Great Corsair War" before any warden war.

As BrettM said, Ascalon was a kingdom, not an empire. The only empires in GW would be the Empire of the Dragon (Cantha) and Joko's undead empire. The rest are kingdoms (Tyria) and provinces (Elona). And nothing points to Ascalonians at first being of many people (and seemingly, King Doric was the one who united them, as he was crowned in Ascalon when Ascalon was founded).

I do find it interesting how you classify the characters' age though - seeing how, with GW being an RPG, there is no set age for the characters.|||Not being fond of royalty, I hope it's the end of them in Ascalon. I'm just mean that way, especially if it means I don't have to rescue/follow around/listen to/obey the legitimate or illegitimate offspring of Adelbern in GW2. I'd much rather help people because I want to, not because they are related to some dead dude who was 'special'.

I'd actually expect the wardens to be less powerful after the defeat of Abaddon, because I think the Jade Wind drove them crazy (or more crazy than they already were). We know that the Kurzicks and wardens used to be friendly with each other, that at some point the wardens were not just irrational beasts. Hmm, maybe the empire sees the Kurzicks getting friendly with the wardens again and that is part of the reason the next emperor decides to subdue the vassal states AND kill off non human races. Who knows?

I don't expect Kryta to have a smooth sail into the future either. There is now a queen, but elements of her court are free wheeling (some of the shining blades) or questionable (trusted white mantle agents) - I think she might trust those around her too much. I'm also curious what the corsairs are up to, if they bother Lion's Arch even before the tsunami and become a nuisance.

Anyhow, the book is out soon, probably some blanks will get filled in (though please oh please I hope the book is not just 200 pages of exposition).|||Quote:

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It is indeed implied that Adelbern had a younger son, but we hear nothing of him and he either 1) was disowned too, or 2) died. But an heir isn't that unlikely. Duke Barradin could of survived and be our link to a descendant of Doric in Ascalon's Ebonhawke in GW2. I find him taking the "throne" after Adelbern's death more likely than a no-longer-heir son that was never named.

I think that the unification of Kryta is against the pre-existing warlords mentioned in the EN manual and implied by a SB guard and Lionguard in the keep after the WiK. Though there are probably some WM and Peacekeepers who survived and became warlords themselves, the warlords are not going to be exclusive to the Peacekeepers. And any bounty there were: those guys are dead (see the post-WiK version of the bounties' dialogues).

I too would like to know where this "Great Warden War" came from. I'd be expecting a "Third Great Corsair War" before any warden war.

As BrettM said, Ascalon was a kingdom, not an empire. The only empires in GW would be the Empire of the Dragon (Cantha) and Joko's undead empire. The rest are kingdoms (Tyria) and provinces (Elona). And nothing points to Ascalonians at first being of many people (and seemingly, King Doric was the one who united them, as he was crowned in Ascalon when Ascalon was founded).

I do find it interesting how you classify the characters' age though - seeing how, with GW being an RPG, there is no set age for the characters.

The Wardens are trying to reverse the effect of the petrified Echovald Forest. That part of the story was not explored further after the end of the Cantha campaign. My prediction is that, whatever method they found, it won't be "player" friendly. My guess is they will need to attack the humans directly to reach their goal.

A 3rd Corsair war might happen too. If it does probably at the same time as Joko's attack.

As for the age, I want my character to be relatively young during pre-searing so he/she can waitness some world changing events in his/her life time. 16 is probably the youngest age the player can be during pre-searing, since even the kid Gwen was 10 years old at the time.

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