Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tyria, 250 years later.

[:1]Low-res map:


High-res map:


Overlay maps by Rainking:


Oversized, even in spoilers.

Modified map to show the GW2 locations on the GW1 map by Marius Klouser:


There are a few details that are a bit off in the last two, either due to the map taking into account the size of GW2's world, which we know to be larger, or to creator error. It should also be kept in mind that this map appears to be a crude representation of the world, rather than a master cartographer's work, so it will hold some errors in itself. Such as possibly size differences and the like. However, the general information does assist in revealing the extent of the flooding as well as the possible location of Kralkatorrik. Intriguingly, Kralkatorrik, earlier speculated at being farther north in the Crystal Desert, which it should be noted is still a possibility, may in fact be farther south, towards the central Crystal Desert. Edit: The water in the map is throwing me off, going off the overlay it appears that Kralkatorrik is still in the speculated area, the northern region of the Crystal Desert.

This means that should we take the land route to Arah, we may encounter some of its minions, as well as even perhaps some of Palawa Joko's forces. Albeit they may be scouts, considering the land route to Elona appears to be blocked by water unless you're on the base of the Orrian peninsula.|||All this new info is awesome!

/excited|||Ehm, looking at that map it looks like Kralkatorrik landed right on top of The Tomb of the Primeval Kings and the Dragons Lair. Coincidence?|||Quote:

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Ehm, looking at that map it looks like Kralkatorrik landed right on top of The Tomb of the Primeval Kings and the Dragons Lair. Coincidence?

Quite close to Ebonhawke as well, if anything adding to their defenses or hindering their ability to attack Charr.

But yes, odd it landed near Glint.|||Doesn't seem that odd to me, really. Glint is a dragon herself, possibly a juvenile ancient dragon. Maybe Kra.. krak.. whatshisname has business with Glint (they're family?? ).

What I find odd is that despite some land has been claimed by the rising ocean, there appear to be some islands that have gotten bigger (islands off the coast of Kryta, the ring of fire, the coast that leads to Elona is different).

What I must say though, is that this map reminds me a lot of old maps from medieval or early renaissance times... it doesn't look like a map that is supposed to be accurate. I suppose a "sattelite-precise map" will be released sooner or later.|||Glint has been stated to not be an elder dragon.|||Since she is prescient, maybe that is why we save her offspring near the CTC - because she knows that an elder dragon is going to land on her lair and have a light snack, considering that an elder dragon could find the right grain of sand. Though somehow I doubt Glint will be so easily removed from Tyria (though it is interesting to think Glint knows the hour and method of her death). I am interested though to find out if her offspring plays a role in GW2 and what happens with the forgotten since so much of their native area is overrun either with an elder dragon or Joko. Poor snakies.|||Ghosts of Ascalon minor spoiler


Black Citadel is confirmed to be site of where Rin was located|||Quote:

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Since she is prescient, maybe that is why we save her offspring near the CTC

But the baby wasn't near the CTC. Check the M map while you're in Glint's Challenge. You are transported down to the Crystal Desert, near Glint's Lair.|||Quote:

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Glint has been stated to not be an elder dragon.

Well, It's still one hell of a "coincidence" that Krallkatorrik landed right in her lair.

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