Thursday, April 12, 2012

Horses in Tyria

[:1]Perhaps this has been brought up before, but I found no topics on horses, and did not feel that searching every post with "horse" in it would lead me to any results beyond "Iron Horse Mine". Which brings me to the topic.

Are there horses alive in Tyria? We've seen examples of the word "horse" used...

Iron Horse Mine

The Four Horsemen

Necrid Horsemen

Equine Aegis (Latin)

And yet I cannot remember seeing a living horse anywhere in the game. There are dolyaks and oxen used to pull loads and transport people, but no horses, save the ethereal and skeletal kinds.

What's further are the race of centaur - half-man, half-horse? We can say that maybe they are related to horses in some way, succeeding or even preceding, but the fact remains that the only way "Iron Horse Mine" could be named the way it is, is if horses existed (or once existed). Meaning that perhaps Orr was the only continent to have them. But before I start belting out foolish hypotheses, I need to know if anyone has hard evidence of horses or a thread that I can be directed to. (A centaur thread will not work. I don't want to discuss centaur.)

Perhaps I've overlooked something. Is there a lonely horse, or two, waiting in some barren explorable area or a small corner of Vabbi? Can anyone enlighten me? And if this has already been discussed, then delete this thread.|||Wow, wasn't expecting what was made in Guru to be made here.

Firstly: Necrid Horseman. It's on a horse. You also missed one from a vabbian quest where a retired general calls himself an "old war horse."

There are also several concept art for GW with horses.

Horses did exist.

Also, there is a scene in the Charr Homelands with either deer, horses, or gazelles (btw, Gazelles are mentioned in the Nightfall manuscripts about the Elonians Centaurs, and iirc, Gazelles are of the same family as horses). They are most likely deer though.

As for the centaurs, I wouldn't call them half-man, half-horse. Unlike the "traditional" centaur, the GW centaurs are not "the upper body of a man, with the body of a horse" - instead it's more of "the body of a horse, with the torso and arms of a man, and a head of something else."

Back to horses, it would appear they do exist in Tyria, but they are either native to Orr and thus could be extinct, or they are native to somewhere else.|||Quote:

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Wow, wasn't expecting what was made in Guru to be made here.

So, do I take that as an insult to my researching abilities? I don't really find it funny. You could have just given me the link.


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Firstly: Necrid Horseman. It's on a horse. You also missed one from a vabbian quest where a retired general calls himself an "old war horse."

I realize that the necrid horsemen ride on horses. That's... that's why I mentioned them.

I suppose that we have no inclination as to why Orr was the only continent that may have had horses, then? Or why none of the other continents have them? (Except Elona, with the gazelles you mentioned).

EDIT:Oh wait, there's a thead on Guru. I suppose we should just lock this one, or delete it.|||Quote:

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So, do I take that as an insult to my researching abilities? I don't really find it funny. You could have just given me the link.

Quite the contrary, I found it as humorous that threads, even to the title, is made by different people on both forums. And that people usually consider the Guru community more ignorant and dumb, yet the same things sometimes are made over here later on.

Yet another reason why the two communities should be merged.


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I realize that the necrid horsemen ride on horses. That's... that's why I mentioned them.

And that should have been all you needed to realize that horses at least did exist. You see, this is something which was missed for a while in the Guru thread.


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I suppose that we have no inclination as to why Orr was the only continent that may have had horses, then? Or why none of the other continents have them? (Except Elona, with the gazelles you mentioned).

For the time being, this is correct.


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EDIT:Oh wait, there's a thead on Guru. I suppose we should just lock this one, or delete it.

Not quite, as Guru and GWO are different forums, and different communities. I must say you need to calm down. I merely meant the Guru comment in that the same questions come up, and that so much repeating could be spared if the communities were more joined like myself and Leon have attempted in the past. And continue to.|||We're taking each others' comments in the wrong way.

I'm new to these forums, and don't know who knows who, and don't go to Guru (too cluttered, in my opinion). Can't be too careful.

And while the Horseman is indeed riding (what appears to be) a horse, that doesn't mean I couldn't have missed a few horses in some Eye of the North places. Furthermore my question was if there were any horses "alive"...

I don't mean to be a jerk, but being out of the loop you can't be too careful. And either way, if there's really no further information on the current condition of living horses in Tyria, well... I'm not sure how to go about researching this. We'll probably have to wait til Guild Wars 2 when we get to explore the un-sunken Orr.

EDIT: Also... Apparently horses and gazelles are in different families, so "horses" would not apply.|||Don't worry about it. If it wasn't you who brought the topic up, it would have been someone else. I'll run a search myself to make sure there isn't a preexisting topic, but for the moment, don't be concerned with the fact that it has been discussed before, albeit elsewhere.

Besides, your approach to the question is preferable to the approach others might have taken, such as suggesting the implementation of horses as mounts, which is completely unrelated and irrelevant to the lore.

Edit: Didn't pull up any topics directly related to horses, so this will remain.|||I need to go find the reference BUT I recall way way back in beta that the game designers purposefully did not want horses in the game because it would have the same old fantasy genre feeling. It isn't so much that they don't like horses or that Tyria has no horses but that it was by design. I don't think there is a lore reason. I'll poke around and see if I can find it...I remember it being a dev comment.|||Just a quick search of horses and guild wars brought up this from Utopia - go down to the features area. :

However, even before the demise of Utopia, there was other concept art for Prophecies that had mounted people. And, of course, it's just concept art and can't be taken as lore canon unless it is in the game.|||Spoiler

There are going to be mounts (Every one knows that)

But maybe the horses did die in the catalysm.

Maybe people did not need horses as transport any more cause of the dolyaks and oxes and that they can transport more people alone cause of there strenght to pul cars* and stuff.

*What is it called in the past....|||Quote:

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Just a quick search of horses and guild wars brought up this from Utopia - go down to the features area. :

However, even before the demise of Utopia, there was other concept art for Prophecies that had mounted people. And, of course, it's just concept art and can't be taken as lore canon unless it is in the game.

Am I the only one who finds a slight irony in the possible implementation of horses in a Aztec teamed expansion?


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There are going to be mounts (Every one knows that)

No, we don't. That's concept art. For all we know, it could be another foe like Dagnar Stonepate. No mounts have been confirmed. If GW2 is similar to GW, what would even be the point of mounts? We have instant teleportation.

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