Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hypothesis On the Rift/Realm of the Gods

[:1]I don't know about others, but after looking through everything regarding the Rift, Mists, and Realm of the Gods, I found nothing to indicate whether the Realm of the Gods are in the Rift, or in the Mists.

Just a quick overview, the Mists connect every thing to each other, and in the center of the Mists, is the Rift, the center of the universe. In the center of the Rift, is the Hall of Heroes.

We also know that the Underworld and the Realm of Torment are connected. Some believe that the Realm of Torment is a sub-section (of a sub-section) of the Underworld. I disagree. Why? Why would a sub-section of a sub-section of a realm need the word Realm in the name.

We can also assume that the Underworld is connected to the Hall of Heroes, by the order of the HA/Tomb Maps (Underworld->Scarred Earth->Courtyard->Hall of Heroes *HA maps have more*). In the Underworld map in Tombs, you can see in the background the Twin Serpents, or at least one of them.

My hypothesis is based on the general layout of the Rift, Mists, and the Realm of the Gods. I drew a basic idea of what my hypothesis is.


Please note: In my drawing, the shapes and sizes were done as such for simplicity, I am not suggesting those are the size comparisons, or the shapes, just general locations.

In the top drawing, the Realm of Torment and the Underworld would be next to each other, which would be why they are connected. The location of the other Realms of the Gods are uncertain, along with where the Underworld and Realm of Torment is located.

I believe that all the Realms of the Gods are connected to the Hall of Heroes, and all reside in the Rift. The Realm of Torment, being Abaddon's prison, was separated from the rest to prevent as much contamination by him as possible, and to serve even more as his prison.

After all, if they can pull entire buildings into different dimensions, and shift dimensions to their will, what stops them from being able to move/split up dimensions.

Also, my drawing proposes that Tyria is closest to the Underworld. This is only supported by the fact that the way to the Hall of Heroes takes us through a part of the Underworld. So this might not be the case.

In the bottom drawing, I tried to show how it would be to get to the Hall of Heroes, I am not saying that the Hall of Heroes is above the rest, like Mount Olympus is in Greek Mythology, but I wanted to show that the path to the Hall of Heroes is what separates it from the Realms. We only know the path from the Underworld to the Hall of Heroes, we know nothing of the other Realm's paths, and with so little room, I couldn't make six paths.

I also am not trying to say the Realm of Torment is underneath the rest (although that would fit the hell persona), just that it is separate from the rest. And not to mention broken up in of itself.

I am sure I am forgetting something, so sorry if I am. Also, sorry about the poor quality of the drawing (I'm not the best drawer and I have a rather old scanner, so not everything is clear to see).

-zips up his flame-proof suit-|||Good hypothesis. But how do we know that there are only those dimensions? There aught' to be hundreds! Thousands! Millions!

How do we even know Lyssa, Dwayna, and Melandru even have realms?

Whats in the Center of the HoH and what would be above that? (I see a light, what does that lead to?)|||That is just my hypothesis on the Rift itself, there would be other worlds, or dimensions as you put it, outside the Rift, like Tyria.

I would think Lyssa, Dwayna, and Melandru would have their own realms if Kormir will be taking over the Realm of Torment (which seem that it will be renamed as the Redeemed Realm). Why would the newest god have her own realm when three older gods do not?

Seeing how we can go into the Hall of Heroes, the center of the Hall of Heroes would be that round small room.|||Quote:

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Seeing how we can go into the Hall of Heroes, the center of the Hall of Heroes would be that round small room.

Yes, and you see a light like the one in the Catacombs (in the grave room) reaching up into the skies.|||I'll have to go back to that room... time to solo Tombs with my perma sf build... |||Geez, I write up a post, click submit and GWO dies for me, suddenly :S

Oh well, let's see if I remember what I wanted to say...

Ah, yes.

The Mists is which contains everything. The Rift is it's center, containing the Hall of Heroes.

I support the level-theory of climbing a staircase (in this case, levels from UW to HoH), since I always saw the Rift as a tower myself. Being the center, it connects itself to all around it (God realms, Tyria, other unexplored worlds..) and on top of it is the Hall of Heroes. The "levels" acting as it's staircase to the "heavens" (top).|||Quote:

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The Mists is which contains everything. The Rift is it's center, containing the Hall of Heroes.

I support the level-theory of climbing a staircase (in this case, levels from UW to HoH), since I always saw the Rift as a tower myself. Being the center, it connects itself to all around it (God realms, Tyria, other unexplored worlds..) and on top of it is the Hall of Heroes. The "levels" acting as it's staircase to the "heavens" (top).

I have a slight correction, the Rift does not connect to everything, it connects to the Mists, which is connected to everything.

Only reason why we can go to the Hall of Heroes is because of Odran's portals, in other word, his portals bypass the Mists giving a direct link to the Rift. All we know, is that the Rift is connected to the Underworld, which is why I believe that the Underworld is part of the Rift, even though it is never stated outright.|||Er..The Manuscripts themselves state that the Rift connects to everything..Why would we begin to discount them?|||When I read the manuscripts, I take it as it can access anything, not that it is literally connected. That the Rift must be passed through whenever there is travel through the dimensions/worlds.

Meaning, from the Rift, you can make connections to anything, but the connection is not always there, until the connection is made, the Mists separate the Rift and other dimensions. The Rift can connect to anything, but it isn't always connected.

I suppose this is all opinion on how to interpret the wording.|||I think that the worlds connected to The Mists are a bit like 'The Planes' of D&D.

The Mist itself would be like the plane were Sigil is, a place connected to all worlds, but a place itself, not just a connection between them.

And the Rift would be like Sigil, were many connections are found and even controlled.

I think of the Mists as a nexus of many rift and portals, were the gods happen to have their realms and territories.

So, there could be any other ways and means to go from one word to another, and many worlds we don't know anything about, and even other places like The Mist.

I bet that the Mursaat and the Seers had their own ways to get from Tyria to their worlds.

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