Saturday, April 14, 2012

[Northern Tyrian Lore] Of Asura, Teleporters, and a Floating Thing Outside Rata Sum.

[:1]This is something that has been nagging me for a while. and i thought i should let you lore guys explain it all to me.

The Asura built the portals that can teleport you around in Eye of the North right?

There is also a big hovering floatythingy outside Rata sum in Riven earth that i asume was built by the Asura, if not please elaborate on this.

So far im not really confused, what really puzzled me was this:

When you examine the teleporters, and the floaty thingy you see many similarities especially floaty symbols of light. These symbols and the round shape of the portal is, if im not mistaken STRIKINGLY similar to the Celestial Compass.

Is there a connection here? How did the Celestial compasses end up in the underworld if they were made by the Asura? Is the compass some sort of calender?

Lots of stuff for lore interested people to think about, it makes no sense to me. I will upload some pictures when i get the chance.|||Er..Yeah, pictures would be nice. I was following what you were saying up until the celestial compasses you mentioned, as I'm not really sure what those are, and how they relate to the Underworld. Unless, of course, my lack of playtime recently has missed a lot more than I thought.

If you can post a few pictures, this could be an interesting discussion indeed.|||He's talking about these things, they drop in the UW:

Personally, and it's been awhile since I've played to even see an Asura gate, but I don't think they look very similar.|||Celestial Compass:

Floaty Thingy in Riven Earth (What IS this btw?)

Asura Gate

The Celestial Compass is a gold focus item that only drops from the end chest in underworld and Zaishen Chest (the latter which has no lore-value whatsoever).

Am i the only one seing a similarity here?|||While the symbols on the Celestial Compass are interesting, due to the brightness of that which is in the center of the Golem Foundry, and on the Asuran gates, it is difficult to say if there is a similarity. Even at that though, the Celestial Compass is merely a focus at best, and its relevancy to the lore, and hence the Asuran gates and the Golem Foundry, are likely to be very minute.

I suppose it might be worth examining further, but if the glowing within the center of the Foundry is the same, which, at the moment it looks as though it isn't, it's very unlikely to be significant considering the quick creation of Eye of the North.|||Quote:

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Is the compass some sort of calender?

Don't get how you go calender out of this. The thing outside Rata Sum is the conductor of energy for the Golem Kilms.

The symbols of the Celestial compass are 3 different things, if I remember correctly from the art which the compass is based off of, it was meant to be the four elements - fire, ice, lightning, and earth - being depicted.

The conductor's center has 4 symbols, and they all look the same. I will try to extra the mod via texmod *easier than browsing the dat, imo* to get a better look.

I also don't see a similarity between the Celestial Compass and the Asura Gate, aside from the little circles along the sides which... honestly, I don't see the connection there. (although on another look, there are symbols within those circle portions).

I will try to extract the texture later tonight (unless I actually fall asleep tonight).

Edit: Though I just think I answered the question, is there a connection? Not in the original concept, the Celestial Compass was designed by a player in a "Design-A-Weapon Contest" and was added into the game.

Though it does bring up the question of the symbols in the gate and conductor.|||Quote:

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Edit: Though I just think I answered the question, is there a connection? Not in the original concept, the Celestial Compass was designed by a player in a "Design-A-Weapon Contest" and was added into the game.

I had originally brought that point up myself in my last post, but something occurred booting me off the edit, and I didn't get around to doing so again. Basically, I said the same thing, in that the player who designed it probably didn't have any background lore developed for it at all, and just thought of it as a unique design.

Also, conductor? None of the Asura call it that, in fact, it's never directly stated what it is, aside from the implication that it's the Foundry as that's what they tell you to go to in the quest dialogue.|||True, it is never called anything, and the area is a golem forge of sorts. But the two Golems you need to protect in this mission G.O.L.E.M. are called Kilms, which is where the golems would be seemingly made, so there needs to be a generator.

The presences of a generator and thus conductor is proven in the cinematic Before the Battle where Vekk and Gadd are arguing about Parallel or Serial patterns for the crystal array.

With the device only moving from that mission on, and with no other apparent generator, it comes down to a matter of deduction to think that the device is a large generator/conductor for the production of golems.|||Ah, I never realized it wasn't moving prior to the mission, in that case, yes, that would lend support to your deduction. Aside from the cinematic, that is. The interesting thing then is why we never see a similar structure or device in Oola's Lab, as she is one of their top golemancers.|||I know I'm going out on a limb here, but I always thought of that place in Riven Earth to not only be a generator, but also a device to transmit the power/energy to any golem where ever they are. Oola probably did not need such a device because all of her golem where right in her lab. The Unstable magical energy storage containers near the Indestructible Golem may be what she uses to power the Golems in the lab. The way in which we use the flux matrix to defeat that golem may very well be the way she powers up her golems. She simply inserts their crystals in the storage unit to fill them full of energy, then inserts them into a golem.

Also if I may I would like to add some qoutes from the Asura Plan Cinematic.

Mamp: "We gather our finest minds. Oola would be the best choice to build a mobile spellworking platform."

Mamp: "We'd also need Gadd. He knows the most about containing mystic energies."

Mamp: "And Vekk, your work with the gates makes you the one to handle the etheric couplings."

Vekk: "I am reasonable. Get Renk instead. He's capable, and doesn't have any...history...with Gadd."

What I get from this is:

1. The whole platform was designed by Oola, and it casting some sort of spell(spells). I belief to gather, and transmit energy.

2. The energy gathered needs to be contained. Which is where Gadd, and the crystal array comes in. Think of the crystal array as a electical circuit that has various crystal capacitors to store the energy. If the circuit is serial then the energy gets divided up. If you have 200 energy, and 2 golems each get 100 energy. In parallel both golems would have 200 energy sent to them. Which is why I believe Gadd, and Vekk were fighting about putting the arry in series, or parallel. As Vekk stated in parallel the array would be sending, and recieving energy from the golems to fast. Especially if it is getting its energy reserves from the spellcasting platform while it is powering the golems at the same time.

3. Etheric couplings are appearently parts to asuran gates. To me etheric coupling sounds like it may be the part that allows one gate to connect to another through a high plane of existance. In other words they determine which gate teleport you where. So the blue floaty thing in the middle of the platform may very well be a multi-directional portal used to transmit the energy to the golems. Which may be why it has similarites to the asuran gates.

Oola's lab is the perfect place to build the golems, and she is the best at designing machines that utilize magic. She just sucks at storing the energy, and powering her devices. Which is why we need Gadd.

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