Saturday, April 14, 2012

somethign that puzzles me

[:1]How do those portal wraiths open a chaos rift on the mortal realm when they have to get there via said rift, can these rifts literally open anywhere?|||Where did you get that the Portal Wraiths have to come through the rifts? It seems to me that they're more powerful, at least in the area of opening and maintaining portals, undead mages. At least in the case of the ones seen on the Ring of Fire Islands Chain.

Yes, the Chaos Rifts can appear anywhere..The hard part is just making sure to maintain it. You need to be powerful, from everything we've observed, to do so. However, how exactly they work is just as unknown as the Mursaat portals and the Asura gates.|||Chaos Rift spew out any demons right? so I'm guessing the rifts appear the wraiths come out and hold it open wil ethe demons invade... now that that most demons do as they please and rifts open anywhere they like that gives me an idea... and no its not what you are thinking XD|||Chaos Rifts don't "spew out" demons. They are portals and the demons from the other side come through (i.e. the demons from the Realm of Torment).

Also, if by Portal Wraith, you mean This Guy, they serve as teleporting beings between areas of their own dimension (basically, they are map traveling Demons between areas *i.e. Hell's Pricipice to Kryta/Maguuma/Ascalon/Shiverpeaks and <Unknown Realm of Torment location> to Gate of Madness*).

An interesting note from wiki under Chaos Rifts.

[quote=Wiki]Although the Portal Wraiths summon servants of Abaddon, the Wraiths themselves are not servants...[/url].

Chaos Rifts (the one not maintained by Portal Wraiths) are the portals that go from the Realm of Torment to Tyria, and these are maintained by any demon nearby, but also seem to be maintained by Margonite Portal Mages. In other words, the Portal Mages can open up a portal, quickly send through others, but need those others to help maintain the portals, those other demons die, the portal closes up on the Mages.|||Quote:

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Chaos Rifts don't "spew out" demons.

i didn't actually mean spew out as in spit out i was exaggerating|||Sorry, but with other things you've said recently, I'm willing to take anything as serious... From you and others.|||right reading that the portal mages don't need to be in mortal realm to hold one open just hold one open at other end

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