Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Stylist

[:1]How does the Stylist affect the Lore?

In one side, we have an explanation for model changes, like the ones that took place for many henchmen like Nika, Cynn or Eve.

In the other hand... if the Asura can change bodies so easily, why didn't Oggy change his ears?|||Humans are their guinea pigs.

They wouldn't dare trying it on themselves :o|||Also Oggy probably don't have a credit card.|||Quote:

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Humans are their guinea pigs.

They wouldn't dare trying it on themselves :o

As Vekks dad didn't care about bokkas... they are trying out their new experiments on us|||I'll leave this open for now..Until it starts becoming similar to the old Gwen threads, in other words, ridiculous. At any rate, my personal viewpoint on this is that there isn't an actual lore explanation behind it, and it is simply what it is, a new feature. At first I thought it would have an interesting lore explanation, but then I saw the go to the in-game store bits in the dialogue, and that more or less dropped its legitimacy for me.|||The Stylist in lore, if it would be considered canon lore and not pure game mechanic, would act similar to plastic surgery when it first came out.

Meaning, expensive and not too common, and won't be for a while.

Also, I don't think model changes could be credited to the stylist.

For one example, the Losaru Centaurs in the Crystal Desert used to look similar to the Maguuma and Shiverpeak/Modniir centaurs. Until Nightfall, where their models were changed to look like Elonian Centaurs.

That has no lore value, it was just a lore fact that was changed given the fact that a new look for Centaurs were given, and those centaurs are similar to the "new" Centaurs. I.e., any model changes in the past have been purely game mechanic and thus have 100% no influence on lore.

And I think that will be the case for the Stylist as well. Along with the Zaishen Quests (well, missions at least, bounties might be a different story) and any new NPC features/changes. Some will be lore, of course - such as the Kurzicks and Luxons' removal from Kryta - but all of those would be explained in game for what those occured.

Also, seeing how the Stylist breaks the fourth wall (mentioning NCsoft, and thus, mentioning how it's a game and not a real world), another support for it not having much - if any - lore value.|||there aint no lore for the stylist... it was added cause there was a thread where most of kept on posting for bazillion times to change characters appearance... and maybe the genderchange was due to some people liking that april fools where are chars changed sex... which made me coin the word 'Eternal Gender Bender' ingame to my guildes which made them laugh... although i would of loved to see my female derv with a Canthan face of a ranger female with those erm pony tails|||Karn, did someone hack your account? That was the worst grammar I have ever seen from you. Made my mind scream.|||Konig, let's try to keep this on-topic, please. That comment was rather unnecessary.|||Just a thought. If the Stylist could be considered non-Lore because of the links to the in-game and NC Soft stores, then the Xunlai agents maybe ought to be taken out of the Lore perspective as well, since they now have links the stores.

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