Saturday, April 14, 2012



First of all, I am not a lore-freak. I like reading reports about lore though.

Now, there's a question I have been asking myself lately: Why can monsters be resurrected(lore-wise)?

I will explain why I asked this myself: A while ago, I read a report about resurrecting (lore-wise), in it they said that only 'chosen ones' could be resurrected, which is why (e.g.) Master Togo couldn't be resurrected.

I don't think though that a monster (whatever race it is) is a 'chosen one'.

I'd like to hear your opinions or explanations on this.


~Kinlo (IGN: Mylina Solwyn)|||Togo probably couldn't be resurrected because he never was part of the team. You can't resurrect allies (except pets.)

NPCs and allies also lack the ability to do the little time jump back to the start of the mission whenever they want, so they can't resurrect themselves by "reload and try again" - that "try again" feature is the thing that separates the chosen (players) from NPCs.

Resurrection skills themself look more like standard first aid procedures to me.|||Quote:

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Togo probably couldn't be resurrected because he never was part of the team. You can't resurrect allies (except pets.)

You see, this is not the answer he's looking for. You're giving an answer to explain him how the game mechanics work, but this is not the right forum for that. The OP is asking how it is possible 'lore-wise' that monsters can ressurect one another.

I have no idea to be honest.|||Resurrection skills basically prevent the soul from leaving the body and partially repair the body.

As you have probably seen already, not a lot of monsters resurrect.

In the case of 'mindless' creatures, you can always say that it's a natural ability.

In the case of artificial creatures, you can say just that they are repaired, or reanimated with another soul or source of energy.

What would be left are intelligent creatures. In this case, we know that there are things other than the 5 gods out there. Norn Spirits, the Great Destroyer, Dhuum and Menzies, Abaddon...

Like the Gods give the power of immortality to the Chosen Ones, other forces grant powers to things like Resurrecting gargoyles or Shadow monks.

In the case of Togo, I think that he was dead for to long, he was to old and the body was too much desecrated to be resurrected. That or he wasn't a Chosen one, since he can see the spirit world anyways, being a Ritualist.|||Iirc, for Togo, his soul was already taken from his body.

I surmise that it has to deal with a few things:

1) The soul's location to the body *i.e., if it is not nearby, the person cannot be resurrected*

2) The condition of the body *if it is too damaged, the person could only come back as an undead*

and 3) The power of the person resurrecting

As such, if the person is left too long - even if the body is preserved - the person would not be able to come back because the soul would end up going to another realm via the Envoys. Also, if the body is decapitated *such as in the case of Rurik*, the only way to bring the person back is via undeath.

For Togo specifically, I see one of two possibilities. Seeing how we could not see Togo's spirit in the final mission, that means it was away from the body *seeing that how Shiro's ritual to turn back to flesh is unknown aside from killing Togo, he could have absorbed Togo's spirit until his death?* OR, Togo's body was too damaged from Shiro's blades.

Of course, there are special cases like Shiro's where a corporial body is made out of near nothing, or so it seems.

Or perhaps Shiro "stole" Togo's body - since I'm no longer sure if we even see Togo's body in the final mission. By stole, I mean that the body was shifted to look like Shiro and then Shiro's soul inhabited the body.

I'll have to redo the mission.|||Hey,

Thnx for all the responses, it's clearer now. ;-)

But, how do the Gods (or Norn Spirits, Great Destroyer etc..) decide who is Chosen and who is not.

~Kinlo|||Chosen are the ones who have the blood of King Doric.

Surprisingly, almost all of Tyria has it.. *cough*|||Quote:

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Chosen are the ones who have the blood of King Doric.

Surprisingly, almost all of Tyria has it.. *cough*

So, I guess Doric was the Mhenlo of his time, eh?

Just throwing this out there, but corpses that have been exploited can be resurrected. Wouldn't a corpse that's been exploited, say to make a minion, be just as ruined as our dearly departed Prince Rurik? Yet, he could not be resurrected, but made undead.|||Quote:

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Chosen are the ones who have the blood of King Doric.

Surprisingly, almost all of Tyria has it.. *cough*

Remind me where this is said please...? The only thing I recall regarding King Doric's bloodline is that 1) It's the bloodline of the Krytan Royal Family *which we all know how Salma's father was >_>* and 2) is needed to unlock the power of the Bloodstones.

I don't recall that Doric's blood=chosen.|||Forgot where I originally read it, but a quick google shows a few threads on these forums with things like "The chosen are rumored to be King Doric's descendants" and stuff.

I'll look in the booklet later if I can find anything.

Was something about that only Doric's blood could (de)activate the bloodstones iirc.

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