Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dhuum Depiction?

[:1]For awhile now, the name Dhuum as been surrounded by mystery. At one point, it was widely thought that the god who was revealed to be Abaddon may have been Dhuum, and with the release of Nightfall, we found out that Dhuum's forces were in fact the ones who staged the invasions of Tyria and Cantha, at Abaddon's request. However, Nightfall seems to have brought more questions surrounding Dhuum.

We know that Dhuum was the former corrupt god of death, that Grenth overthrew and usurped. We don't know how, why, or when this happened. In fact, we don't know much more about Dhuum except that he is still kicking it somewhere.

The one question that has always come up in my mind, and the mind's of others is: What does Dhuum look like?

Well, to find this out, we need to look at the units of the other gods for hints. First off, let's look at Grenth. His reapers bear a resemblence to him, in that they have the long robe, and hooded face. Dwayna's avatar looks like an angel, winged, like the goddess herself. Balthazar's champion is a strong warrior, much like Balthazar. Melandru's druid is the spirit of nature, just like Melandru is one with nature herself. And finally, Lyssa's muse is the embodiment of noncorporealness, much like the illusionary goddess.

Now, let's take a look at Abaddon. Most, if not all, creatures related to Abaddon manifest one key trait: six-eyes. Whether these are literally six-eyes, or just a mask with six-eyes, the creatures and servants of the fallen god tend to bear a resemblence to the god himself, just like the creatures of the other five gods look like them.

So, we have now established that the units of the gods do in-fact bear a resemblence to the gods themselves.

Therefore, to determine what Dhuum looks like, we need to examine the units of Dhuum. Namely the Scythes of Chaos. These creatures are spectral in nature, but the parts of them that do exist are insect-like, complete with exoskeletons and mandible jaws.

In the Realm of Torment, specifically Nightfallen Jahai, where Dhuum's Emissary, along with many of Dhuum's forces, fight side by side with the demon forces of the Realm, and Abaddon's Margonites. Near a group of these creatures stands what I believe to be a depiction of Dhuum.

Notice how it has insect-like features, very similar to the known Dhuum forces.

Could this be the face of Dhuum? Who can really know for sure. It may even be possible this is explained somewhere that I have missed. At any rate, I wanted to share this with you, as I was very much intrigued by the find.|||Intresting theory Quistius however i would like to argue some counter points if i may , from what i can tell by your post above , all of Dhuums forces are meant to have insect like feature somewhere within or on there body,

In the case of the scyhtes of chaos this is a valid theory due to the factor there "scythes" could be seen as mandibles , however if we go upon the theory that the forces in both Tyria and Cantha were SOLELY Dhuums forces then i would like to point out 2 monsters that contradict your theory

Firstly the Grasp , more reminds me of a scavenger similar to the grasping ghouls , however it eyes are what mainly attract me , they seem more suited to a Creature of Abaddons , considering thier six slits round thier face

Howeve rif it is an abaddon creature it could easily be discounted by stating the two forces worked together for the invasion

Also the claws of darkness in both the Sunspear cross continent missions also have a buggy feel to them similar to that of a serrated claw , like saying a mantis or a simialar insect

Lastly if the dryders in the underworld are Dhuums servants then that again is another hint towards Dhumm being insect in nature , as they are modelled in the likeness of a spider

Hopefully for a first validation post this isn't too bad|||Interesting... Dhuum is, acording to your theories, in fact a bug.

Might be true... Now that Abaddon is gone, Dhuum is next in our "to be eliminated" list. Perhaps in future campaigns (or even in the next huge update mentioned by Gaile) he will have to face him... Perhaps in an Elite Mission.

The grasp also looks puzzling... But them again... We don't know how friendly is Abaddon and Dhuum are... Like allies.

One thing is for sure... That incident in the Tombs of Primeaval Kings, might have something to do with both Abaddon and Dhuum... The tentacles in the ruins prove that's the work of Dhuum... And the dark portal... But how deep is it's connection?|||I always thought Dhuum's forces to be only those that you meet both the UW and the nightfall campain, as well as those that can be linked from that info. so, in my mind, Dhuum controls the terrorwebs, the torturewebs (and thus the grasping darkness, which are servants of the terrorwebs) and his emissaries, along with his horsemen. i reckon he also controlled SOME of the banished dream riders- those that invaded the TOPK (the ones at the chaos planes are explained as just being any old soul that did something so bad that they inevitably wound up there). even now, i think the scythes and grasps are minions of abaddon directly, not dhuum, simply due to their similarity to demon units, and the way they always hang out with other demons, never terrorwebs for example.

Just to bring something else up... in the quest where one of abaddon's minions is talking with an emissary of dhuum, the emissary says "Do not take [Dhuum's] word lightly". just kind of proves they are on equal footing with eachother, no more "he's a pawn" or "manipulation" stuff here!|||Quote:

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Intresting theory Quistius however i would like to argue some counter points if i may , from what i can tell by your post above , all of Dhuums forces are meant to have insect like feature somewhere within or on there body,

In the case of the scyhtes of chaos this is a valid theory due to the factor there "scythes" could be seen as mandibles , however if we go upon the theory that the forces in both Tyria and Cantha were SOLELY Dhuums forces then i would like to point out 2 monsters that contradict your theory

Firstly the Grasp , more reminds me of a scavenger similar to the grasping ghouls , however it eyes are what mainly attract me , they seem more suited to a Creature of Abaddons , considering thier six slits round thier face

Howeve rif it is an abaddon creature it could easily be discounted by stating the two forces worked together for the invasion

Also the claws of darkness in both the Sunspear cross continent missions also have a buggy feel to them similar to that of a serrated claw , like saying a mantis or a simialar insect

Lastly if the dryders in the underworld are Dhuums servants then that again is another hint towards Dhumm being insect in nature , as they are modelled in the likeness of a spider

Hopefully for a first validation post this isn't too bad

Yeah, I don't believe they were "solely" Dhuum's forces. I also do not believe Dhuum and Menzies to be pawns or minions of Abaddon. I would agree that they are on equal footing.

However, I really will push that the Scythes are Dhuum's because his emissary is one, and futhermore, he and Abaddon's messanger talk about how Dhuum's forces will fight along side of Abaddon's. Also, as others have pointed out, the Dryders are most likely Dhuum's. Where do Abaddon and Dhuum's ambassadors meet? Right next to a giant spider. I do not believe that the Torment Claws are Abaddon's, as they do not match even closely Abaddon's physique or style, however, they do seem to be aligned with, and similar to, Dhuum's forces, and Dhuum's forces also seem to appear near these claws.

I'm almost certain Dhuum is some kind of insect.|||I have come across a much better depiction of Dhuum, some what simular to your screenshots, but with large insect legs aswell. It's in the Domain of Fear if I remember correctly, I'll post a picture soon if I find it.

Another thing about these depictions... they seem to realistic to be merely statues. In fact, they look more like the exoskeletons of real creatures... but since they are motionless, they would be quite dead. Not surprising since Grenth struck a nasty blow at Dhuum and stole his mantle. So logically his army would be in shambles aswell.|||the torment claws are explained ingame. i cannot remember where i'm afraid, but they are described as parts of abaddon's realm pushing through into reality. so, they aren't exactly creatures, just living parts of the realm of torment. look around a bit, even in towns, and you'll see giant, not alive "torment claws". they are not made by dhuum or menzies or anyone else, they are simply part of the "realm of torment package" that can poke through.|||Yes but remember, just like aspects of the Realm of Torment, such as Abaddon's tentacles, are reflections of Abaddon's actual body, so too are those Torment Claws representative of something else. I agree that they are part of teh Realm of Torment, but they are more than just that, especially taking into account other factors, such as the Abaddon tentacles being an extension of Abaddon's being.|||I think what is left of Dhuum is probably located in the realm of torment. I agree with the insect theory, it sounds rather reasonable. Dhuum the god is probably crippled to such degree that he can't do anything himself. If the Realm of Torment is unsealed Dhuum is free to make his way to UW and reclaim his throne.

Menzies however might be a Mursaat who has absorbed some of Balthazar strength. Or Menzies is the dark god of war, shadow and without honor. A god that thirsts for blood and wishes to extinguish Balthazar flame.|||I've seen one of these insect like things that show up from the ground quite dead after passing through a row of gigantic unmoving torment claws. It was like the creature was half-buried beneath the ground and only the statuesque head and the two rows of claws came forth from the ground. If we take the claws into measure as a part of the creature, it ended up as gigantic. Also, the claws were proportional to the creature's visage...

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