Thursday, April 12, 2012

Dhuum: Ominous Halloween Tidings.

[:1]SPOILER: This contains parts of the new Halloween quest.

So, in the quest King Frozenwind tells Dhuum will return.

I think ANet made a good story, obviously the sentence 'too many creatures have been slain here', is a reference to the massive UWSCing going on...

I think there will be a chain quest. But what do you think? WILL Dhuum return?|||I'm going to rename this thread to make it clear that this is for the Halloween quests, if you don't mind. As to the story and Dhuum's returning, it's been continually hinted at in various places, such as in the Underworld itself, in the quest associated with the Chaos Planes named the Four Horsemen, and the Emissary of Dhuum's appearance in the Gate of Pain mission.

I highly suspect that we will be seeing his return at some point.|||Repostan from Halloween info thread:

All the info/dialogue on the first quest:


Something Wicked This Way Comes

Quest Getting:

Considerably less mentaly unstable King in the UW:

Quest Dialogue:

Quest Reward Dialogue:

Quest skills:

|||Very happy they decided to make this so storyline-entwined. And now we know why the Hall of Judgement is locked up so tightly! :D|||Something else we learn from this, Mad King thorn is a spirit lord. One of the old threads was all about thorn and what station he held.|||Quote:

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One of the old threads was about Thorn and what station he held.

Right said Thread.

Within the article it links to one on Guru which offer other insight.

I just did the uW quest and boy do those yellow pingers tick me off - I ran back and forth quite a few times before just heading for the big green marker without help.

Looking forward to seeing how this all turns out.

So rather aptly I leave you with:

Dhuum, Dhuu,, DHUUM!!!


And come back rather later with what I posted over at Guru (as it's worth discussing in a Mad King Thorn way):

Are we going to see the Teller of Tales appear as Lyndsey said we might?

It appears Grenth (or the Voice of Grenth at any rate) allows the emissary of Mad King Thorn to enter the Underworld - especially now the Reapers have gained some control over it. The Voice was even told about the potential for a visit beforehand. This was done for free and gave us abilities that made us immune to those who dwell there. I take it the Mad King himself doesn't live there.

King Frozenwind and Mad King Thorn are royal Allies and King Frozenwind. Frozenwind tells you a dark secret nearly as old as the Underworld itself that he has been protecting the Door of Judgement which holds the ever strengthening form of Dhuum - The Ender of it All, who was never killed, just defeated into slumber until now.

Are they each in kahoots with Grenth? And if so what are the details of it?

Also with regards to Mad King's 'being' his Steward refers to him as a 'spirit lord' and he's plotting his next move. Which would indicate he's made previous moves and has some sort of office over effecting it's outcome.

Compelling stuff.|||Response copied from Guru:


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Are we going to see the Teller of Tales appear as Lyndsey said we might?

Linsey said she would make it if she had time - so we should (since she had time for a quest chain, she very well had time for a single NPC!). I'm going to be upset if the Teller of Tales doesn't make an appearance. I have been looking forward to him for years.


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It appears Grenth (or the Voice of Grenth at any rate) allows the emissary of Mad King Thorn to enter the Underworld - especially now the Reapers have gained some control over it. The Voice was even told about the potential for a visit beforehand. This was done for free and gave us abilities that made us immune to those who dwell there. I take it the Mad King himself doesn't live there.

I would disagree, but perhaps a different part of the Underworld than the Hall of Judgement (thus an unexplored portion) - as I doubt that what we see is the whole Underworld (and same goes for the Fissure of Woe).


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Are they each in kahoots with Grenth? And if so what are the details of it?

We know Ice King Frozenwind works for Grenth. Mad King Thorn seems to do so as well, but is less knowledegable than Ice King Frozenwind


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Also with regards to Mad King's 'being' his Steward refers to him as a 'spirit lord' and he's plotting his next move. Which would indicate he's made previous moves and has some sort of office over effecting it's outcome.

His next move would be what comes after the quest, I would have to say. But the spirit lord line is interesting. We know for sure he is a spirit now, and not some undead or construct. I still wonder if the Mad King Thorn is an Envoy - or perhaps more along the lines of Ice King Frozenwind.|||Well if he was an Envoy wouldn't he be transparent like the ones in Cantha?

I do get the the impression that Grenth never was a human in the first place like with the incident with Abaddon. He was probably a powerful Reaper that simply after removing Dhuum took control of his throne and powers.

As of the nature of the Mad King maybe he is the court jester of Grenth that just have a a bad sense of humour?|||We can't be sure that the transparency is a norm for Envoys, let alone that Thorn is a norm. I think that Thorn is more along the lines of Ice King Frozenwind - a spirit who was given power to lord over other spirits. Where Ice King Frozenwind commands the ice and guards the Hall of Judgement, Mad King Thorn commands spirits - possibly in charge of governing those who are not-right-in-the-head. Along those lines, it seems that he didn't know of Dhuum's true fate (as it seems only the Reapers, Grenth, and Ice King Frozenwind does - as Free Runner on Guru pointed out), so it may not be that Thorn doesn't live in the Underworld, or that he doesn't live nearby the Hall of Judgement (though I don't think he does anyways), but it could simply be that he is ignorant.

After all, he has an invisible pony. Why would he know that Dhuum is trapped behind the Hall of Judgement's door. And this quest gave a whole new meaning behind the Hall of Judgement (not the hall which souls get judged, or where the judge lives, but where the Final Judge is judged and imprisoned).|||I myself had this crazy idea that the Mad King is actually an avatar of Dhuum. What could possibly be a more unjust judge then a mad one? Maybe the whole history of him being a king in Lions Arch is just a fabrication of Dhuum's mind as he has been dreaming?

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