Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prince Rurik vs. Turai Ossa

[:1]I saw some people arguing about who would win in-game today, so I decided to make the topic.

Who do you think would win in a 1-versus-1 fight?

I choose Turai because the fact that he KO'd Palawa Joko should mean Rurik has no chance.|||I'm for Rurik. Ossa may have led an ill-fated attempt at Ascension and lost countless Elonians to the desert, but


Rurik led a successful exodus across the Shiverpeaks to Kryta... and at a much lower level, too. I expect we'd have seen him schooling the Lich if he hadn't been all "You can't save me, lead the people!"

Nowhere in any campaign have we seen such spirit and courage as in Rurik. He may have ran heedlessly into battle with the Charr at Rin, but he knew when the battle was lost, and his first instinct was to save the people. Not to mention the trip to the old Academy, when he bravely stood guard over Erol so we could go let down the drawbridge. Kilroy Stonekin's recklessness may be legendary, but that's because he just gets up again when he's knocked down. Rurik has to work without that net, because when he hits the ground, only


the Undead Lich

can get him up again.

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