Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Four Schools of Magic

[:1]While working on the revision of the Lore article on the official wiki, a sentence from the History of Tyria hit me...


Magic would still exist in the world, but the devastating power of all four types together would never again be at the command of one single creature.

The four schools cannot be controled by one creature, but what if four creatures worked together? Wouldn't those four then get the power of one prior to the bloodstones?

The thought came to me in rememberance of a book where there was a commune of magicians who worked together and combined their magic to overpower solitary magicians. So the thought came to me, would it be at all possible to make a small "commune" of magicians and then be able to achieve the power once obtainable prior to the bloodstone creation?

Random thoughts with random rambling. Discuss.

(Leon - feel free to move this to the lore lounge if you feel it not worthy of its own thread)|||Note to self, read the paragraph more closely. As pointed out to me on Guru so quickly, the full praragraph, in fact the next sentence, answered my thought!


The forging of the world was complete. As their final act, the gods gathered back their gift of magic from all the races and trapped it inside a tall stone. They smashed the stone into five parts—four equal but opposing stones of magic, and one keystone. Without the keystone, the other four couldn’t be reassembled.

Each of the first four stones was the embodiment of a specific school of magic: preservation, destruction, aggression, and denial. Magic would still exist in the world, but the devastating power of all four types together would never again be at the command of one single creature. Those who accepted the gift would have to cooperate if they intended to use it to its fullest.

So a new question: Why is there no documentation of this happening? That is, if it has ever in fact happened!|||Perhaps i am missing something here...dont WE do this every time we team up? I mean the players actualy write the history of this happening. We cooperate, and we defeat titans, 200 years old tough guys, A GOD, destroyers...what is this if not using the gods' gift to its fullest?|||Same issue came up. People think I mean that multiple people just simply using multiple schools of magic.

I mean multiple schools of magic on a single spell. For example, take the lost scrolls. They use magic from all four schools in a single spell.

What I'm asking to be discussed is is it possible for four creatures of magical talent that each control a different school of magic to create a very powerful spell?

Never in our adventures do adventurers of the four different core professions (thus having "full" access to each school of magic in a 1 for 1 scale) work together in that they create a single spell.|||Quote:

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I mean multiple schools of magic on a single spell. For example, take the lost scrolls. They use magic from all four schools in a single spell.

That's the speculation, at least. As to the question..It would be limited to a max of usage of three schools of magic, to a minimum of the obvious one school of magic. As it said, no one creature can control all four, but they could easily control one to three schools. This is likely why the professions aren't so clearly cut into the Four Schools of Magic.


What I'm asking to be discussed is is it possible for four creatures of magical talent that each control a different school of magic to create a very powerful spell?

It seems possible, I certainly don't see why not, really. However, I think the creatures of magical talent would have to have studied the very primal forces of magic to create spells, even in one of the Schools of Magic. This would mean that I would suspect several different characteristics of any of the four of magical talent:
  1. Elderly. It seems possible, if human, at least, that it would take years of research into these primal forces.

  2. Expertise. By conducting the research, and spending many years on it, they would be "experts" on that school of magic. At the same time, though, this means they could easily be completely ignorant of other subjects.

  3. Reclusive. If anyone knew of their research, they would probably try to steal it for themselves, or sabotage it as an act of "protecting" the world from a power hungry mage.

  4. Eccentricity. It also seems very likely that anyone attempting to delve into such forces would be a bit on the peculiar side, especially considering the danger of such research.

  5. Magical aptitude. Obviously, a talent for magic.

  6. Dominating/Controlling. I'm betting such a specimen would likely want to do everything him/herself, and would probably have a bunch of submissive lackeys for his/her experiments with the forces in question.

What you get with the majority of those characteristics, ironically, and I can sincerely say that it was not intended, is an Asura. They dissected the human Gods, give them some time, and they'll have dissected the Four Schools of Magic, and how to capitalize on them. Of course, they'll probably use it for weapons research, but keep that under wraps from the other races, under the guise of enhanced services from this research.

Humans probably haven't done it simply because they've been in and out of war and various conflicts for so long, they've never been at a time of peace to conduct such research. Although, one would think war would be a pressure for research into utilizing the primal forces of magic, it would seem not, or, that if it was, any who made any headway were killed in the process. It seems very likely that it is neither a safe nor easy task to try and tap into any one School of Magic, thus any hasty attempt would likely end in death, or disaster.|||This would be an intresting thing to implement in GW2 (I think theres something like it in LOTRO) if you have several different classes of magicians, say a Monk, Elementalist, Necromancer, and Mesmer, in your party all casting spells from their respective Schools then they could get combo points and build up for one uber-spell combining all four Schools.

On topic. Yeah, a couple of magicians, albiet naturally gifted and extremely powerful, should be able to tap into at least some of the power the bloodstones block from a single person's use, maybe using some kind of mind-meld to wield their power more as a single entity. Unless, of course, the Bloodstones act literally as keys and lock away the powers from all use by mortals unless all of the stones have been collected and the "keystone" used to unleash the power.|||I see now. So you mean 1 single spell using power from all 4 schools(and so from 4 mages). Lets see what great spells we know first bet of course is the Searing. If i remember well, there were some charr bosses near their altar, checking names on wiki:

Blaze Bloodbane (Monk) --Preservation

Red Eye the Unholy (Necromancer) --Agression(?)

Ghast Ashpyre (Mesmer) --Denial

Jaw Smokeskin (Elelmentalist) --Destruction(?)

and there is Bonfaaz Burntfur (ele) who i guess did the 'Unlock-keystone' part...|||The reason why I ignored the Searing as a possibility is because during the cinematic, it is just one elementalist surrounded by warriors, so it's hard to tell if it was the four (or five if the cinematic was Bonfaaz) or just the one using a spell in a similar fasion to Khilbron.|||Quote:

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and there is Bonfaaz Burntfur (ele) who i guess did the 'Unlock-keystone' part...

wouldn't he need to keystone to unlock it... and besides where is the keystone?|||It is said the keystone is the one in Abaddon's mouth(or so i read somewhere). The very place where the titans are locked. Seeing how the charr have a connection to the titans at that time, Bonfaaz could channel the keystone's power through his worship of titans.

Even if he used that titan's power for the searing (forgot the titans name, its a quest in chantry of secrets), that 1 titan could definetly know more about the keystone...

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