Sailing to Cantha is perhaps NOT the only way there...just the most expedient. Am truing to adjust the map for 250 yrs later ( most of what I do will be imagination as far as Cantha and Elona ). I'll post it when it's done.|||Interesting idea. Does this conflict with what we do know of Cantha's location?|||I can't find anything that directly conflicts the postion of Cantha however there are a few points to consider:
1. Location of the major port Kaineng City.
If Cantha was located as such then a port further south would make more sense where as at the moment the port appears to be the nearest point between Cantha and Tyria.
2. More cultural influences from Tyria.
If Cantha is just seperated from Tyria by mountains than I would have expected to see more influcences from Tyria and/or some of the Tyrian fauna appearing in Cantha and visa versa.
3. This passage from The Movement of the World:
In the year 1127 AE, Emperor Usoku, successor to Kisu, took a firm hold of his nation. He raised the Canthan military, spending millions in gold to arm his troops, and then swept the countryside. He defeated the Luxons and the Kurzick, incorporating these disparate people back into his nation. Usoku unified Cantha behind a strong national identity and began to drive out all non-humans. His regime was ironclad, tyrannical, and fierce. Those Canthans who did not agree with the emperor's dictates were given no choice but to leave their homeland, seeking refuge and sanctuary in Elona and Tyria.
As a result, Cantha became extremely isolationist. Once Orr rose from the ocean, those tendencies were reinforced by an inability to safely sail the western seas. Any ships venturing near the Strait of Malchor are sunk by the black ships, then dredged from the ocean floor by the Orrian dragon and commandeered into service. Thus, completely cut off from Kryta, Cantha vanished entirely. Travelers, refugees, and even Xunlai agents residing within Tyrian heard nothing more from Cantha.
Sporadic sailors have washed ashore on the southern coast of the Maguuma jungles [sic], but that is the only evidence that Cantha even exists past the cataclysmic event that cut it off from Tyria. It can only be assumed that Usoku's successors continued his dictatorial, isolationist rule, and that Cantha continues beneath the iron fist of the emperor, as ever.
Suggesting that Cantha is towards the south rather than being located to the west. If it was then more Canthans would have probably risked the trek across the mountains early on and come GW2 a possible black market trade route, given the isolationist views of the current emperor.|||Quote:
Suggesting that Cantha is towards the south rather than being located to the west. If it was then more Canthans would have probably risked the trek across the mountains early on and come GW2 a possible black market trade route, given the isolationist views of the current emperor.
Isolationism also works better if it's an island, seas are easier to scout compared to land masses, where one could hide behind various objects to escape/enter.
Though there's still no reason given on how the Dredge got there besides giant tunnel under the ocean floor.|||What about the tunnel that was opened because of EoTN and the Destroyers?
It has diirect access to Tyria.|||Quote:
Isolationism also works better if it's an island, seas are easier to scout compared to land masses, where one could hide behind various objects to escape/enter.
Though there's still no reason given on how the Dredge got there besides giant tunnel under the ocean floor.
Dredge most likely originated from Cantha, where they were captured and sold to the Stone Summit by slave traders. Once enough breeding pairs were brought, the Stone Summit probably had slave breeding pens set up. This is assuming that the Stone Summit didn't have help from the Asuras via their gate network.|||Quote:
Interesting idea. Does this conflict with what we do know of Cantha's location?
Fort Koga is why:
Years ago, Fort Koga was a key defensive point between Kryta and the western coast of Tyria. Guilds from across Tyria came to siege its walls, for those who controlled the fort controlled the trade routes.
There is a shore on the other side of the Maguuma that is still considered part of the continent of Tyria. Also, it conflicts with the meaning of a continent - a single large body of land (Elona may or may not conflict with this post Crystal Desert formation, depends on what's north of Elona/east of Tyria; but when the desert was the Crystal Sea, they were most likely separated).
Cantha is also southwest of Tyria - so if that were the case, then it would be a very small globe - like the size of our moon.
Also, the Battle Isles are in the middle of the Unending Ocean, not "just off the coast" of some continent. It's also north of Cantha - not west by northwest.
What about the tunnel that was opened because of EoTN and the Destroyers?
It has diirect access to Tyria.
The Factions intro EN mission is most likely purely game mechanical (like the quests to get from Elona to Cantha and Tyria) and have minimal influences on lore. Same goes for the NF quest to EN.
After all, I doubt that Ogden and Vekk were under Lion's Arch, Kamadan, and Kaineng City at the same time.
Dredge most likely originated from Cantha, where they were captured and sold to the Stone Summit by slave traders. Once enough breeding pairs were brought, the Stone Summit probably had slave breeding pens set up. This is assuming that the Stone Summit didn't have help from the Asuras via their gate network.
Dredge are Tyrian. They came from Tyria to Cantha. Its implied the dredge homeland is even near Sorrow's Furnace via dredge slave dialogue. (I would quote, but the wiki doesn't have the spoken to dialogue, just the idle quotes, and the images to such are on my computer and I'm not at home.)|||Quote:
Dredge are Tyrian. They came from Tyria to Cantha. Its implied the dredge homeland is even near Sorrow's Furnace via dredge slave dialogue. (I would quote, but the wiki doesn't have the spoken to dialogue, just the idle quotes, and the images to such are on my computer and I'm not at home.)
The offspring of a few desperate escapees from the Shiverpeaks who tunneled for hundreds of miles to reach their strange new home, these Dredge have no reason to feel any friendship toward humans or anyone else�they escaped slavery on their own, and plan to establish their race anew in the petrified woodlands.
From the wiki, though them originating in Cantha then being captured and sold into slavery makes for more sense than tunnelling/ using existing possible Asuran gate network tunnles under the sea (at least to me)|||Quote:
The Factions intro EN mission is most likely purely game mechanical (like the quests to get from Elona to Cantha and Tyria) and have minimal influences on lore. Same goes for the NF quest to EN.
That, and we blew up the Gate Below <town> - Boreal Station connection, seeing as how Asura gates are bidirectional and don't work like Stargates (where any portal can lead to any other portal), I'd say that way is shut.|||Er..That appears to be a misread Mal, as the part you quoted is referring to the dredge's migration south after escaping from their Stone Summit taskmasters, and making the Echovald Forest their new home.
As to the proposed idea...It's along the lines of something I've kind of tossed around a bit in my thoughts, mainly due to the location of Seitung Harbour. It's noted as being an extremely busy port, but it's at a very awkward place if we look at the existing maps. If ships are coming south from Tyria, they would have to turn west and north, same with ships from the Battle Isles. It's not a very complex maneuver, but it seems to me like it would be hard on sailors, depending on the technology backing the ships.
Although, the placement of it north of the Maguuma doesn't really change this, as they still must go south to reach the ports.
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