Thursday, April 12, 2012

Of Dragons and Gods

[:1]Good day to you fellow Guild Wars and Lore fans !

For a while now I have been pondering the events from Guild Wars: Prophecies up untill and including The Eye of the North Expansion.

I've come to the following theory:

Abaddon, from the Realm of Torment, whispered the Flameseeker Prophecies to Glint 800 years ago.

The Prophecies led to the events in the Original Guild Wars; The Searing and The Cataclysm.

200 Years Prior to Present Day Guild Wars, Shiro Tagashi empowered by Abaddon, let the Jade Wind sweep through Cantha.

In Nightfall see the following turn of events; Abaddon had planned that the Lich Lord with the Titans / Charr would conquer the continent of Tyria while Shiro and his Afflicted would conquesr Cantha. Varesh Ossa and the Margonites would cover Elona.

Thus the three major mortal continents would be secured.

Abaddon himself would work from inside the Realm of Torment aided by Menzies in the Fissure of Woe and Dhuum from the Underworld.

We learn that the death of the Great Destroyer pushed back the reawekening of Primordus by 2 generations.

We also learn that Svanir was corrupted by Jormag.

We also learn that the Dwarves knew about the Great Destroyer and Zhaitan, I assume Abaddon would too.

This lead me to think of the following;

Abaddon caused The Cataclysm to push back the reawakening of Zhaitan. One powerfull advisary less to worry about for a while. Now for the next one:

I believe the Deep Sea Dragon to reside in side the JAde Sea somewhere, possible near the Forest and the Sea entrance.


The Wind Froze everything! Would push back any Dragons reawakening by quite a while. The dragons corruption and evil thoguhts could very well have been what spawned Kanaxai from the Deep as well as drive Urgoz mad with corruption incombination with the loss of life through the Jade Wind in his Forest.

The death of a general pushed back Primordus' reawkening by 2 generations, think about what the Cataclysm and the Jade Wind would've done.

Your thoughts?|||Quote:

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Abaddon, from the Realm of Torment, whispered the Flameseeker Prophecies to Glint 800 years ago.

This is an interesting thought I have not seen on the forums - it has always been that Glint was tricking us like everyone else in Prophecies, or that she prophesized them herself and didn't foresee the Titans being so destructive (as her Vision of Glint states during the Titan Quests).


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I believe the Deep Sea Dragon to reside in side the Jade Sea somewhere, possible near the Forest and the Sea entrance.


The Wind Froze everything! Would push back any Dragons reawakening by quite a while. The dragons corruption and evil thoguhts could very well have been what spawned Kanaxai from the Deep as well as drive Urgoz mad with corruption incombination with the loss of life through the Jade Wind in his Forest.

All the Elder Dragons are hinted to be in Tyria. The Deep Sea Dragon - where ever it is - woke up after Zhaitan, thus passage to Cantha would be removed and if the Deep Sea Dragon was in Cantha - or even the Unending Ocean - we would not know of it.

From what we see, thoughts themselves by the dragon does nothing - it is the magic itself, which in the case of Jormag (which would be a similar case for the Deep Sea Dragon if you were right), corruption would only take place if the source was tapped on purpose. And we know what droze Urgoz insane - it was the Jade Wind itself. Kanaxai's origin is unknown, but I believe him to be a demon through and through.


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The death of a general pushed back Primordus' reawkening by 2 generations, think about what the Cataclysm and the Jade Wind would've done.

It wasn't the death of the general which pushed back Primordus' awakening. The Great Destroyer was "preparing the way" for Primordus and is called his "alarm clock" - this means that the Great Destroyer was trying to wake Primordus up, but we killed it before Primordus did wake up.


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Abaddon caused The Cataclysm to push back the reawakening of Zhaitan. One powerfull advisary less to worry about for a while.

This would actually push the dragons' awakening foreward. All the destructive actions around the dragons (Searing, Jade Wind, Nightfall) and none targeting the dragons themselves would only to nug them more and more and lead to their awakening. It is because of this I believe Abaddon had no idea of the elder dragons - or at least didn't think they would wake up.

It is funny, in one light things could be used to argue for Abaddon knowing of the dragons and trying to prevent their awakening, but in another light it shows Abaddon's ignorance and supports what we know of Abaddon: He just wanted to break free (queue Queen's "I Want To Break Free" song).

I think that Abaddon's reason for wishing to leave the Realm of Torment (thus why he influenced the Jade Wind, Cataclysm, Searing, and Nightfall) is unaffected by the introduction of the elder dragons in the devs' mind, and that Abaddon's actions are in fact what led to wake up the elder dragons - not the other way around.

I mean, if you're a heavy sleeper, and a gun goes off in or just outside your house, you're gonna wake up, not sleep longer (unless the bullet hits you, and in the analogy, this is not the case as the dragons were not killed ).

The following is a copy paste from the GW2Guru thread:


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Not sure about that ....Personaly i could sleep through the cataclysm/ any kind of major apocalyptic event (deep sleeper).

For Zhaitan, the cataclysm would pretty much be the same as your roof collapsing. For Primordus, the Searing would pretty much be the same as a car driving into your house. You can sleep through those?

Nightfall might be possible to sleep through, but those two events would be rather hard to. And there is the possibility that Primordus awakening woke up the other four dragons as well.

Well, apparently Zhaitan slept through the Cataclysm, as he woke over 150 years later (though for a dragon who is over 11,000 years old, that might not seem very long). But these events might have nugged the dragons and woke up the Great Destroyer, who gave a few more nugges to Primordus who's awakening possibly gave the final nugges to the other four dragons.


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Wasen't it mentioned that Glint would play the good guy role in Guild Wars 2?

I think it was only stated that she wasn't the same as the elder dragons. No mention on good guy/bad guy.


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So it could be possible that Abaddon is actually the "misunderstood good guy" and that he caused some bad things for the greater good? As you said, he caused the cataclysm to stop Zhaitan from awakening. :P

Do keep in mind that the OP's statements are mostly speculation (only facts there is Abaddon being beind the Cataclysm, Searing, and Jade Wind - no reason behind to those is known aside from bringing forth Nightfall and his release).

Besides, based on the lore on Abaddon's background, the closest to a "good guy" Abaddon can be is a poor judging guy in need of massive anger management.


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I wouldn't be so sure about that. You see, she did that in the year of 272 AE, in other words: approximately 272 years after Abaddon's defeat at the hands of the "true gods". That's an eyeblink for an eternal(?) entity like Abaddon, though I think he was still rather weak and had other things to take care of first. Such as taking over the Realm of Torment, rallying/creating more demons, finding allies like Menzies and Dhuum, etc.

Continuing on this: The first show of Abaddon's power in history after his imprisonment was 200 years before Prophecies. There is nothing to imply that he was able to act before then, and even 200 years before Prophecies, all he did was send 2 (maybe 3) of his servants to Tyria, and possibly influence Odran (if not influence Odran, a good chance that Abaddon used Odran's portals - the timeframe is too much of a coincidence for that to be honest).|||Quote:

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This is an interesting thought I have not seen on the forums - it has always been that Glint was tricking us like everyone else in Prophecies, or that she prophesized them herself and didn't foresee the Titans being so destructive (as her Vision of Glint states during the Titan Quests).

You haven't? Perhaps I'm mixing my own thoughts with memories of discussions on here, but I seem to recall having seen it somewhere on here before. I know I've certainly contemplated it, since Abaddon seems connected with the entire foresight ability what with the dreamers in Elona and the Fortune Teller in Cantha. I'll look around for the threads here, as I know Quintus had his suspicions regarding Glint for quite some time that he espoused.


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It wasn't the death of the general which pushed back Primordus' awakening. The Great Destroyer was "preparing the way" for Primordus and is called his "alarm clock" - this means that the Great Destroyer was trying to wake Primordus up, but we killed it before Primordus did wake up.

It's essentially the same thing, though. In killing the Great Destroyer, we prevented it from doing its job, which in turn led to Primordus waking up two generations later. In short, it did push back its reawakening, in a roundabout manner.

Edit: *insert librarian look here* I was right, here we are:

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These prophecies, however, came from Glint who might have been unknowingly given the premonitions by Abaddon himself.

And here..In the thread that I think may have started it all: Glint, Friend or Villain in Dragon's Clothing?|||Quote:

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It's essentially the same thing, though. In killing the Great Destroyer, we prevented it from doing its job, which in turn led to Primordus waking up two generations later. In short, it did push back its reawakening, in a roundabout manner.

But the manner in which he brought it up is as if it wasn't the act of killing the Great Destroyer, but the act of its death. That is, the energy released from its death is what woke up Primordus, not us killing it before it can wake up Primordus. The comparison to the Cataclysm and the Jade Wind did not help.


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Edit: *insert librarian look here* I was right, here we are:

And here..In the thread that I think may have started it all: Glint, Friend or Villain in Dragon's Clothing?

As said, I do recall people saying Glint is evil, or connected to the elder dragons in her being evil. And I did read (some of) that thread, but clearly not all of it. :p

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