Saturday, April 14, 2012

8 Skills

[:1]I was wondering if there was a reason, lore-wise, for only allowing us to use 8 skills at a time.|||As I see it (Though maybe I read it somewhere.. I forgot) is that every skill is a ring. So for every finger a ring, 'cept for the thumbs.|||In Beta, your skills were gotten with "Skill Rings", each allowed 1 skill to be used. So yeah, 1 Skill Ring per finger without the thumbs.

There's probably another gameplay related reason for t as well, but that's pretty much the old "Lore" reason for it.|||The real reason is PvP ballance and design. If you can go into PvP with access to all your skills there is nothing you can't deal with. So there would be no player skill is greater than gear and character power level. By having to create skill builds it forces the player to have to rely on their skill and not gear and character power. Honestly I can't really pick limit skills or access to all skills. Having played two different games, one for each skill method and both well balanced, I see no significant difference between limiting and not limiting the skills.|||Ignoring game mechanics like JasonLa didn't, and ignoring beta stuff *as it cannot be certain if it is still cannon*, I'd have to say it's one of the limitations caused by the Bloodstones.

Alongside only able to use two professions at a time, it could also limit how many spells one can use of said profession(s) at a time.

Personally, to me, the ring thing doesn't make sense. Except in the case of signets - which are, by definition, a seal, such as on a ring. Besides, it is possible to wear more than one ring on a single finger.|||There's no official lore reason. If you want one, it's going to be non cannonical fiction anyway.

For me, I'd say our characters suffer from the same human flaws we do. Just because you know how to handle a sword doesn't mean you're able to work every single technique in every single encounter. The 8 skill limit provides a simulation of that.


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The real reason is PvP ballance and design. If you can go into PvP with access to all your skills there is nothing you can't deal with. So there would be no player skill is greater than gear and character power level.

Almost, but not quite. Yes, it helps make PVP balance easier simply by limiting player options. No, it doesn't force skilful play. Other games which require skill still allow access to all skills simultaneously (as you've pointed out) so that'd be a flawed reason. What it does cause is greater teamplay. Limiting the tools available to one player means he's going to have to call on the tools of his allies more often than if he has all his tools in the shed.|||There's a theory out there that the average person can only have seven unique thoughts running parallel in their mind at any one time. Because we're heroes and thus not the average person, perhaps we can have an eighth unique thought it our heads?

A weak answer but, at this point, any real answer is probably just going to be about game mechanics.|||you cant proof this really with lore, its just as Jasonla said.

But the bloodstones is Plausible|||Quote:

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Almost, but not quite. Yes, it helps make PVP balance easier simply by limiting player options. No, it doesn't force skilful play. Other games which require skill still allow access to all skills simultaneously (as you've pointed out) so that'd be a flawed reason. What it does cause is greater teamplay. Limiting the tools available to one player means he's going to have to call on the tools of his allies more often than if he has all his tools in the shed.

Yes this adds to what I was trying to say. As far as PvE is concerned there is no significant difference. But in my experience team play PvP is more player skill in GW because of the limit vs a game where you have access to all of your skills allowing you to adapt your character on the fly in the battle. However as you point out it is more the class interdependancy that the skill limit is for. One thing in a game where one has access to all skills is what classes you have almost doesn't matter. In other words you don't have to alter the group setup to take on each particular group. So I guess I am equating the need to understand creating builds to deal with situations as greater player skill compared to not needing to know what to use and when. So while both limit skills and access to all skills there is player skill involved it is my opinion that because of the skill limit a significantly greater player skill level is required.|||Quote:

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Personally, to me, the ring thing doesn't make sense. Except in the case of signets - which are, by definition, a seal, such as on a ring. Besides, it is possible to wear more than one ring on a single finger.

Even though it doens't make sense, ArenaNet did have that lore-reasoning behind it. 8 fingers, 8 skills. Pretty much proven by the fact that they were called Skill Rings in the beta event and -what you said - the Signets.

A Bloodstone limitation would rather be the existence of Attribute Points than only being allowed to have said number of skills.

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