Thursday, April 12, 2012

Compendium of Tyrian Paleongraphy, Revisited

[:1]The Compendium of Tyrian Paleography

9th Edition

Eratimus Swiftarrow, GuildWars Paleologist

As our website is not yet ready, the 8th Edition will be submitted again *** a forum thread.

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Compendium of Tyrian Sciences, 8th Edition

New this Edition:

1. Update of previous findings

About the Compendium of Tyrian Paleology

During the beta of Guild Wars in late December of 2004 a few others and I conducted research to uncover the lost languages, runes, glyphs and scripts for GuildWars and the world of Tyria. Today, as the evident interest in the hidden lore of GuildWars has grown, as there are many who desire to delve into the fields of Paleography, Archaeology, Paleo-Anthropology, and History, the Tyrian Academy of Sciences was founded. After some years of inactivity due to real life getting in the way, TOAS had become just about non-existent. It is my desire to re-establish a connection with the community and their desire to explore the world of GuildWars.




The systematic study of past human life and culture by the recovery and examination of remaining material evidence, such as graves, buildings, tools, and pottery.

  • Architecture.</em></u> A vertical groove, especially in a Doric column or frieze.

  • A symbolic figure that is usually engraved or incised.

  • A symbol, such as a stylized figure or arrow on a public sign that imparts information nonverbally

  • 1: writing that resembles hieroglyphics (usually by being illegible)

  • 2: a writing system using picture symbols; used in ancient Crystal Desert



The study of ancient cultures.



The study and scholarly interpretation of earlier, especially ancient, writing and forms of writing.

  • Any of the characters in several alphabets used by ancient&nbsp;Tyrian peoples

  • A similar character in another alphabet, sometimes believed to have magic powers.

  • A poem or incantation of mysterious significance, especially a magic charm.

Updates in Edition

1. Possible Maldune or Stone Summit emblem

2. Addition of Contributors section

3. Established possible connection between the Crystal Desert and the Catacombs

4. Identification of ancient Druid summoning glyph

5. Added Disclaimer Category

6. Added Possible Margonite or Elona banner

7. Expansion into Archaeology and Paleo-Anthropology

8. Mursaat and Enchanted armor connection

9. The Unseen Ones Revealed: Mursaat

10. Addition of Bleached Bone collection

11. Introduction to...Discovering Tyria and Exploration

Discovering Tyrian, An Expedition of Uncovering Tyrian Hidden lore by the Community.

Inspired by the History Channel's, Digging for Truth, we at TAOS introduce had, Discovering Tyria. This is was a community involved project. Each month the community decided on an aspect not yet revealed that they wish researched and discovered. In response we will ran expeditions to discover these answers. Our results were brought back to the community written in the view of the researchers, giving you a personal view of the expeditions we went on.

This activity was discontinued over the years as involvement dropped off.


How was the alphabet translated?

Tyrian Alphabet | Tyrian Rune Map | Translated Map

I won't go over how I translated ad figured out all the runes and glyphs in the research, but will only concentrate on the Tyrian Alphabet itself as these inspired the rest of my work.

The idea of an obscure runic language came to me when Banegrivm, Guild Leader of the 1st Fist of Light posted a �strange map� he had found a screen shot of what had been on a sign on the Tyrian continent, north of the Wall which was the focused area for the first Chapter of the GuildWars story. I took one look at it and realized that indeed for the most part they were Runes. Not any obscurely created runes, but in fact resembled those used in Gothic, Fulthark, and Swedish-Norwegian runic alphabets, as the various runes I saw on the map included a mixture of all three. I did also find that the game developers may indeed have changed a few, perhaps to make them unique.

The first thought that came to me was that they are using real world runes and the letters corresponding to them. At which point I began trying to translate the upper most set of runes which was believed to spell �Tyria�;. In the end of that process after combining a mixture of real life runes and their letters, I came to realize that in fact the runes are NOT using the same letters as used in real life. That in fact, the image of the runes were used, but the developers. designated their own letters to each rune.

With this new insight, and the knowledge of what the locations were representing, I soon was able to translate and document those areas, ending with at least 3 groups translated. Those being Ascalon, Tyria, Kryta. You can say, Well ok, you think you know what an area is representing, then you assumed those runes were letters? Well I backed and continue to prove that the translations were correct because of cross-comparison.; The "y" in Tyria uses the same "y' rune in Kryta. The rune for "a" is used all in the right places for all three of those groupings. This lead to the discovery of the letters A, S, C, L, O, N, T, Y, I, and K. Soon after I was able to decipher the south central set of runes where we see the Shiverpeaks. But, this was a mistake by me, as I originally thought that the first set is Shiver and the second set below is Peaks. This uncovered the letters, P, V, and H. I wondered why the words were separated. It wasn�t until I got a screen shot originally taken and submitted by a community member that I was able to get a clearer written set of runes. The SW area by Linea and Androgial was mentioned to have been either the Ring of Fire or Fire Isle. After some close translating I was finally able translate and find the right runes for Ring of Fire, which revealed the letters G, F, and E.

After some close observations I soon uncovered that my translation of "Shiver Peaks" was wrong. In fact, the first line DID spell out the complete Shiverpeaks, and surprise to me, as again the Alphabet proved itself, I translated _ o_ntns. Hmm, I wondered what that could mean. Then, out of the blue a realization came that hit me like a freight train. OF Course that is what it is, it was "mountns" This spelling does not include the ai when referring to the correct spelling of mountains, but it did give some insight as it revealed the letters M, O, and U.

Soon after I began my translations of the set of runes in the South East. I originally translated the runes to Try_ _a_ Desert. This left me at a standstill as those missing letters I could not see clearly. It was not until �Linitas� mentioned that the first set could even be Crystal, did it hit me that he was right. I had miss translated the first letter as a T and not C. It was found that location was the Crystal Desert. At this time that section of the world wasn�t known about, nor could anyone access it. So the translation of an area using the alphabet unknown to others helped to validate the work. It was not until an later interview did Community Manger Gaile Gray reveal the existence of the Crystal Desert:

"The Crystal Desert is a nexus of powerful mystical energies. For centuries entire cultures have made pilgrimages to the burning sands in search of spiritual atonement. Their bones litter the dunes, a testament to the dangers of this inhospitable environment. The only other evidence of their existence is the hollow, wind-torn buildings of their temporary civilizations."

The one location that had bewildered me for the longest time was that set of runes to the West. Drytchnath and Androgial had mentioned that it could be Majesty's Rest or Maguuma Jungle. It was not until I realized those central two letters of the first set of runes was uu and not a c or v, did it come to me that the first letter of the second group was a J. A letter that had eluded any sort of translating. This revealed it to be Maguuma Jungle and the letters J, and a new rune for M and G.

This completed the entire translation of the Map. It also completed the alphabet, save the translations for B, X, W, Q, and Z. I have come to see that map as a &quot;Rosetta Stone&quot; of sorts for this ancient runic language.

That brings up another point, WHERE did this language come from, is it perhaps from a past fallen Kingdom?

There were a few more sets of rune found that were quite original. The runes found on the road signs were not of this unknown Alphabet. We also located runes on 4 obelisks located in the "Talmark Wilderness" just west of "The Black Curtain" which after some discussion, were soon thought to be a zodiac of some kind. It was originally thought the screen shot was taken in the Maguuma Desert, but I soon confirmed the location to not be that far West, but to be just west of the Temple of Ages.

Tyrian Hieroglyph

We had also located what appear to be hieroglyphs on he walls of the Tomb of Primeval Kings which appear to be Egyptian, but were not able to get clear enough imaging to decipher them. These same hieroglyphs were recently found on the base of a Dragon Statue in the Crystal Desert.

I have also made efforts in the translations of the Primeval King Hieroglyphs found on the walls, on the base of a dragon statue in the Crystal Desert, and various other locations. It has come to me that the alphabet is very similar to the Egyptians, but certain symbols were modified to give variations between them to. I have uncovered some of the alphabet from these inscriptions and was able to partially translate a stone submitted by oGgaming Moderator Eolan, thank you. Right now the translations are jumbled and no words can be found from them, it is still a great start in uncovering the hidden lore of Tyria.

Eqyptian/Tyrian Hieroglyph Alphabet

Eolen's Original

Eolen's Translated:

It still needs some work, and they may not be using the Egyptian translations and just the image, but it is a start.

Runes and Glyph and other Symbols

The Common Runes

The runes have been dubbed &quot;Common&quot; Runes until its creators are discovered.

The Common Rune Alphabet Common Rune Location Comparisons

This rune set has been found in a number of different locations.

1. Banner found among Charr camps depicting what looks like some sort of fierce toothed creature which could refer to Charr, or their leader, or something they worthship. These runes are found along both edges.

2. Banner found near the entrance to the Ascalon Arena gate and in the Nolani Academy which depicts the runes along each side with what looks to be a figure with four wings in the center.

3. Four obelisks in the Talmark Wilderness display a number of these runes. It has been thought that perhaps the obelisks there could be a druid shrine, circle, or belongs to some ancient culture. It is thought that perhaps these obelisks could in fact be Rosetta stones for the alphabet itself, as they include runes that are not on any of the others such as the |69 and a number of others. It has been considered that these obelisks are indeed Druid relics or spires.

Druid Spires

4. There are pillars in the Ruins of Surmia staging area with a women&rsquo;s face at the top and a single row of these runes down the center.

5. The statues in the staging area of the Tomb of Primeval Kings along each side of the entrance that have these runes at their base. Each statue has the same set of runes displayed.

6. These runes have also been found on pennanti seen in Bergen Hot Springs in the Kryta nation now.

7. While thought that it would not be found, these Common runes are ALSO found among the Zhaisen as small pennants. This shows that the Commons runes are not just on the mainland Tyria. Do we see them among the Battle Isle in the Random arena simply due to the close proximity to the mainland? Will we see these runes among the homeland of the Zaishen?

Why do we find the same runes through out different cultures. So far they are being used by the Charr, Kryta, Ascalon, the Orr who are found in the Tombs, and whom ever built the Talmark obelisks.

Could they all be sharing a common ancestor, or writing system for specific needs?

Ultimately, what situation would cause 6 different cultures/civilizations to use the same set of runes for what ever reason they are used?

I have attempted to try and cipher them into an alphabet, but so far no success. There does not seem to be any logical correlation between the use of runes depicting letters. Of course the runes could symbolize images or concepts. But you also find the same runes in separate orientations. All of them but one of the runes change orientation in specific locations.

It has been stated that like real life languages the inhabitants of the Talmark area could have adopted a similar language as the Charr. But, I am not sure if ArenaNet would have gone that far, if in fact they have gone as far as all this actually meaning anything, which we all hope it does. So you must wonder, if they are separate, yet adopted languages, what language does the Talmark belong to? If they are the same language, which points to being Charr, does this mean the Charr once were found in the western lands of Kryta? It has also been suggested that this could be an adopted language of the serpent creatures of legend, later adopted by the Charr and the Talmark inhabitants.

Others suggest that perhaps these runes for to words or ideals rather then being letters.

Another theory lies in the fact that the common runes are found in so many different locations. The theory is also based off of the specific locations. It would seem that the only explanation for such a wide spread use, as well as the use in such ancient and connected locations as Druid spires and the Tomb of Primeval Kings is that in fact the glyph are a symbolization, writing, rune system, glyph or sort of connection with the Deity themselves.

Teleporter Runes

Ascension, Teleporter, and other Crystal Desert Glyph/Runes

It would seem that the transporters used to magically move from one transporter artifact to another have a ring of runes encircled which we believe to be the origin of the magic. It may seem as if they are a full set of runes all around, but in fact are 7 distinctly different runes, reversed at least 4 times as they encircle the portal area. These runes have yet to be seen anywhere else nor do they resemble any others.

Ascension Runes:

There are another set of 5 glyphs found on multiple pillars/towers/obelisks through out the Crystal Desert that give sight of magical properties. Excitingly so, 3 of these glyphs are actually found within the portal area one must travel to prior to your Ascension Mirror Self battle. You must step on the correct sequence of the three glyphs. We have yet to locate any other locations for the remaining 2 glyphs anywhere else but those pullers.

"The Wilds" bonus glyph

Glyph Image

There is a set of three glyphs found on three small stone pillars in the Wilds mission area. Each pillar has these same three glyphs. One depicts what looks like an image of a dragon, perhaps Glint or a Bone Dragon, or some other creature of legend. The origin of the other tree are unknown.

Another idea roots in the process of the Flameseeker Prophecies. While it is a long shot, the dragon glyph could refer to the prophecies seen by Glint, that the chosen are to gain use of the triangle, as it refers to the Eye of Janthir and the cross referring to the ascension these chosen must imitate to later fulfill their destiny in this tale.

Diety Statue Plaques


Yet again we have more runes that are similar yet different from others we found. Plaques found before statues have runes similar to the Orrian, yet none are a match. The other quandary is, they too all are written exactly the same. Whether the &quot;hover text&quot; of Statue of Dwayna or for others are different, each and every plaque are written with the same exact runes in the say exact pattern, saying it says the same thing. Which either this means they all say something, but is something basic like Deity Statue, or the like, or again Arena Net simply did not have an intention to have them mean anything and thus make them all the same.

Ruined Temple of Balthazar Runes and Glyphs


There is found a Glyph depicting what is assumed to be the Eye of Janthir, the same eye one uses to gather the Chosen in the Divinity Coast mission. We also see various other eye symbols referring tot he same symbolism. Although you must note what looks to be&nbsp; four crescent moons with in the primary large eye Glyph. What th reference is, I do not know.

Elemental Glyph

On going research to uncover any runic meanings to the Elemental Glyphs<br />


The Underworld Runes

Glyph and Pillars | Image

Found by a community member, a number of runes can be found on pillars in the Under World. These seem to be a little more complex then other set that are used by a number of different cultures on Tyria.

These pillars also included 3 glyphs. These could simply be enlarged runes that are a part of the other runes or could in fact be a separate usage more like Pictographs. We will have to see if there are anymore of these similar runes around. The glyphs seem to partly resemble an eye or a symbolism similar to it.

Recent findings show this same eye looking glyph can be found on the pillers of a platform in Shaemore by the Janthir Eye location.

Druid Talmark spires

Druid Spires

For the past year the origin of the tree turned to 4 spires in the Talmark Wilderness has baffled me. Many have suggested they originate from the Druids, other an ancient culture. I try not to make anything more then a theory until I have enough evidence to state otherwise. Well, after revisiting and exploring Henge of Denravi, I came upon the huge hollowed out dead tree that acts as a platform and possible old temple. The way it was built reflects a great deal of what was done by the spires in Talmark. As Denravi was inhabited by the druids up to a decade ago it would be logical to state that the tree platform/temple was guilt by these druids. With this knowledge in mind, taking into account the close proximity of the Talmark, the way the spires were built and the close travels of the druids themselves, I have come to the standpoint to identify these spires indeed as old Druid spires. Their use is still under speculation as well as the origin of the runes we find on them and else where in the world.

I see the possible use for the Druid spires as a place of worship and ritual as the roots of the tree/trees expand deep into Tyria making it ideal for close commune with Tyria and Melandru.|||Merchant Guild Glyphs or old Druid runes?


The four glyphs atop each other are found on the top of the merchant/crafting tents in Hendge of Denravi. You also see the symbol to the right that are found on the anvils all over Ascalon and Kryta. This brings an intriguing thought. There are two explanation for this. The glyphs found at Denravi could be old Druid runes that were adopted some how as the druids had occupied Denravi up until a decade ago. Another explanation is that those symbols are Trade guild emblems. In history trade guilds emblemized the craft they made, the objects they used and displayed them so people familiar with them would notice who they were and purchase their crafts. This is similar to a guarantee of quality for those who know the guild. This would make sense as you see them on the merchant tents, and you see the similar emblem I have to the right on the anvils. They would be to symbolize the guild the crafters represent.

Augury Rock Runes


Thanks to Lord Melvin, found within the plateau where those pursuing ascension enter you can find a number of runes on the walls besides and above the different deity. You may notice that there are a few sets of them. Each set near the deity could in some way refer to the deity themselves. The image only shows two deity and the two sets in different order which may refer to specific words or glyph corresponsing to words. You may also notice the same snake or S looking symbol that is also used in Augury rock. Perhaps that symbol actually refers to the Forgotten?

Janthir Runes:


I have identified two sets of runes associated with Janthir with the help of Lord Melvin.

1. Janthir Protection Circle runes can be found as the platform to which the Eye of Janthir can be located in the Divinity Coast mission. It would be logical to assume that since the warder must be cleansed prior to taking control of it that the circle of runes depict an enchantment that required to have been done prior to releasing it to the controller.

2. A part of the Eye of Janthir itself there is a ring of runes that float at the bottom and move along with it as it is transported.

3. Janthir Tablets: Hanging on a stone pillar between the Eye of Janture circle and the Cleansing fountain you can find tablets of janthir. What they are suppose to represent, it is currently unknown.

Unidentified Glyph


1. Found with in Mhenlo's clothing if you were to look &quot;through&quot; him from the back, you can see two strange things. On the left you will see a strange glyph that I have yet to see. On the right you will see the phrase, &quot;Baptiste said that&quot; which refers to the monk henchman.

Ancient Druid Summoning/Resurrection Glyph

There are many mystical magics in the world of Tyria, few that can match the brilliance of the Druids. Once enhabiting the Maguuma, being gone now for decades there is remnance of their commune with nature through out the Jungle. Included among these ancient symbols are the ancient Summoning glyph found with in the Bloodstone Fen and Fort Koga. In the Fen the glyph summons forth the ancestral Druids to aid the chosen in protecting the land. Additionally, this same glyph provides the summoning power needed to bring forth the champions of the land into what is known as Fort Koga.

Found in such locations as Fort Koga and

Profession Runes


Notice that a number of them compare to the Tyrian alphabet in appearance, and some slightly. The runes for Assassin and Ritualist are not included until I am provided with such images.


The Ascalons

The Lost Ascalon Ruins: Desert Revealed

by Eratimus Swiftarrow

The Margonites

no new details

The Mursaat

The Mursaat and Enchanted


At the glance of any eye nothing would strike you as out of place, but if you were to compare the Enchanted armor found in the Crystal Desert, and the armor worn by the Mursaat, you will see that they are nearly exactly the same. It is as if the Mursaat armor has been enchanted by the Forgotten to serve them.

Notice the say brow moon crests, three toes, same feet, armor, and shoulder armor. They also depict the small holes that are common for the Mursaat. Any other connection has yet to be uncovered.

Mursaat Representations


It is generally accepted that the crab like effigy are referring to the Titans. There is another long slender effigy. It is my interpretation that it is in fact the representation of the Mursaat as it almost is an exact front view of one. Although, others are not as convinced. To some it may be an effigy of the Lich. This has been a somewhat controversial discussion. You also see the Mursaat represented on the crest of the White Mantle, and possible statues at a temple in Riverside in Maguuma Jungle.

Wing Crest


Once thought to be the emblem of Ascalon, we see the Wing emblem at many locations. It is still unknown what this banner really represents.

1. Shield of the Wing

2. Banner ouside of Ascalon Arena and Nonali Academy.

3. Banner and Platforms in the HoH.

We see this image everwhere. Its origin still has not bee decided on. Before I reliazed it was the same image in the HoH I had thought it was the crest of Asalon as it has been suggested their anmial is the Griffon. Some had said this is an image of a Lion with Wings, a Griffon, and others a Sphinx. But, the ultimate aspect that needs to be covered is what is its origin and why do we see it everwhere?

Balthazar Banner


I have established witht he help of other community members that whatw as thought to be a Charr head on the banner that is bordered with Common runes is infact Balthazar. We see this same image on pillers in the Nonali Academy mission area, on the base of the fountain in Ascalon, compared with his Mural in Ascalon, you can see how it is him.

Ascalon and Kryta connection:

Ascalon and Kryta: Connected Origins

By Eratimus Swiftarrow

I mage

A Community member recently submited an image taken from Mad King Thom's cape, the undead King of Kryta that was seen during the last Halloween event. It is the SAME Sword and Shield emblem we see on Rurik and Aldeburns cape, on the different Tome such as near the fountain in Ascalon, and on the gate to the Ascalon Academy. What is the connection? Does the emblem truly refer to the Guild all three belong too? Could there be some ancestral connection between Ascalon and Kryta?

Tyrian Heraldry

If we are collecting and translating all these runes and symbols we might as well as document the many nation and racial symbols to have in the archive.

v1.1 Image

Shining Blade: Note the difference between their Flag and Emblem pointed out by Eolen. There seems to be a wave like symbol below the blade of their emblem. Perhaps this resembles waves of a sea or ocean. Perhaps hails to the background of the person? The emblem you see is found on Evennia. Could she in fact originate from Cantha?

White Mantle: **SPOILER++ Noticing the White Mantle emblem is it just me or is it in fact a representation of the Mursaat? It would seem it was there before our eyes who their unseen gods were. We find they are the Mursaat. But who would recognize that the Mantle emblem reflects their connection with the Mursaat. How much control over the Mantle did the Mursaat truly have?

Kryta: The emblem of the Krytans and true seat of Lion's Arch is that of a lion. But, I have not located any images of the true Lion emblem.

We have found that The Mad King Thom, Undead King of Kyrta bears the crest of Ascalon on his back. It is though that he is of the Ascalon royal line, pehraps the first King of Kyrta.

Deldrimor: I have not been able to find what the Deldrimor emblem is. The closest I got was those from the banners used as signs.

Ascalon: The presumed emblem of Ascalon is the Sword and Shield crest we see on the back up Rurik, Ascalon Academy gate, flag in Battle Isle and Tomes. Although as we also see the same image on the cape of the Undead King of Kryta, Mad King Thom, this puts a twist in matters. Is this emblem actually the Guild it is thought that Aldeburn, Rurik and possibly King Thom are a part of? If not, what is the connection ? There has been thought that the Sword and Shield emblem may also refer to the "Ascalon's Chosen" guild. The ruling guild of Ascalon may infact be the Ascalon's Chosen and as both Rurik and Aldeburn both have the crest, both could be members of it.


Orr: The only thing we know about the Orr in regards to their crest or emblems is the maple leaf image we find on &quot;Dacayed Orr Emblems&quot:

Elonian: We see a few banners near signs in zones that could reflect the emblem of either the Elonians or Margonites. Most of what we see are the remnance of them Margonites, this includes the ruined ships we see all over.

Margonite: See Elonian

Zaishen: There are two banners that could be the emblem or crest of the Zaishen. The more prominent blue one is the closest it would seem to what we should see as their crest.

Charr: All we see for the Charr is the image of a growling creature which is presumed to be a Charr, or Charr leader.

Maldune or Stone Summit: Found in the fallen city of Maldune where Markis is found and Spearhead Peak in Stone Summit of the Shiverpeak Mountains, we find this same emblem. Could this crest be of the Stone Summit themselves or perhaps the original inhabitants of Maldune? We have find that this emblem is also found with in the camps of the Stone Summit. Our conclusion is that infact the emblem is of the Stone Summit guild.

Unknown: We have found an unknown crest in the Maguuma Jungle. Research is under way to determine if this is perhaps th emblem of the Druids, Centaur, or perhaps other inhabitants.


There are a number of artifact around the world that it is our hopes that we can find explanations for which ever we can.

The Tomes


We find many different tomes describing histories, ancient powers, and other lore of Tyria. All seem to be emblemized with the crest of Ascalon. What is it about all the Tome that share this common emblem?

Tome of Rubicon: Sorow's Furnace: The Tome of Rubicon is an ancient Dwarven artifact that is buried deep within Sorrow's Furnace. The Tome holds the true name of the Great Destroyer. Ages ago, the Great Dwarf hid the true name of the Great Destroyer in this Tome so that it may never be spoken, as such, no one would know about the true identity of the Great Destroyer.

In the quest Unspeakable, Unknowable, the Stone Summit seek to unearth this Tome and learn the true name of the Great Destroyer to use it for their nefarious purposes. High Priest Alkar enlists the aid of players in stopping them and burrying the Tome deep within the ruins of the Stone Jasilica.

Tome of the Forgotten: Ruins of Surmia: The Tome of the Fallen is a sacred tome that was placed in an ancient burial site for the soldiers who died defending the Great Northern Wall. In the Nolani Academy mission, players discover that Watchman Pramas removed it from its place following the commands of his superior. The bonus objective of that mission is to return the tome to its resting place, the Tome Pedestal, and help the Spirits of the Fallen roaming the burial site find peace.

Tome of ?:King's Watch: Historic text displayed on image:

Tome of ?:Gates of Kryta: No Info

Ancient Weapons


As told by the Elonian, Yannel Brunn;

Long ago, my people lived in a city near here. We came to Ascend and succumbed to our own petty squabbles. We fought day and night, brother againts brother, until one of our number created weapons that would lay low the mightiest warriors and shake the very earth. Such was their power that they brought our great city down, and my people have become nothing more then a memory.

As spoken by another Elonian, there was an "event" that destroyed the Elonian civilization to which we owe the explanation to this Ancient Weapon. The key to finding the weapon is first to find the city that it was used in. After exploraton of the Arid Sea, the city was indeed found, and deep with in it with groups of Enchanted around, the object was found. The relic appears very much like that of the Holy Relic. It is beyond our currently knowledge as to what future or current use it may have.

The Ancient Weapon has been compared to the Holy Relic found in Ascalon, as it is very similar. Although, no current official connections have been established.

Bleached Bones


As evidence of the harshness of the searing Crystal Desert those who have succumbed to it can be found throughout the sands. The heat being so severe that the very bones are bleached white. Among a number of these artifacts of those desire ascension, a story is told, one that until now may not been attempted to understand who these people were.

Note 2: He refers to evidence of others before him and spoke of the Elonian. He is either talking about hoping it is his own people were here before he arrived, perhaps someone who arrived late, or it could be one of the peoples who followed after the fall of the Elonian. He refers to the ghostly night, as we know to be Ossa as if he does not know who he is. If he was Elonian, I suspect he would know who his leader was, even if this was after Ossa's death, and before the Elonians fell.

Note 4: Seems to refer to an Elonian women who either was very young with Ossa died or was not born yet. But, I am certain she is an Elonian who may had been born in the desert, or came on a boat later after Ossa's fall.

Bones 1: This seems to a skeleton wearing the common armor of the Elonian, which who in fact may be another Elonian who died in the desert. He either died from an attack from an Enchanted Bowman or infighting with his fellow Elonian or other humans who were here at the same time.

Statues around Tyria


Through out Tyria are a number of statues representing gods and different races.

Other Research:

The Henchman Banner


As we see everyone there is a banner representing the frou symbols of the original four henchman. This is why we only ever see four as the first four henchmen were a Figher, Healer, Mage, and Ranger. The banner does not change later to represent the additional Mesmer and Necro henchmen.

Tyrian Murals


We find a number of murals thorugh out Tyria, most reflecting the gods or legendary beings.

To this point we find Murals of The Forgotten, Grenth, Balthazar, Lyssa, Melandru, and Dwayna.


Through out the time I have been researching the runes, glyph, banners, writings, and other aspects that is hidden behind the lore that is GuildWars many have contributed images and information that has aided in revealing a great deal. I had originally thought to display all the names of everyone who aided us, but to be honest, the lis numerious, and I did not want to miss anyones name, as you all have helped a great deal. So, this is thanks to everyone who has helped us in any way!


The contributors and researchers of this project and any related aspect of it fully accept the possibility that nothing we have identified and figure out may have previously been intended by the developers and writers at Arena Net. While many aspects may not have been intended, we still attempt to uncover connecting and hidden lore that may be found within GuildWars.

All aspects of this research are purely interpretation of the lore and world of GuildWars and are the opinions of the individuals who present them.

If anyone locates anything regarding runes/glyphs that do not appear here, please email me at eratimus@gmail.comail]l]|||Welcome back, Eratimus, for however long you intend to stay.

I would like to point out, that there is a lot of editing needed.

For starters, we have the "Orrian Alphabet" as a whole and it is letter for letter of the English alphabet. And it is called the "Ascalonian" alphabet, not Orrian (or Tyrian as it is currently called in the official wiki version). Ascalonian Alphabet

Secondly, we have found all translatable languages, as stated by Matthew Medina, and we have translated all but the Asuran Alphabet. So, except for that one, all that is left is to categorize the runes. Meaning, the Forgotten letters are untranslatable. If I remember correctly, only the Ascalonian, Canthan, and Asuran alphabets are translatable.

It also seems you have doubled things from "Druid Talmark spires" to "Unidentified Glyph."

But in short of what I mean to say is that this compendium needs to start from scratch, only leaving the basics to remain.|||Some notes on this to add on to the last post:

The "Talmark runes" (what I prefer to call the "druid spires") and the "Common Runes" are actually called "Old Krytan" - they may be translatable now, but they don't translate into letters but rather are along the lines of syllabaries it would seem. The runes are also used for a language in GW2 known as "new Krytan" which are letter for letter translated into the English language like Old Ascalonian is (current translation of New Krytan - Old Ascalonian).

Old Krytan seems to be the runes that are all over the place in Tyria - when Prophecies was made, they were not translatable, so were probably used as decoration.

We also have knowledge on the charr language - or rather, lack of:

"They do not have a written language of their own, but they do use a limited series of ideograms, as seen on the Charr Battle Plan Decoder wheel. Each ideogram represents a quality or an entity that the Charr admire or respect, such as strength, courage, victory, honor, etc. Charr ideograms were not widely embraced, in part as a reflection of the Shaman caste's draconian rule, until Pyre Fierceshot led the revolt against them."

This was added by Matthew Medina, the language expert of Anet (and maker of the Old Ascalonian, Old Canthan, and Asuran alphabets).

Six known charr ideograms:

The asura language is, as said above, translatable. Here's an image of two banners we have:

There is a thread going on over 3 forums (GWO, Guru1, and Guru2) to translate it, but no solid luck yet due to the lack of examples.

Also, the snake/dragon emblem shown in this image ( marked under Deldrimor is actually of the Stone Summit: A flag with that emblem can be found in a Stone Summit camp in Eye of the North.|||Out of pure curiosity, I asked Matthew Medina about some of the "non-translatable" runes in Prophecies, specifically on the "Ascension runes" the "Janthir runes" and the runes on the plaque to the gods.

Here's his response:


:I don't have information on all of the symbols and runes that you've linked to, but I will do my best to explain the ones I am aware of. The three Ascension glyphs (along the with others in that "style") are just ancient pictographs of the three areas you need to unlock to gain access to Augury Rock (Elona Reach, Thirsty River and Dunes of Despair). It would be safe to assume that the same forces who created Augury Rock/The Hall of Ascension created the "key" for unlocking it and the symbols that go with it. For the Eye of Janthir, some of those are just magical symbols with no lore attached, but the "flowing" runes etched into the protection glyph are of Mursaat origin. The last image of the plaque on the deity statues, I'm sorry to say, is just really, REALLY old art that somehow survived from the Beta days, which makes it somewhat interesting in its own right. :-) --[[User:Matthew Medina|Matthew Medina]] 18:08, 13 September 2010 (UTC)

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