Thursday, April 12, 2012

On the topic of Magic.

[:1]Often I have thought about magic in tyria. Questions like: What is magic in the world of Tyria? Or: do all the casters share the same source of magic? Have for me remained unanswered. So I thought I'd share it with you guys, and see what you think.

Some other things I was wondering:

The mesmers draw their powers from ether. Do elementalists do the same, but only use it differently?

And, can everyone become a caster? In other words, can you train to become an elementalist, or do you have to be born with the ability to become one?

Seeing the research journals in the flight north of the BMP, ( we know that mesmers use ether as their source of magic. Ether, or aether, was long thought to be a substance which filled every space, and was the medium of light and electromagnetic radiation.The ancient greeks thought ether was a stuff that filled the heavens, and in which the gods lived. Much later, in Esoteric Christian teachings, ether is also a stuff which permeates through everything. There are 4 types of ether in these teachings, 2 of which are

the "Light Ether": the positive pole is related to forces which generate blood heat in the higher species of animal and in the human being and the negative is related to the forces which operate through the senses (passive functions of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling);

the "Reflective Ether": the medium through which thought makes an impression upon the human brain and this ether contains pictures which work as reflexions of the Memory of Nature found at the World of Thought.


This is exactly what the magic of the mesmers is. They bent the ether, and with it, bend the minds of creatures around them. My guess is that ether is also the medium through which all the other magic of tyria works, but I would like to hear what you guys think.

On the topic if everybody can become a caster, I think the answer is yes. Especially in the Cantha starting area, the profession trainers talk about how you "chose" the right path to become a Mesmer/Ele/Rit etc. But that raises the question why so little common folk (villagers etc) use magic in their everyday life. I have never encountered a village witch for instance. Also, wouldn't working your land be much easier with just one word, or milk the cows just by looking at them?

Im looking forward to see what you think of this, and what your findings are on the topic of Magic in the world of Tyria.|||I like your question concerning why NPCs do not really use magic (I'd like to know too ); I also now want to see a Memser milk a cow.|||I've thought similarly myself, except that I joined the Mists and ether together, as being one instead of separate, as they would seem to be implied through the research journals. The description of the Mists, for the most part, fits the typical description of ether, in my mind, as both are all-pervasive mediums.


Before there were humans or dwarves, before there were even worlds or the stars that light the night sky, there was but one thing in the universe�the Mists. The Mists touch all things. They are what binds the universe together, past, present, and future. They are the source of all good and evil, of all matter and knowledge. It is said that all forms of life, no matter how simple or complex, can trace their origins back to this one place.|||Can you train to become an atomic physicist, or do you have to be born with the ability? Why do the common people use so little atomic physics? I have never seen a village atomic physicist.

Of course you have to be born with some ability to handle the math and physics involved. And then you have to train for many years. The same could be said of most any non-magical profession more complex than digging ditches. I see no reason why magical professions should be any different. You need a combination of innate talent and extensive training.

Think of it as playing the piano, which can be done at many levels. Any kid can learn to bang out Chopsticks, barring physical or mental handicap. Some people with a few lessons can play well enough to entertain their friends or play for their village church. And an exceptional few with a lot of talent can learn to become professional concert pianists.

We do see some magic operating at the village level. In Pre Searing, for example, you can go visit the merchant camp in Green Hills County and see them use simple self-healing spells when the stone elementals beat on them. Elder Jonah in Ronjok is a village monk/necromancer, apparently. There are street entertainers in Kaineng City using magic in their acts. I suspect there is at least a little magical knowledge used by village herbalists, such as Sara (Gwen's mother) or the herbalist in Yohlon Haven.|||Quote:

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I've thought similarly myself, except that I joined the Mists and ether together, as being one instead of separate, as they would seem to be implied through the research journals. The description of the Mists, for the most part, fits the typical description of ether, in my mind, as both are all-pervasive mediums.

I havent looked much into the mistst lore, is it a seperate place, or more like seperate plane of excistance? If it is the latter, the mists most probably is the same as ether (or a focus site of ether), and magic originates from there.


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Can you train to become an atomic physicist, or do you have to be born with the ability? Why do the common people use so little atomic physics? I have never seen a village atomic physicist.

This made me laugh.

But I guess if you look at it that way, you are right. I was thinking more of magic being simple words. Like some sort of language. That saying "Lolwutwtf" lights people on fire or something. But if you look at magic being a form of training and really an art, you are probably right.|||Quote:

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I havent looked much into the mistst lore, is it a seperate place, or more like seperate plane of excistance? If it is the latter, the mists most probably is the same as ether (or a focus site of ether), and magic originates from there.

It's not very clear on what exactly the Mists are. However, given the description I quoted, I've generally considered it to be space itself. Both in the sense of the open, empty area between objects and outer space itself, which planets and stars and etc. only occupy a bit of.

In that sense, it's neither a separate place nor a separate plane of existence, it merely is.|||You may be interested in the recent interview with Jeff Grubb by GuildMag, particularly:


The Mists are the building blocks of reality, the proto-reality that exists between the worlds. It is where we find afterlifes and the homes of the various gods and other powerful entities. The Mists also resonate from the worlds around them, such that they form bits of their own reality – islands of existence that reflect the histories of their worlds.

Not much new, but... more recent at least.|||Interesting really. Reminds me a bit of the spirit world in the movie 'Spirited Away'. Just and endless misty sea with occasional islands which resemble the real word, or not.

Oh, and I liked your article about spirits in the guildmag konig. :)

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